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Quantum condensation in electron-hole bilayers with density imbalance

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 Added by Kazuo Yamashita
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study the two-dimensional spatially separated electron-hole system with density imbalance at absolute zero temperature. By means of the mean-field theory, we find that the Fulde-Ferrell state is fairly stabilized by the order parameter mixing effect.

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Tunneling spectroscopy reveals evidence for interlayer electron-hole correlations in quantum Hall bilayer two-dimensional electron systems at layer separations near, but above, the transition to the incompressible exciton condensate at total Landau level filling $ u_T=1$. These correlations are manifested by a non-linear suppression of the Coulomb pseudogap which inhibits low energy interlayer tunneling in weakly-coupled bilayers. The pseudogap suppression is strongest at $ u_T=1$ and grows rapidly as the critical layer separation for exciton condensation is approached from above.
We report Coulomb drag measurements on GaAs-AlGaAs electron-hole bilayers. The two layers are separated by a 10 or 25nm barrier. Below T$approx$1K we find two features that a Fermi-liquid picture cannot explain. First, the drag on the hole layer shows an upturn, which may be followed by a downturn. Second, the effect is either absent or much weaker in the electron layer, even though the measurements are within the linear response regime. Correlated phases have been anticipated in these, but surprisingly, the experimental results appear to contradict Onsagers reciprocity theorem.
147 - E. H. Hwang , S. Das Sarma 2008
We investigate transport and Coulomb drag properties of semiconductor-based electron-hole bilayer systems. Our calculations are motivated by recent experiments in undoped electron-hole bilayer structures based on GaAs-AlGaAs gated double quantum well systems. Our results indicate that the background charged impurity scattering is the most dominant resistive scattering mechanism in the high-mobility bilyers. We also find that the drag transresistivity is significantly enhanced when the electron-hole layer separation is small due to the exchange induced renormalization of the single layer compressibility.
We study interacting GaAs hole bilayers in the limit of zero tunneling. When the layers have equal densities, we observe a phase coherent bilayer quantum Hall (QH) state at total filling factor $ u=1$, flanked by insulating phases at nearby fillings which suggest the formation of a pinned, bilayer Wigner crystal. As we transfer charge from one layer to another, the insulating phases disappear while, surprisingly, the $ u=1$ QH state becomes stronger. Concomitantly, a pronounced hysteresis develops in the longitudinal magnetoresistance at higher fillings, indicative of a first-order quantum phase transition.
Excitons are electron-hole (e-h) pair quasiparticles, which may form a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) and collapse into the phase coherent state at low temperature. However, because of ephemeral strength of pairing, a clear evidence for BEC in electron-hole system has not yet been observed. Here, we report electron-hole pair condensation in graphene (Gr)/MoS2 heterointerface at 10K without magnetic field. As a direct indication of e-h pair condensation, we demonstrate a vanished Hall drag voltage and the resultant divergence of drag resistance. While strong excitons are formed at Gr/MoS2 heterointerface without insulating layer, carrier recombination via interlayer tunneling of carriers is suppressed by the vertical p-Gr/n-MoS2 junction barrier, consequently yielding high BEC temperature of 10K, ~1000 times higher than that of two-dimensional electron gas in III-V quantum wells. The observed excitonic transport is mainly governed by the interfacial properties of the Gr/MoS2 heterostructure, rather than the intrinsic properties of each layer. Our approach with available large-area monolayer graphene and MoS2 provides a high feasibility for quantum dissipationless electronics towards integration.
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