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AGN feedback in action: a new powerful wind in 1SXPSJ050819.8+172149?

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 Added by Lucia Ballo
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Galaxy merging is widely accepted to be a key driving factor in galaxy formation and evolution, while the feedback from AGN is thought to regulate the BH-bulge coevolution and the star formation process. In this context, we focused on 1SXPSJ050819.8+172149, a local (z=0.0175) Seyfert 1.9 galaxy (L_bol~4x10^43 ergs/s). The source belongs to an IR-luminous interacting pair of galaxies, characterized by a luminosity for the whole system (due to the combination of star formation and accretion) of log(L_IR/L_sun)=11.2. We present the first detailed description of the 0.3-10keV spectrum of 1SXPSJ050819.8+172149, monitored by Swift with 9 pointings performed in less than 1 month. The X-ray emission of 1SXPSJ050819.8+172149 is analysed by combining all the Swift pointings, for a total of ~72ks XRT net exposure. The averaged Swift-BAT spectrum from the 70-month survey is also analysed. The slope of the continuum is ~1.8, with an intrinsic column density NH~2.4x10^22 cm-2, and a deabsorbed luminosity L(2-10keV)~4x10^42 ergs/s. Our observations provide a tentative (2.1sigma) detection of a blue-shifted FeXXVI absorption line (rest-frame E~7.8 keV), suggesting the discovery for a new candidate powerful wind in this source. The physical properties of the outflow cannot be firmly assessed, due to the low statistics of the spectrum and to the observed energy of the line, too close to the higher boundary of the Swift-XRT bandpass. However, our analysis suggests that, if the detection is confirmed, the line could be associated with a high-velocity (vout~0.1c) outflow most likely launched within 80r_S. To our knowledge this is the first detection of a previously unknown ultrafast wind with Swift. The high NH suggested by the observed equivalent width of the line (EW~ -230eV, although with large uncertainties), would imply a kinetic output strong enough to be comparable to the AGN bolometric luminosity.

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We present the discovery of a new candidate for a fast disk wind, in the nearby Seyfert 2 galaxy MCG-03-58-007. This wind is discovered in a deep Suzaku observation that was performed in 2010. Overall the X-ray spectrum of MCG-03-58-007 is highly absorbed by a neutral column density of NH~10^23 cm^-2, in agreement with the optical classification as a type 2 AGN. In addition, this observation unveiled the presence of two deep absorption troughs at E = 7.4 +- 0.1 keV and E = 8.5 +- 0.2 keV. If associated with blue-shifted FeXXVI, these features can be explained with the presence of two highly ionised (log xi/(erg cm/s)~ 5.5) and high column density (NH~5-8 x 10^23cm^-2) outflowing absorbers with v_out1~ -0.1c and v_out2~ -0.2c. The disk wind detected during this observation is most likely launched from within a few hundreds gravitational radii from the central black and has a kinetic output that matches the prescription for significant feedback. The presence of the lower velocity component of the disk wind is independently confirmed by the analysis of a follow-up XMM-Newton & NuSTAR observation. A faster (v_out~ -0.35 c) component of the wind is also seen in this second observation. During this observation we also witnessed an occultation event lasting Delta t ~ 120 ksec, which we ascribe to an increase of the opacity of the disk wind (Delta NH~1.4x10^24 cm^-2). Our interpretation is that the slow zone (v_out~ -0.1c) of the wind is the most stable but inhomogeneous component, while the faster zones could be associated with two different inner streamlines of the wind.
We present new radio and optical images of the nearest radio galaxy Centaurus A and its host galaxy NGC 5128. We focus our investigation on the northern transition region, where energy is transported from the ~5 kpc (~5 arcmin) scales of the Northern Inner Lobe (NIL) to the ~30 kpc (~30 arcmin) scales of the Northern Middle Lobe (NML). Our Murchison Widefield Array observations at 154 MHz and our Parkes radio telescope observations at 2.3 GHz show diffuse radio emission connecting the NIL to the NML, in agreement with previous Australia Telescope Compact Array observations at 1.4 GHz. Comparison of these radio data with our widefield optical emission line images show the relationship between the NML radio emission and the ionised filaments that extend north from the NIL, and reveal a new ionised filament to the east, possibly associated with a galactic wind. Our deep optical images show clear evidence for a bipolar outflow from the central galaxy extending to intermediate scales, despite the non-detection of a southern radio counterpart to the NML. Thus, our observational overview of Centaurus A reveals a number of features proposed to be associated with AGN feedback mechanisms, often cited as likely to have significant effects in galaxy evolution models. As one of the closest galaxies to us, Centaurus A therefore provides a unique laboratory to examine feedback mechanisms in detail.
