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Unconventional magnetic order on the hyperhoneycomb Kitaev lattice in $beta$-Li2IrO3: full solution via magnetic resonant x-ray diffraction

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 Added by Radu Coldea
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The recently-synthesized iridate $beta$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$ has been proposed as a candidate to display novel magnetic behavior stabilized by frustration effects from bond-dependent, anisotropic interactions (Kitaev model) on a three-dimensional hyperhoneycomb lattice. Here we report a combined study using neutron powder diffraction and magnetic resonant x-ray diffraction to solve the complete magnetic structure. We find a complex, incommensurate magnetic order with non-coplanar and counter-rotating Ir moments, which surprisingly shares many of its features with the related structural polytype stripyhoneycomb $gamma$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$, where dominant Kitaev interactions have been invoked to explain the stability of the observed magnetic structure. The similarities of behavior between those two structural polytypes, which have different global lattice topologies but the same local connectivity, is strongly suggestive that the same magnetic interactions and the same underlying mechanism governs the stability of the magnetic order in both materials, indicating that both $beta$- and $gamma$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$ are strong candidates to realize dominant Kitaev interactions in a solid state material.

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Rare earth (R) half-Heusler compounds, RBiPt, exhibit a wide spectrum of novel ground states. Recently, GdBiPt has been proposed as a potential antiferromagnetic topological insulator (AFTI). We have employed x-ray resonant magnetic scattering to elucidate the microscopic details of the magnetic structure in GdBiPt below T_N = 8.5 K. Experiments at the Gd L_2 absorption edge show that the Gd moments order in an antiferromagnetic stacking along the cubic diagonal [1 1 1] direction satisfying the requirement for an AFTI, where both time-reversal symmetry and lattice translational symmetry are broken, but their product is conserved.
We report the existence of a phase transition at high temperature in the 3D Kitaev candidate material, $beta$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$. We show that the transition is bulk, intrinsic and orders a tiny magnetic moment with a spatially anisotropic saturation moment. We show that even though this transition is global, it does not freeze the local Ir moments, which order at much lower temperatures into an incommensurate state. Rather, the ordered moment has an orbital origin that is coupled to spin correlations, likely of a Kitaev origin. The separate ordering of spin-correlated orbital moments and of local Ir moments reveals a novel way in which magnetic frustration in Kitaev systems can lead to coexisting magnetic states.
Resonant magnetic x-ray diffraction experiments were carried out on the stacked triangular lattice antiferromagnet GdPd2Al3. The experiments revealed an expected initial collinear c-axis order at TN1 followed by an additional in-plane order at TN2, while at the same time we found that the ground state is a helically ordered state of a very long incommensurate period of approximately 700A. The distribution of K-domains was highly anisotropic, and the domain with the modulation vector normal to the surface of the crystal was ascendant. Low-field magnetization is discussed on the basis of the observed incommensurate magnetic structure.
Materials that realize Kitaev spin models with bond-dependent anisotropic interactions have long been searched for, as the resulting frustration effects are predicted to stabilize novel forms of magnetic order or quantum spin liquids. Here we explore the magnetism of $gamma$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$, which has the topology of a 3D Kitaev lattice of inter-connected Ir honeycombs. Using resonant magnetic x-ray diffraction we find a complex, yet highly-symmetric incommensurate magnetic structure with non-coplanar and counter-rotating Ir moments. We propose a minimal Kitaev-Heisenberg Hamiltonian that naturally accounts for all key features of the observed magnetic structure. Our results provide strong evidence that $gamma$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$ realizes a spin Hamiltonian with dominant Kitaev interactions.
We investigated the magnetic structure of the heavy fermion compound CePt$_2$In$_7$ below $T_N~=5.34(2)$ K using magnetic resonant X-ray diffraction at ambient pressure. The magnetic order is characterized by a commensurate propagation vector ${k}_{1/2}~=~left( frac{1}{2} , frac{1}{2}, frac{1}{2}right)$ with spins lying in the basal plane. Our measurements did not reveal the presence of an incommensurate order propagating along the high symmetry directions in reciprocal space but cannot exclude other incommensurate modulations or weak scattering intensities. The observed commensurate order can be described equivalently by either a single-${k}$ structure or by a multi-${k}$ structure. Furthermore we explain how a commensurate-only ordering may explain the broad distribution of internal fields observed in nuclear quadrupolar resonance experiments (Sakai et al. 2011, Phys. Rev. B 83 140408) that was previously attributed to an incommensurate order. We also report powder X-ray diffraction showing that the crystallographic structure of CePt$_2$In$_7$ changes monotonically with pressure up to $P~=~7.3$ GPa at room temperature. The determined bulk modulus $B_0~=~81.1(3)$ GPa is similar to the ones of the Ce-115 family. Broad diffraction peaks confirm the presence of pronounced strain in polycrystalline samples of CePt$_2$In$_7$. We discuss how strain effects can lead to different electronic and magnetic properties between polycrystalline and single crystal samples.
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