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Numerical Solution of the Beltrami Equation

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 Added by R. Michael Porter
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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An effective algorithm is presented for solving the Beltrami equation fzbar = mu fz in a planar disk. The algorithm involves no evaluation of singular integrals. The strategy, working in concentric rings, is to construct a piecewise linear mu-conformal mapping and then correct the image using a known algorithm for conformal mappings. Numerical examples are provided and the computational complexity is analyzed.

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298 - Toshiyuki Sugawa 2017
A measurable function $mu$ on the unit disk $mathbb{D}$ of the complex plane with $|mu|_infty<1$ is sometimes called a Beltrami coefficient. We say that $mu$ is trivial if it is the complex dilatation $f_{bar z}/f_z$ of a quasiconformal automorphism $f$ of $mathbb{D}$ satisfying the trivial boundary condition $f(z)=z,~|z|=1.$ Since it is not easy to solve the Beltrami equation explicitly, to detect triviality of a given Beltrami coefficient is a hard problem, in general. In the present article, we offer a sufficient condition for a Beltrami coefficient to be trivial. Our proof is based on Betkers theorem on Lowner chains.
109 - Robert Warnock , Karl Bane 2018
The longitudinal charge density of an electron beam in its equilibrium state is given by the solution of the Haissinski equation, which provides a stationary solution of the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation. The physical input is the longitudinal wake potential. We formulate the Haissinski equation as a nonlinear integral equation with the normalization integral stated as a functional of the solution. This equation can be solved in a simple way by the matrix version of Newtonss iteration, beginning with the Gaussian as a first guess. We illustrate for several quasi-realistic wake potentials. Convergence is extremely robust, even at currents much higher than nominal for the storage rings considered. The method overcomes limitations of earlier procedures, and provides the convenience of automatic normalization of the solution.
We obtain uniform estimates for the canonical solution to $barpartial u=f$ on the Cartesian product of smoothly bounded planar domains, when $f$ is continuous up to the boundary. This generalizes Landuccis result for the bidisc toward higher dimensional product domains.
We discuss a new numerical schema for solving the initial value problem for the Korteweg-de Vries equation for large times. Our approach is based upon the Inverse Scattering Transform that reduces the problem to calculating the reflection coefficient of the corresponding Schrodinger equation. Using a step-like approximation of the initial profile and a fragmentation principle for the scattering data, we obtain an explicit recursion formula for computing the reflection coefficient, yielding a high resolution KdV solver. We also discuss some generalizations of this algorithm and how it might be improved by using Haar and other wavelets.
58 - P. Fre , P.A. Grassi , 2015
We consider the Beltrami equation for hydrodynamics and we show that its solutions can be viewed as instanton solutions of a more general system of equations. The latter are the equations of motion for an ${cal N}=2$ sigma model on 4-dimensional worldvolume (which is taken locally HyperKahler) with a 4-dimensional HyperKahler target space. By means of the 4D twisting procedure originally introduced by Witten for gauge theories and later generalized to 4D sigma-models by Anselmi and Fre, we show that the equations of motion describe triholomophic maps between the worldvolume and the target space. Therefore, the classification of the solutions to the 3-dimensional Beltrami equation can be performed by counting the triholomorphic maps. The counting is easily obtained by using several discrete symmetries. Finally, the similarity with holomorphic maps for ${cal N}=2$ sigma on Calabi-Yau space prompts us to reformulate the problem of the enumeration of triholomorphic maps in terms of a topological sigma model.
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