268 - K. W. Cavagnolo 2011
Utilizing $sim 50$ ks of Chandra X-ray Observatory imaging, we present an analysis of the intracluster medium (ICM) and cavity system in the galaxy cluster RBS 797. In addition to the two previously known cavities in the cluster core, the new and deeper X-ray image has revealed additional structure associated with the active galactic nucleus (AGN). The surface brightness decrements of the two cavities are unusually large, and are consistent with elongated cavities lying close to our line-of-sight. We estimate a total AGN outburst energy and mean jet power of $approx 3 - 6 times 10^{60}$ erg and $approx 3 - 6 times 10^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$, respectively, depending on the assumed geometrical configuration of the cavities. Thus, RBS 797 is apparently among the the most powerful AGN outbursts known in a cluster. The average mass accretion rate needed to power the AGN by accretion alone is $sim 1 M_{odot}$ yr$^{-1}$. We show that accretion of cold gas onto the AGN at this level is plausible, but that Bondi accretion of the hot atmosphere is probably not. The BCG harbors an unresolved, non-thermal nuclear X-ray source with a bolometric luminosity of $approx 2 times 10^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$. The nuclear emission is probably associated with a rapidly-accreting, radiatively inefficient accretion flow. We present tentative evidence that star formation in the BCG is being triggered by the radio jets and suggest that the cavities may be driving weak shocks ($M sim 1.5$) into the ICM, similar to the process in the galaxy cluster MS 0735.6+7421.
99 - F. Tombesi 2017
We present the spectral analysis of a 200~ks observation of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C~120 performed with the high energy transmission grating (HETG) spectrometer on board the emph{Chandra} X-ray Observatory. We find (i) a neutral absorption component intrinsic to the source with column density of $text{log}N_H = 20.67pm0.05$~cm$^{-2}$, (ii) no evidence for a warm absorber with an upper limit on the column density of just $text{log}N_H < 19.7$~cm$^{-2}$ assuming the typical ionization parameter log$xi$$simeq$2.5~erg~s$^{-1}$~cm, the warm absorber may instead be replaced by (iii) a hot emitting gas with temperature $kT simeq 0.7$~keV observed as soft X-ray emission from ionized Fe L-shell lines which may originate from a kpc scale shocked bubble inflated by the AGN wind or jet with a shock velocity of about 1,000~km~s$^{-1}$ determined by the emission line width, (iv) a neutral Fe K$alpha$ line and accompanying emission lines indicative of a Compton-thick cold reflector with low reflection fraction $Rsimeq0.2$, suggesting a large opening angle of the torus, (v) a highly ionized Fe~XXV emission feature indicative of photoionized gas with ionization parameter log$xi$$=$$3.75^{+0.27}_{-0.38}$~erg~s$^{-1}$~cm and a column density of $text{log}N_H > 22$~cm$^{-2}$ localized within $sim$2~pc from the X-ray source, and (vi) possible signatures for a highly ionized disk wind. Together with previous evidence for intense molecular line emission, these results indicate that 3C~120 is likely a late state merger undergoing strong AGN feedback.
We report the discovery of a rare new form of long-term radio variability in the light-curves of active galaxies (AG) --- Symmetric Achromatic Variability (SAV) --- a pair of opposed and strongly skewed peaks in the radio flux density observed over a broad frequency range. We propose that SAV arises through gravitational milli-lensing when relativistically moving features in AG jets move through gravitational lensing caustics created by $10^3-10^6 ;{rm M}_{odot}$ subhalo condensates or black holes located within intervening galaxies. The lower end of this mass range has been inaccessible with previous gravitational lensing techniques. This new interpretation of some AG variability can easily be tested and if it passes these tests, will enable a new and powerful probe of cosmological matter distribution on these intermediate mass scales, as well as provide, for the first time, micro-arcsecond resolution of the nuclei of AG --- a factor of 30--100 greater resolution than is possible with ground-based millimeter VLBI.
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