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Multialternating graded polynomials and growth of polynomial identities

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 Added by Eli Aljadeff
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is English

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Let G be a finite group and A a finite dimensional G-graded algebra over a field of characteristic zero. When A is simple as a G-graded algebra, by mean of Regev central polynomials we construct multialternating graded polynomials of arbitrarily large degree non vanishing on A. As a consequence we compute the exponential rate of growth of the sequence of graded codimensions of an arbitrary G-graded algebra satisfying an ordinary polynomial identity. In particular we show it is an integer. The result was proviously known in case G is abelian.

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Let $A$ and $B$ be finite-dimensional simple algebras with arbitrary signature over an algebraically closed field. Suppose $A$ and $B$ are graded by a semigroup $S$ so that the graded identitical relations of $A$ are the same as those of $B$. Then $A$ is isomorphic to $B$ as an $S$-graded algebra.
Let G be any group and F an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. We show that any G-graded finite dimensional associative G-simple algebra over F is determined up to a G-graded isomorphism by its G-graded polynomial identities. This result was proved by Koshlukov and Zaicev in case G is abelian.
Let A and B be finite dimensional simple real algebras with division gradings by an abelian group G. In this paper we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the coincidence of the graded identities of A and B. We also prove that every finite dimensional simple real algebra with a G-grading satisfies the same graded identities as a matrix algebra over an algebra D with a division grading that is either a regular grading or a non-regular Pauli grading. Moreover we determine when the graded identities of two such algebras coincide. For graded simple algebras over an algebraically closed field it is known that two algebras satisfy the same graded identities if and only if they are isomorphic as graded algebras.
Let $F$ be a field of characteristic zero and $W$ be an associative affine $F$-algebra satisfying a polynomial identity (PI). The codimension sequence associated to $W$, $c_n(W)$, is known to be of the form $Theta (c n^t d^n)$, where $d$ is the well known (PI) exponent of $W$. In this paper we establish an algebraic interpretation of the polynomial part (the constant $t$) by means of Kemers theory. In particular, we show that in case $W$ is a basic algebra, then $t = frac{d-q}{2} + s$, where $q$ is the number of simple component in $W/J(W)$ and $s+1$ is the nilpotency degree of $J(W)$. Thus proving a conjecture of Giambruno.
We exhibit a faithful representation of the plactic monoid of every finite rank as a monoid of upper triangular matrices over the tropical semiring. This answers a question first posed by Izhakian and subsequently studied by several authors. A consequence is a proof of a conjecture of Kubat and Okni{n}ski that every plactic monoid of finite rank satisfies a non-trivial semigroup identity. In the converse direction, we show that every identity satisfied by the plactic monoid of rank $n$ is satisfied by the monoid of $n times n$ upper triangular tropical matrices. In particular this implies that the variety generated by the $3 times 3$ upper triangular tropical matrices coincides with that generated by the plactic monoid of rank $3$, answering another question of Izhakian.
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