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Atmospheric Stellar Parameters from Cross-Correlation Functions

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 Added by Luca Malavolta
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The increasing number of spectra gathered by spectroscopic sky surveys and transiting exoplanet follow-up has pushed the community to develop automated tools for atmospheric stellar parameters determination. Here we present a novel approach that allows the measurement of temperature ($T_{rm eff}$), metallicity ($[{rm Fe}/{rm H}]$) and gravity ($log g$) within a few seconds and in a completely automated fashion. Rather than performing comparisons with spectral libraries, our technique is based on the determination of several cross-correlation functions (CCFs) obtained by including spectral features with different sensitivity to the photospheric parameters. We use literature stellar parameters of high signal-to-noise ($textrm{SNR}$), high-resolution HARPS spectra of FGK Main Sequence stars to calibrate $T_{rm eff}$, $[{rm Fe}/{rm H}]$ and $log g$ as a function of CCFs parameters. Our technique is validated using low $textrm{SNR}$ spectra obtained with the same instrument. For FGK stars we achieve a precision of $sigma_{T_{rm eff}} = 50$ K, $sigma_{log g} = 0.09~ textrm{dex}$ and $sigma_{textrm{Fe}/textrm{H}]} =0.035~ textrm{dex}$ at $textrm{SNR}=50 $, while the precision for observation with $textrm{SNR} gtrsim 100$ and the overall accuracy are constrained by the literature values used to calibrate the CCFs. Our approach can be easily extended to other instruments with similar spectral range and resolution, or to other spectral range and stars other than FGK dwarfs if a large sample of reference stars is available for the calibration. Additionally, we provide the mathematical formulation to convert synthetic equivalent widths to CCF parameters as an alternative to direct calibration. We have made our tool publicly available.

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Bisectors of the HARPS cross-correlation function (CCF) can discern between planetary radial-velocity (RV) signals and spurious RV signals from stellar magnetic activity variations. However, little is known about the effects of the stellar atmosphere on CCF bisectors or how these effects vary with spectral type and luminosity class. Here we investigate the variations in the shapes of HARPS CCF bisectors across the HR diagram in order to relate these to the basic stellar parameters, surface gravity and temperature. We use archive spectra of 67 well studied stars observed with HARPS and extract mean CCF bisectors. We derive previously defined bisector measures (BIS, v_bot, c_b) and we define and derive a new measure called the CCF Bisector Span (CBS) from the minimum radius of curvature on direct fits to the CCF bisector. We show that the bisector measures correlate differently, and non-linearly with log g and T_eff. The resulting correlations allow for the estimation of log g and T_eff from the bisector measures. We compare our results with 3D stellar atmosphere models and show that we can reproduce the shape of the CCF bisector for the Sun.
The detailed chemical composition of stars is important in many astrophysical fields, among which the characterisation of exoplanetary systems. Previous studies seem to indicate an anomalous chemical pattern of the youngest stellar population in the solar vicinity with a sub-solar metal content. This can influence various observational relations linking the properties of exoplanets to the characteristics of the host stars, for example the giant planet-metallicity relation. In this framework, we aim to expand our knowledge of the chemical composition of intermediate-age stars and understand whether these peculiarities are real or related to spectroscopic analysis techniques. We analysed high-resolution optical and near-infrared GIARPS spectra of intermediate-age stars (< 700Myr). To overcome issues related to the young ages of the stars, we applied a new spectroscopic method that uses titanium lines to derive the atmospheric parameters, in particular surface gravities and microturbulence velocity parameter. We also derived abundances of 14 different atomic species. The lack of systematic trends between elemental abundances and effective temperatures validates our method. However, we observed that the coolest (<5400 K) stars in the sample, display higher abundances for the Cr II, and for high-excitation potential C I lines. We found a positive correlation between the higher abundances measured of C I and Cr II and the activity index logR$_{HK}$. Instead, we found no correlations between the C abundances obtained from CH molecular band at 4300AA, and both effective temperatures and activity. Thus, we suggest that these are better estimates for C abundances in young and cool stars. Finally, we found an indication of an increasing abundance ratio [X/H] with the condensation temperature for HD167389, indicating possible episodes of planet engulfment.
