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We observe a spontaneous parity breaking bifurcation to a ferromagnetic state in a spatially trapped exciton-polariton condensate. At a critical bifurcation density under nonresonant excitation, the whole condensate spontaneously magnetizes and randomly adopts one of two elliptically polarized (up to 95% circularly-polarized) states with opposite handedness of polarization. The magnetized condensate remains stable for many seconds at 5 K, but at higher temperatures it can flip from one magnetic orientation to another. We optically address these states and demonstrate the inversion of the magnetic state by resonantly injecting 100-fold weaker pulses of opposite spin. Theoretically, these phenomena can be well described as spontaneous symmetry breaking of the spin degree of freedom induced by different loss rates of the linear polarizations.
We theoretically explore nonresonantly pumped polaritonic graphene, a system consisting of a honeycomb lattice of micropillars in the regime of strong light-matter coupling. We demonstrate that, depending on the parameters of the structure, such as intensity of the pump and coupling strength between the pillars, the system shows rich variety of macroscopic ordering, including analogs of ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and resonant valence bond phases. Transitions between these phases are associated with dramatic reshaping of the spectrum of the system connected with spontaneous appearance of topological order.
We demonstrate that multiply-coupled spinor polariton condensates can be optically tuned through a sequence of spin-ordered phases by changing the coupling strength between nearest neighbors. For closed 4-condensate chains these phases span from ferromagnetic (FM) to antiferromagnetic (AFM), separated by an unexpected crossover phase. This crossover phase is composed of alternating FM-AFM bonds. For larger 8 condensate chains, we show the critical role of spatial inhomogeneities and demonstrate a scheme to overcome them and prepare any desired spin state. Our observations thus demonstrate a fully controllable non-equilibrium spin lattice.
We generalize the spin Meissner effect for exciton-polariton condensate confined in annular geometries to the case of non-trivial topology of the condensate wavefunction. In contrast to the conventional spin Meissner state, topological spin Meissner states can in principle be observed at arbitrary high magnetic field not limited by the critical magnetic field value for the condensate in a simply-connected geometry. One special example of the topological Meissner states are half-vortices. We show that in the absence of magnetic field half-vortices in a ring exist in a form of superposition of elementary half-vortex states which resolves recent experimental results where such puzzling superposition was observed. Furthermore, we show that if a pure half-vortex state is to be observed, a non-zero magnetic field of a specific magnitude needs to be applied. Studying exciton-polariton in a ring in presence of TE-TM splitting, we observe spin Meissner states which break rotational symmetry of the system by developing inhomogeneous density distributions. We classify various states arising in presence of non-zero TE-TM splitting based on what states they can be continued from by increasing the TE-TM splitting parameter from zero. With further increasing TE-TM splitting, states with broken symmetry may transform into stable half-dark solitons and therefore may serve as a useful tool to generate various non-trivial states of a spinor condensate.
Owing to their integer spin, exciton-polaritons in microcavities can be used for observation of non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensation in solid state. However, spin-related phenomena of such condensates are difficult to explore due to the relatively small Zeeman effect of standard semiconductor microcavity systems and the strong tendency to sustain an equal population of two spin components, which precludes the observation of condensates with a well defined spin projection along the axis of the system. The enhancement of the Zeeman splitting can be achieved by introducing magnetic ions to the quantum wells, and consequently forming semimagnetic polaritons. In this system, increasing magnetic field can induce polariton condensation at constant excitation power. Here we evidence the spin polarization of a semimagnetic polaritons condensate exhibiting a circularly polarized emission over 95% even in a moderate magnetic field of about 3 T. Furthermore, we show that unlike nonmagnetic polaritons, an increase on excitation power results in an increase of the semimagnetic polaritons condensate spin polarization. These properties open new possibilities for testing theoretically predicted phenomena of spin polarized condensate.
Interacting Bosons, loaded in artificial lattices, have emerged as a modern platform to explore collective manybody phenomena, quantum phase transitions and exotic phases of matter as well as to enable advanced on chip simulators. Such experiments strongly rely on well-defined shaping the potential landscape of the Bosons, respectively Bosonic quasi-particles, and have been restricted to cryogenic, or even ultra-cold temperatures. On chip, the GaAs-based exciton-polariton platform emerged as a promising system to implement and study bosonic non-linear systems in lattices, yet demanding cryogenic temperatures. In our work, we discuss the first experiment conducted on a polaritonic lattice at ambient conditions: We utilize fluorescent proteins as an excitonic gain material, providing ultra-stable Frenkel excitons. We directly take advantage of their soft nature by mechanically shaping them in the photonic one-dimensional lattice. We demonstrate controlled loading of the condensate in distinct orbital lattice modes of different symmetries, and finally explore, as an illustrative example, the formation of a gap solitonic mode, driven by the interplay of effective interaction and negative effective mass in our lattice. The observed phenomena in our open dissipative system are comprehensively scrutinized by a nonequilibrium model of polariton condensation. We believe, that this work is establishing the organic polariton platform as a serious contender to the well-established GaAs platform for a wide range of applications relying on coherent Bosons in lattices, given its unprecedented flexibility, cost effectiveness and operation temperature.