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Quantum walks and wavepacket dynamics on a lattice with twisted photons

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 Added by Filippo Cardano
 Publication date 2014
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The quantum walk has emerged recently as a paradigmatic process for the dynamic simulation of complex quantum systems, entanglement production and quantum computation. Hitherto, photonic implementations of quantum walks have mainly been based on multi-path interferometric schemes in real space. Here, we report the experimental realization of a discrete quantum walk taking place in the orbital angular momentum space of light, both for a single photon and for two simultaneous photons. In contrast to previous implementations, the whole process develops in a single light beam, with no need of interferometers; it requires optical resources scaling linearly with the number of steps; and it allows flexible control of input and output superposition states. Exploiting the latter property, we explored the system band structure in momentum space and the associated spin-orbit topological features by simulating the quantum dynamics of Gaussian wavepackets. Our demonstration introduces a novel versatile photonic platform for quantum simulations.

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Quantum communication has been successfully implemented in optical fibres and through free-space [1-3]. Fibre systems, though capable of fast key rates and low quantum bit error rates (QBERs), are impractical in communicating with destinations without an established fibre link [4]. Free-space quantum channels can overcome such limitations and reach long distances with the advent of satellite-to-ground links [5-8]. Shorter line-of-sight free-space links have also been realized for intra-city conditions [2, 9]. However, turbulence, resulting from local fluctuations in refractive index, becomes a major challenge by adding errors and losses [10]. Recently, an interest in investigating the possibility of underwater quantum channels has arisen, which could provide global secure communication channels among submersibles and boats [11-13]. Here, we investigate the effect of turbulence on an underwater quantum channel using twisted photons in outdoor conditions. We study the effect of turbulence on transmitted QBERs, and compare different QKD protocols in an underwater quantum channel showing the feasibility of high-dimensional encoding schemes. Our work may open the way for secure high-dimensional quantum communication between submersibles, and provides important input for potential submersibles-to-satellite quantum communication.
Violating a nonlocality inequality enables the most powerful remote quantum information tasks and fundamental tests of physics. Loophole-free photonic verification of nonlocality has been achieved with polarization-entangled photon pairs, but not with states entangled in other degrees of freedom. Here we demonstrate completion of the quantum steering nonlocality task, with the detection loophole closed, when entanglement is distributed by transmitting a photon in an optical vector vortex state, formed by optical orbital angular momentum (OAM) and polarization. The demonstration of vector vortex steering opens the door to new free-space and satellite-based secure quantum communication devices and device-independent protocols.
Quantum key distribution (QKD) offers the possibility for two individuals to communicate a securely encrypted message. From the time of its inception in 1984 by Bennett and Brassard, QKD has been the result of intense research. One technical challenge is the monitoring of signal disturbance in a QKD system to bound the information leakage towards an unwanted eavesdropper. Recently, the round-robin differential phase-shift (RRDPS) protocol, which encodes bits of information in a high-dimensional state space, was proposed to solve this exact problem. Since its introduction, many realizations of the RRDPS protocol were demonstrated using trains of coherent pulses. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate an implementation of the RRDPS protocol using the photonic orbital angular momentum degree of freedom. In particular, we show that Alices generation stage and Bobs detection stage can each be reduced to a single phase element, greatly simplifying its implementation. Our scheme offers a practical demonstration of the RRDPS protocol which will suppress the need for monitoring signal disturbance in free-space channels.
135 - Tong Wu , J. A. Izaac , Zi-Xi Li 2019
Quantum walks (QW) are of crucial importance in the development of quantum information processing algorithms. Recently, several quantum algorithms have been proposed to implement network analysis, in particular to rank the centrality of nodes in networks represented by graphs. Employing QW in centrality ranking is advantageous comparing to certain widely used classical algorithms (e.g. PageRank) because QW approach can lift the vertex rank degeneracy in certain graphs. However, it is challenging to implement a directed graph via QW, since it corresponds to a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and thus cannot be accomplished by conventional QW. Here we report the realizations of centrality rankings of both a three-vertex and four-vertex directed graphs with parity-time (PT) symmetric quantum walks. To achieve this, we use high-dimensional photonic quantum states, optical circuitries consisting of multiple concatenated interferometers and dimension dependent loss. Importantly, we demonstrate the advantage of QW approach experimentally by breaking the vertex rank degeneracy in a four-vertex graph. Our work shows that PT-symmetric quantum walks may be useful for realizing advanced algorithm in a quantum network.
We present a quantum random number generator (QRNG) based on the random outcomes inherent in projective measurements on a superposition of quantum states of light. Firstly, we use multiplexed holograms encoded on a spatial light modulator to spatially map down-converted photons onto a superposition of optical paths. This gives us full digital control of the mapping process which we can tailor to achieve any desired probability distribution. More importantly, we use this method to account for any bias present within our transmission and detection system, forgoing the need for time-consuming and inefficient unbiasing algorithms. Our QRNG achieved a min-entropy of $text{H}_{text{min}}=0.9991pm0.0003$ bits per photon and passed the NIST statistical test suite. Furthermore, we extend our approach to realise a QRNG based on photons entangled in their orbital angular momentum (OAM) degree of freedom. This combination of digital holograms and projective measurements on arbitrary OAM combinations allowed us to generate random numbers with arbitrary distributions, in effect tailoring the systems entropy while maintaining the inherent quantum irreproducibility. Such techniques allow access to the higher-dimensional OAM Hilbert space, opening up an avenue for generating multiple random bits per photon.
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