The X-shooter Spectral Library (XSL) is an empirical stellar library at medium spectral resolution covering the wavelength range from 3000 AA to 24 800 AA. This library aims to provide a benchmark for stellar population studies. In this work, we present a uniform set of stellar atmospheric parameters, effective temperatures, surface gravities, and iron abundances for 754 spectra of 616 XSL stars. We used the full-spectrum fitting package ULySS with the empirical MILES library as reference to fit the ultraviolet-blue (UVB) and visible (VIS) spectra. We tested the internal consistency and we compared our results with compilations from the literature. The stars cover a range of effective temperature 2900 < Teff < 38 000 K, surface gravity 0 < log g < 5.7, and iron abundance -2.5 < [Fe/H] < +1.0, with a couple of stars extending down to [Fe/H] = -3.9. The precisions of the measurements for the G- and K-type stars are 0.9%, 0.14, and 0.06 in Teff, log g, and [Fe/H], respectively. For the cool giants with log g < 1, the precisions are 2.1%, 0.21, and 0.22, and for the other cool stars these values are 1%, 0.14, and 0.10. For the hotter stars (Teff > 6500 K), these values are 2.6%, 0.20, and 0.10 for the three parameters.
260 - Luca Malavolta 2013
We report new metallicities for stars of Galactic globular cluster M4 using the largest number of stars ever observed at high spectral resolution in any cluster. We analyzed 7250 spectra for 2771 cluster stars gathered with the VLT FLAMES+GIRAFFE spectrograph at VLT. These medium resolution spectra cover by a small wavelength range, and often have very low signal-to-noise ratios. We attacked this dataset by reconsidering the whole method of abundance analysis of large stellar samples from beginning to end. We developed a new algorithm that automatically determines the atmospheric parameters of a star. Nearly all data preparation steps for spectroscopic analyses are processed on the syntheses, not the observed spectra. For 322 Red Giant Branch stars with $V leq 14.7$ we obtain a nearly constant metallicity, $<[{rm Fe}/{rm H}]> = -1.07$ ($sigma$ = 0.02). No difference in the metallicity at the level of $0.01 ~textrm{dex}$ is observed between the two RGB sequences identified by cite{Monelli:2013us}. For 1869 Subgiant and Main Sequence Stars $V > 14.7$ we obtain $<[{rm Fe}/{rm H}]> = -1.16$ ($sigma$ = 0.09) after fixing the microturbulent velocity. These values are consistent with previous studies that have performed detailed analyses of brighter RGB stars at higher spectroscopic resolution and wavelength coverage. It is not clear if the small mean metallicity difference between brighter and fainter M4 members is real or is the result of the low signal-to-noise characteristics of the fainter stars. The strength of our approach is shown by recovering a metallicity close to a single value for more than two thousand stars, using a dataset that is non-optimal for atmospheric analyses. This technique is particularly suitable for noisy data taken in difficult observing conditions.
The study of young Sun-like stars is of fundamental importance to understand the magnetic activity and rotational evolution of the Sun. Space-borne photometry by the Kepler telescope provides unprecedented datasets to investigate these phenomena in Sun-like stars. We present a new analysis of the entire Kepler photometric time series of the moderately young Sun-like star Kepler-17 that is accompanied by a transiting hot Jupiter. We applied a maximum-entropy spot model to the long-cadence out-of-transit photometry of the target to derive maps of the starspot filling factor versus the longitude and the time. These maps are compared to the spots occulted during transits to validate our reconstruction and derive information on the latitudes of the starspots. We find two main active longitudes on the photosphere of Kepler-17, one of which has a lifetime of at least $sim 1400$ days, although with a varying level of activity. The latitudinal differential rotation is of solar type, that is, with the equator rotating faster than the poles. We estimate a minimum relative amplitude $Delta Omega/ Omega$ between $sim 0.08 pm 0.05$ and $0.14 pm 0.05$, our determination being affected by the finite lifetime of individual starspots and depending on the adopted spot model parameters. We find marginal evidence of a short-term intermittent activity cycle of $sim 48$ days and an indication of a longer cycle of $400-600$ days characterized by an equatorward migration of the mean latitude of the spots as in the Sun. The rotation of Kepler-17 is likely to be significantly affected by the tides raised by its massive close-by planet. We confirm the reliability of maximum-entropy spot models to map starspots in young active stars and characterize the activity and differential rotation of this young Sun-like planetary host.
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