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Thickness-dependent magnetic structure of ultrathin Fe/Ir(001) films: from spin-spiral states towards ferromagnetic order

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 Added by Laszlo Szunyogh Dr
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a detailed study of the ground-state magnetic structure of ultrathin Fe films on the surface of fcc Ir(001). We use the spin-cluster expansion technique in combination with the relativistic disordered local moment scheme to obtain parameters of spin models and then determine the favored magnetic structure of the system by means of a mean field approach and atomistic spin dynamics simulations. For the case of a single monolayer of Fe we find that layer relaxations very strongly influence the ground-state spin configurations, whereas Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions and biquadratic couplings also have remarkable effects. To characterize the latter effect we introduce and analyze spin collinearity maps of the system. While for two monolayers of Fe we find a single-q spin spiral as ground state due to DM interactions, for the case of four monolayers the system shows a noncollinear spin structure with nonzero net magnetization. These findings are consistent with experimental measurements indicating ferromagnetic order in films of four monolayers and thicker.

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Epitaxial ultrathin Fe films on fcc Cu(001) exhibit a spin spiral (SS), in contrast to the ferromagnetism of bulk bcc Fe. We study the in-plane and out-of-plane Fermi surfaces (FSs) of the SS in 8 monolayer Fe/Cu(001) films using energy dependent soft x-ray momentum-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We show that the SS originates in nested regions confined to out-of-plane FSs, which are drastically modified compared to in-plane FSs. From precise reciprocal space maps in successive zones, we obtain the associated real space compressive strain of 1.5+-0.5% along c-axis. An autocorrelation analysis quantifies the incommensurate ordering vector q=(2pi/a)(0,0,~0.86), favoring a SS and consistent with magneto-optic Kerr effect experiments. The results reveal the importance of in-plane and out-of-plane FS mapping for ultrathin films.
Ultrathin ferromagnets with frustrated exchange and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction can support topological solitons such as skyrmions and antiskyrmions, which are metastable and can be considered particle-antiparticle counterparts. When spin-orbit torques are applied, the motion of an isolated antiskyrmion driven beyond its Walker limit can generate skyrmion-antiskyrmion pairs. Here, we use atomistic spin dynamics simulations to shed light on the scattering processes involved in this pair generation. Under certain conditions a proliferation of these particles and antiparticles can appear with a growth rate and production asymmetry that depend on the strength of the chiral interactions and the dissipative component of the spin-orbit torques. These features are largely determined by scattering processes between antiskyrmions, which can be elastic or result in bound states or annihilation.
Spectra of the differential tunneling conductivity for ultrathin lead films grown on Si(111)7x7 single crystals with a thickness from 9 to 50 monolayers have been studied by low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. The presence of local maxima of the tunneling conductivity is typical for such systems. The energies of maxima of the differential conductivity are determined by the spectrum of quantum-confined states of electrons in a metallic layer and, consequently, the local thickness of the layer. It has been shown that features of the microstructure of substrates, such as steps of monatomic height, structural defects, and inclusions of other materials covered with a lead layer, can be visualized by bias-modulation scanning tunneling spectroscopy.
Ultrathin FeSe films grown on SrTiO$_{3}$ substrates are a recent milestone in atomic material engineering due to their important role in understanding unconventional superconductivity in Fe-based materials. Using femtosecond time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, we study phonon frequencies in ultrathin FeSe/SrTiO$_{3}$ films grown by molecular beam epitaxy. After optical excitation, we observe periodic modulations of the photoelectron spectrum as a function of pump-probe delay for 1 unit cell, 3 unit cell, and 60 unit cell thick FeSe films. The frequencies of the coherent intensity oscillations increase from 5.00(2) to 5.25(2) THz with increasing film thickness. By comparing with previous works, we attribute this mode to the Se A$_textrm{1g}$ phonon. The dominant mechanism for the phonon softening in 1 unit cell thick FeSe films is a substrate-induced lattice strain. Our results demonstrate an abrupt phonon renormalization due to a lattice mismatch between the ultrathin film and the substrate.
We use real-time reflection high energy electron diffraction intensity oscillation to establish the Te-rich growth dynamics of topological insulator thin films of Bi2Te3 on Si(111) substrate by molecular beam epitaxy. In situ angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), scanning tunneling microscopy and ex situ transport measurements reveal that the as-grown Bi2Te3 films without any doping are an intrinsic topological insulator with its Fermi level intersecting only the metallic surface states. Experimentally, we find that the single-Dirac-cone surface state develops at a thickness of two quintuple layers (2 QL). Theoretically, we show that the interaction between the surface states from both sides of the film, which is determined by the penetration depth of the topological surface state wavefunctions, sets this lower thickness limit.
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