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Atmospheric stellar parameters for large surveys using FASMA, a new spectral synthesis package

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 Added by Maria Tsantaki
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In the era of vast spectroscopic surveys focusing on Galactic stellar populations, astronomers want to exploit the large quantity and good quality of data to derive their atmospheric parameters without losing precision from automatic procedures. In this work, we developed a new spectral package, FASMA, to estimate the stellar atmospheric parameters (namely effective temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity) in a fast and robust way. This method is suitable for spectra of FGK-type stars in medium and high resolution. The spectroscopic analysis is based on the spectral synthesis technique using the radiative transfer code, MOOG. The line list is comprised of mainly iron lines in the optical spectrum. The atomic data are calibrated after the Sun and Arcturus. We use two comparison samples to test our method, i) a sample of 451 FGK-type dwarfs from the high resolution HARPS spectrograph, and ii) the Gaia-ESO benchmark stars using both high and medium resolution spectra. We explore biases in our method from the analysis of synthetic spectra covering the parameter space of our interest. We show that our spectral package is able to provide reliable results for a wide range of stellar parameters, different rotational velocities, different instrumental resolutions, and for different spectral regions of the VLT-GIRAFFE spectrographs, used among others for the Gaia-ESO survey. FASMA estimates stellar parameters in less than 15 min for high resolution and 3 min for medium resolution spectra. The complete package is publicly available to the community.

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Context: Thanks to the importance that the star-planet relation has to our understanding of the planet formation process, the precise determination of stellar parameters for the ever increasing number of discovered extrasolar planets is of great relevance. Furthermore, precise stellar parameters are needed to fully characterize the planet properties. It is thus important to continue the efforts to determine, in the most uniform way possible, the parameters for stars with planets as new discoveries are announced. Aims: In this paper we present new precise atmospheric parameters for a sample of 50 stars with planets. The results are presented in the catalogue: SWEET-Cat. Methods: Stellar atmospheric parameters and masses for the 50 stars were derived assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and using high-resolution and high signal-to-noise spectra. The methodology used is based on the measurement of equivalent widths with ARES2 for a list of iron lines. The line abundances were derived using MOOG. We then used the curve of growth analysis to determine the parameters. We implemented a new minimization procedure which significantly improves the computational time. Results: The stellar parameters for the 50 stars are presented and compared with previously determined literature values. For SWEET-Cat, we compile values for the effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, and stellar mass for almost all the planet host stars listed in the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia. This data will be updated on a continuous basis. The data can be used for statistical studies of the star-planet correlation, and for the derivation of consistent properties for known planets.
The X-shooter Spectral Library (XSL) is an empirical stellar library at medium spectral resolution covering the wavelength range from 3000 AA to 24 800 AA. This library aims to provide a benchmark for stellar population studies. In this work, we present a uniform set of stellar atmospheric parameters, effective temperatures, surface gravities, and iron abundances for 754 spectra of 616 XSL stars. We used the full-spectrum fitting package ULySS with the empirical MILES library as reference to fit the ultraviolet-blue (UVB) and visible (VIS) spectra. We tested the internal consistency and we compared our results with compilations from the literature. The stars cover a range of effective temperature 2900 < Teff < 38 000 K, surface gravity 0 < log g < 5.7, and iron abundance -2.5 < [Fe/H] < +1.0, with a couple of stars extending down to [Fe/H] = -3.9. The precisions of the measurements for the G- and K-type stars are 0.9%, 0.14, and 0.06 in Teff, log g, and [Fe/H], respectively. For the cool giants with log g < 1, the precisions are 2.1%, 0.21, and 0.22, and for the other cool stars these values are 1%, 0.14, and 0.10. For the hotter stars (Teff > 6500 K), these values are 2.6%, 0.20, and 0.10 for the three parameters.
Theoretical stellar spectra rely on model stellar atmospheres computed based on our understanding of the physical laws at play in the stellar interiors. These models, coupled with atomic and molecular line databases, are used to generate theoretical stellar spectral libraries (SSLs) comprising of stellar spectra over a regular grid of atmospheric parameters (temperature, surface gravity, abundances) at any desired resolution. Another class of SSLs is referred to as empirical spectral libraries; these contain observed spectra at limited resolution. SSLs play an essential role in deriving the properties of stars and stellar populations. Both theoretical and empirical libraries suffer from limited coverage over the parameter space. This limitation is overcome to some extent by generating spectra for specific sets of atmospheric parameters by interpolating within the grid of available parameter space. In this work, we present a method for spectral interpolation in the optical region using machine learning algorithms that are generic, easily adaptable for any SSL without much change in the model parameters, and computationally inexpensive. We use two machine learning techniques, Random Forest (RF) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and train the models on the MILES library. We apply the trained models to spectra from the CFLIB for testing and show that the performance of the two models is comparable. We show that both the models achieve better accuracy than the existing methods of polynomial based interpolation and the Gaussian radial basis function (RBF) interpolation.
The increasing number of spectra gathered by spectroscopic sky surveys and transiting exoplanet follow-up has pushed the community to develop automated tools for atmospheric stellar parameters determination. Here we present a novel approach that allows the measurement of temperature ($T_{rm eff}$), metallicity ($[{rm Fe}/{rm H}]$) and gravity ($log g$) within a few seconds and in a completely automated fashion. Rather than performing comparisons with spectral libraries, our technique is based on the determination of several cross-correlation functions (CCFs) obtained by including spectral features with different sensitivity to the photospheric parameters. We use literature stellar parameters of high signal-to-noise ($textrm{SNR}$), high-resolution HARPS spectra of FGK Main Sequence stars to calibrate $T_{rm eff}$, $[{rm Fe}/{rm H}]$ and $log g$ as a function of CCFs parameters. Our technique is validated using low $textrm{SNR}$ spectra obtained with the same instrument. For FGK stars we achieve a precision of $sigma_{T_{rm eff}} = 50$ K, $sigma_{log g} = 0.09~ textrm{dex}$ and $sigma_{textrm{Fe}/textrm{H}]} =0.035~ textrm{dex}$ at $textrm{SNR}=50 $, while the precision for observation with $textrm{SNR} gtrsim 100$ and the overall accuracy are constrained by the literature values used to calibrate the CCFs. Our approach can be easily extended to other instruments with similar spectral range and resolution, or to other spectral range and stars other than FGK dwarfs if a large sample of reference stars is available for the calibration. Additionally, we provide the mathematical formulation to convert synthetic equivalent widths to CCF parameters as an alternative to direct calibration. We have made our tool publicly available.
214 - G. Hobbs , F. Jenet , K. J. Lee 2009
Analysis of pulsar timing data-sets may provide the first direct detection of gravitational waves. This paper, the third in a series describing the mathematical framework implemented into the tempo2 pulsar timing package, reports on using tempo2 to simulate the timing residuals induced by gravitational waves. The tempo2 simulations can be used to provide upper bounds on the amplitude of an isotropic, stochastic, gravitational wave background in our Galaxy and to determine the sensitivity of a given pulsar timing experiment to individual, supermassive, binary black hole systems.
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