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Josephson-junction based parametric amplifiers have become a ubiquitous component in superconducting quantum machines. Although parametric amplifiers regularly achieve near-quantum limited performance, they have many limitations, including low saturation powers, lack of directionality, and narrow bandwidth. The first is believed to stem from the higher order Hamiltonian terms endemic to Josephson junction circuits, and the latter two are direct consequences of the nature of the parametric interactions which power them. In this work, we attack both of these issues. First, we have designed a new, linearly shunted Josephson Ring Modulator (JRM) which nearly nulls all 4th-order terms at a single flux bias point. Next, we achieve gain through a pair of balanced parametric drives. When applied separately, these drives produce phase-preserving gain (G) and gainless photon conversion (C), when applied together, the resultant amplifier (which we term GC) is a bi-directional, phase-sensitive transmission-only amplifier with a large, gain-independent bandwidth. Finally, we have also demonstrated the practical utility of the GC amplifier, as well as its quantum efficiency, by using it to read out a superconducting transmon qubit.
Josephson Parametric Amplifiers (JPA) are nonlinear devices that are used for quantum sensing and qubit readout in the microwave regime. While JPAs regularly operate in the quantum limit, their gain saturates for very small (few photons) input power. In a previous work, we showed that the saturation power of JPAs is not limited by pump depletion, but instead by the high-order nonlinearity of Josephson junctions, the nonlinear circuit elements that enable amplification in JPAs. Here, we present a systematic study of the nonlinearities in JPAs, we show which nonlinearities limit the saturation power, and present a strategy for optimizing the circuit parameters for achieving the best possible JPA. For concreteness, we focus on JPAs that are constructed around a Josephson Ring Modulator (JRM). We show that by tuning the external and shunt inductors, we should be able to take the best experimentally available JPAs and improve their saturation power by $sim 15$ dB. Finally, we argue that our methods and qualitative results are applicable to a broad range of cavity based JPAs.
Amplifiers are crucial in every experiment carrying out a very sensitive measurement. However, they always degrade the information by adding noise. Quantum mechanics puts a limit on how small this degradation can be. Theoretically, the minimum noise energy added by a phase preserving amplifier to the signal it processes amounts at least to half a photon at the signal frequency. In this article, we show that we can build a practical microwave device that fulfills the minimal requirements to reach the quantum limit. This is of importance for the readout of solid state qubits, and more generally, for the measurement of very weak signals in various areas of science. We also discuss how this device can be the basic building block for a variety of practical applications such as amplification, noiseless frequency conversion, dynamic cooling and production of entangled signal pairs.
Non-deterministic noiseless amplification of a single mode can circumvent the unique challenges to amplifying a quantum signal, such as the no-cloning theorem, and the minimum noise cost for deterministic quantum state amplification. However, existing devices are not suitable for amplifying the fundamental optical quantum information carrier, a qubit coherently encoded across two optical modes. Here, we construct a coherent two-mode amplifier, to demonstrate the first heralded noiseless linear amplification of a qubit encoded in the polarization state of a single photon. In doing so, we increase the transmission fidelity of a realistic qubit channel by up to a factor of five. Qubit amplifiers promise to extend the range of secure quantum communication and other quantum information science and technology protocols.
The act of observing a quantum object fundamentally perturbs its state, resulting in a random walk toward an eigenstate of the measurement operator. Ideally, the measurement is responsible for all dephasing of the quantum state. In practice, imperfections in the measurement apparatus limit or corrupt the flow of information required for quantum feedback protocols, an effect quantified by the measurement efficiency. Here we demonstrate the efficient measurement of a superconducting qubit using a nonreciprocal parametric amplifier to directly monitor the microwave field of a readout cavity. By mitigating the losses between the cavity and the amplifier we achieve a measurement efficiency of $72%$. The directionality of the amplifier protects the readout cavity and qubit from excess backaction caused by amplified vacuum fluctuations. In addition to providing tools for further improving the fidelity of strong projective measurement, this work creates a testbed for the experimental study of ideal weak measurements, and it opens the way towards quantum feedback protocols based on weak measurement such as state stabilization or error correction.
We study the protective measurement of a qubit by a second qubit acting as a probe. Consideration of this model is motivated by the possibility of its experimental implementation in multiqubit systems such as trapped ions. In our scheme, information about the expectation value of an arbitrary observable of the system qubit is encoded in the rotation of the state of the probe qubit. We describe the structure of the Hamiltonian that gives rise to this measurement and analyze the resulting dynamics under a variety of realistic conditions, such as noninfinitesimal measurement strengths, repeated measurements, non-negligible intrinsic dynamics of the probe, and interactions of the system and probe qubits with an environment. We propose an experimental realization of our model in an ion trap. The experiment may be performed with existing technology and makes use of established experimental methods for the engineering and control of Hamiltonians for quantum gates and quantum simulations of spin systems.