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Design of a Marx-Topology Modulator for FNAL Linac

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 Added by Trevor Butler
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The Fermilab Proton Improvement Plan (PIP) was formed in late 2011 to address important and necessary upgrades to the Proton Source machines (Injector line, Linac and Booster). The goal is to increase the proton flux by doubling the Booster beam cycle rate while maintaining the same intensity per cycle, the same uptime, and the same residual activation in the enclosure. For the Linac, the main focus within PIP is to address reliability. One of the main tasks is to replace the present hard-tube modulator used on the 200 MHz RF system. Plans to replace this high power system with a Marx-topology modulator, capable of providing the required waveform shaping to stabilize the accelerating gradient and compensate for beam loading, will be presented, along with development data from the prototype unit.

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A room temperature heavy ion linac has been proposed as a new injector of CSRm (the main Cooler Storage Ring) at HIRFL (Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou), which is expected to improve the performance of HIRFL. The linac injector can supply heavy ion with maximum mass to charge ratio of 7 and injection kinetic energy of 7.272MeV/u for CSRm, and the pulsed beam intensity is 3emA with the duty factor of 3%. Compared with the present cyclotron injector SFC (Sector Focusing Cyclotron), the beam current from linac can be improved by 10-100 times. As the pre-accelerator of the linac, the 108.48MHz 4-rod RFQ accelerates ion beam from 4keV/u to 300keV/u, which achieves the transmission efficiency of 95.3% with 3.07m long vanes. The phase advance has been taken into account to analysis the error tolerance, and parametric resonance have been carefully avoided by adjusting the structure parameters. KONUS IH-DTLs, which follow the RFQ, accelerate the ions up to the energy of 7.272MeV/u and inject into HIRFL-CSRm. The resonance frequency is 108.48MHz for the first two cavities and 216.96MHz for the last 5 DTLs. The maximum accelerating gradient can reach 4.95MV/m in DTL section with the length of 17.066m, and the total pulsed RF power is 2.8MW. A new strategy, for the determination of resonance frequency, RFQ vane voltage and DTL effective accelerating voltage, is described in detail. The beam dynamics design of the linac will be present in this paper.
The treatment of flue gases from power plants and municipal or industrial wastewater using electron beam irradiation technology has been successfully demonstrated in small-scale pilot plants. The beam energy requirement is rather modest, on the order of a few MeV, however the adoption of the technology at an industrial scale requires the availability of high beam power, of the order of 1 MW, in a cost effective way. In this article we present the design of a compact superconducting accelerator capable of delivering a cw electron beam with a current of 1 A and an energy of 1 MeV. The main components are an rf-gridded thermionic gun and a conduction cooled beta= 0.5 elliptical Nb3Sn cavity with dual coaxial power couplers. An engineering and cost analysis shows that the proposed design would result in a processing cost competitive with alternative treatment methods.
A conceptual design is presented of a novel ERL facility for the development and application of the energy recovery technique to linear electron accelerators in the multi-turn, large current and large energy regime. The main characteristics of the powerful energy recovery linac experiment facility (PERLE) are derived from the design of the Large Hadron electron Collider, an electron beam upgrade under study for the LHC, for which it would be the key demonstrator. PERLE is thus projected as a facility to investigate efficient, high current (> 10 mA) ERL operation with three re-circulation passages through newly designed SCRF cavities, at 801.58 MHz frequency, and following deceleration over another three re-circulations. In its fully equipped configuration, PERLE provides an electron beam of approximately 1 GeV energy. A physics programme possibly associated with PERLE is sketched, consisting of high precision elastic electron-proton scattering experiments, as well as photo-nuclear reactions of unprecedented intensities with up to 30 MeV photon beam energy as may be obtained using Fabry-Perot cavities. The facility has further applications as a general technology test bed that can investigate and validate novel superconducting magnets (beam induced quench tests) and superconducting RF structures (structure tests with high current beams, beam loading and transients). Besides a chapter on operation aspects, the report contains detailed considerations on the choices for the SCRF structure, optics and lattice design, solutions for arc magnets, source and injector and on further essential components. A suitable configuration derived from the here presented design concept may next be moved forward to a technical design and possibly be built by an international collaboration which is being established.
201 - Fang Yan , Zhi-Hui Li , Cai Meng 2013
The China ADS (C-ADS) project is proposed to build a 1000 MW Accelerator Driven sub-critical System around 2032. The accelerator will work in CW mode with 10 mA in beam current and 1.5 GeV in final beam energy. The linac is composed of two major sections: the injector section and the main linac section. There are two different schemes for the injector section. The Injector-I scheme is based on a 325-MHz RFQ and superconducting spoke cavities of same RF frequency and the Injector-II scheme is based on a 162.5-MHz RFQ and superconducting HWR cavities of same frequency. The main linac design will be different for different injector choice. The two different designs for the main linac have been studied according to the beam characteristics from the different injector schemes.
199 - M. Diomede 2018
In the framework of the upgrade of the SPARC_LAB facility at INFN-LNF, named EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB, a high gradient linac is foreseen. One of the most suitable options is to realize it in X-band. A preliminary design study of both accelerating structures and power distribution system has been performed. It is based on 0.5 m long travelling wave (TW) accelerating structures operating in the 2{pi}/3 mode and fed by klystrons and pulse compressor systems. The main parameters of the structures and linac are presented with the basic RF linac layout.
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