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Control energy scaling in temporal networks

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 Added by Aming Li
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In practical terms, controlling a network requires manipulating a large number of nodes with a comparatively small number of external inputs, a process that is facilitated by paths that broadcast the influence of the (directly-controlled) driver nodes to the rest of the network. Recent work has shown that surprisingly, temporal networks can enjoy tremendous control advantages over their static counterparts despite the fact that in temporal networks such paths are seldom instantaneously available. To understand the underlying reasons, here we systematically analyze the scaling behavior of a key control cost for temporal networks--the control energy. We show that the energy costs of controlling temporal networks are determined solely by the spectral properties of an effective Gramian matrix, analogous to the static network case. Surprisingly, we find that this scaling is largely dictated by the first and the last network snapshot in the temporal sequence, independent of the number of intervening snapshots, the initial and final states, and the number of driver nodes. Our results uncover the intrinsic laws governing why and when temporal networks save considerable control energy over their static counterparts.

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We study the dynamics of two neuronal populations weakly and mutually coupled in a multiplexed ring configuration. We simulate the neuronal activity with the stochastic FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) model. The two neuronal populations perceive different levels of noise: one population exhibits spiking activity induced by supra-threshold noise (layer 1), while the other population is silent in the absence of inter-layer coupling because its own level of noise is sub-threshold (layer 2). We find that, for appropriate levels of noise in layer 1, weak inter-layer coupling can induce coherence resonance (CR), anti-coherence resonance (ACR) and inverse stochastic resonance (ISR) in layer 2. We also find that a small number of randomly distributed inter-layer links are sufficient to induce these phenomena in layer 2. Our results hold for small and large neuronal populations.
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We investigate the influence of time-delayed coupling in a ring network of non-locally coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators upon chimera states, i.e., space-time patterns with coexisting partially coherent and partially incoherent domains. We focus on amplitude chimeras which exhibit incoherent behavior with respect to the amplitude rather than the phase and are transient patterns, and show that their lifetime can be significantly enhanced by coupling delay. To characterize their transition to phase-lag synchronization (coherent traveling waves) and other coherent structures, we generalize the Kuramoto order parameter. Contrasting the results for instantaneous coupling with those for constant coupling delay, for time-varying delay, and for distributed-delay coupling, we demonstrate that the lifetime of amplitude chimera states and related partially incoherent states can be controlled, i.e., deliberately reduced or increased, depending upon the type of coupling delay.
In-phase synchronization is a special case of synchronous behavior when coupled oscillators have the same phases for any time moments. Such behavior appears naturally for nearly identical coupled limit-cycle oscillators when the coupling strength is greatly above the synchronization threshold. We investigate the general class of nearly identical complex oscillators connected into network in a context of a phase reduction approach. By treating each oscillator as a black-box possessing a single-input single-output, we provide a practical and simply realizable control algorithm to attain the in-phase synchrony of the network. For a general diffusive-type coupling law and any value of a coupling strength (even greatly below the synchronization threshold) the delayed feedback control with a specially adjusted time-delays can provide in-phase synchronization. Such adjustment of the delay times performed in an automatic fashion by the use of an adaptive version of the delayed feedback algorithm when time-delays become time-dependent slowly varying control parameters. Analytical results show that there are many arrangements of the time-delays for the in-phase synchronization, therefore we supplement the algorithm by an additional requirement to choose appropriate set of the time-delays, which minimize power of a control force. Performed numerical validations of the predictions highlights the usefulness of our approach.
282 - Yu Qian , Xiaodong Huang , Gang Hu 2010
Small-world networks describe many important practical systems among which neural networks consisting of excitable nodes are the most typical ones. In this paper we study self-sustained oscillations of target waves in excitable small-world networks. A novel dominant phase-advanced driving (DPAD) method, which is generally applicable for analyzing all oscillatory complex networks consisting of nonoscillatory nodes, is proposed to reveal the self-organized structures supporting this type of oscillations. The DPAD method explicitly explores the oscillation sources and wave propagation paths of the systems, which are otherwise deeply hidden in the complicated patterns of randomly distributed target groups. Based on the understanding of the self-organized structure, the oscillatory patterns can be controlled with extremely high efficiency.
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