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Analog information processing at the quantum limit with a Josephson ring modulator

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 Added by Nicolas Bergeal
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Amplifiers are crucial in every experiment carrying out a very sensitive measurement. However, they always degrade the information by adding noise. Quantum mechanics puts a limit on how small this degradation can be. Theoretically, the minimum noise energy added by a phase preserving amplifier to the signal it processes amounts at least to half a photon at the signal frequency. In this article, we show that we can build a practical microwave device that fulfills the minimal requirements to reach the quantum limit. This is of importance for the readout of solid state qubits, and more generally, for the measurement of very weak signals in various areas of science. We also discuss how this device can be the basic building block for a variety of practical applications such as amplification, noiseless frequency conversion, dynamic cooling and production of entangled signal pairs.

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We report the realization of a ballistic Josephson interferometer. The interferometer is made by a quantum ring etched in a nanofabricated two-dimensional electron gas confined in an InAs-based heterostructure laterally contacted to superconducting niobium leads. The Josephson current flowing through the structure shows oscillations with h/e flux periodicity when threading the loop with a perpendicular magnetic field. This periodicity, in sharp contrast with the h/2e one observed in conventional dc superconducting quantum interference devices, confirms the ballistic nature of the device in agreement with theoretical predictions. This system paves the way for the implementation of interferometric Josephson pi-junctions, and for the investigation of Majorana fermions.
We theoretically study single and two-qubit dynamics in the circuit QED architecture. We focus on the current experimental design [Wallraff et al., Nature 431, 162 (2004); Schuster et al., Nature 445, 515 (2007)] in which superconducting charge qubits are capacitively coupled to a single high-Q superconducting coplanar resonator. In this system, logical gates are realized by driving the resonator with microwave fields. Advantages of this architecture are that it allows for multi-qubit gates between non-nearest qubits and for the realization of gates in parallel, opening the possibility of fault-tolerant quantum computation with superconduting circuits. In this paper, we focus on one and two-qubit gates that do not require moving away from the charge-degeneracy `sweet spot. This is advantageous as it helps to increase the qubit dephasing time and does not require modification of the original circuit QED. However these gates can, in some cases, be slower than those that do not use this constraint. Five types of two-qubit gates are discussed, these include gates based on virtual photons, real excitation of the resonator and a gate based on the geometric phase. We also point out the importance of selection rules when working at the charge degeneracy point.
Macroscopic quantum phase coherence has one of its pivotal expressions in the Josephson effect [1], which manifests itself both in charge [2] and energy transport [3-5]. The ability to master the amount of heat transferred through two tunnel-coupled superconductors by tuning their phase difference is the core of coherent caloritronics [4-6], and is expected to be a key tool in a number of nanoscience fields, including solid state cooling [7], thermal isolation [8, 9], radiation detection [7], quantum information [10, 11] and thermal logic [12]. Here we show the realization of the first balanced Josephson heat modulator [13] designed to offer full control at the nanoscale over the phase-coherent component of thermal currents. Our device provides magnetic-flux-dependent temperature modulations up to 40 mK in amplitude with a maximum of the flux-to-temperature transfer coefficient reaching 200 mK per flux quantum at a bath temperature of 25 mK. Foremost, it demonstrates the exact correspondence in the phase-engineering of charge and heat currents, breaking ground for advanced caloritronic nanodevices such as thermal splitters [14], heat pumps [15] and time-dependent electronic engines [16-19].
46 - T.-C. Chien , O. Lanes , C. Liu 2019
Josephson-junction based parametric amplifiers have become a ubiquitous component in superconducting quantum machines. Although parametric amplifiers regularly achieve near-quantum limited performance, they have many limitations, including low saturation powers, lack of directionality, and narrow bandwidth. The first is believed to stem from the higher order Hamiltonian terms endemic to Josephson junction circuits, and the latter two are direct consequences of the nature of the parametric interactions which power them. In this work, we attack both of these issues. First, we have designed a new, linearly shunted Josephson Ring Modulator (JRM) which nearly nulls all 4th-order terms at a single flux bias point. Next, we achieve gain through a pair of balanced parametric drives. When applied separately, these drives produce phase-preserving gain (G) and gainless photon conversion (C), when applied together, the resultant amplifier (which we term GC) is a bi-directional, phase-sensitive transmission-only amplifier with a large, gain-independent bandwidth. Finally, we have also demonstrated the practical utility of the GC amplifier, as well as its quantum efficiency, by using it to read out a superconducting transmon qubit.
We present recent progress towards the implementation of a scalable quantum processor based on fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI) technology. In particular, we discuss an approach where the elementary bits of quantum information - so-called qubits - are encoded in the spin degree of freedom of gate-confined holes in p-type devices. We show how a hole-spin can be efficiently manipulated by means of a microwave excitation applied to the corresponding confining gate. The hole spin state can be read out and reinitialized through a Pauli blockade mechanism. The studied devices are derived from silicon nanowire field-effect transistors. We discuss their prospects for scalability and, more broadly, the potential advantages of FDSOI technology.
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