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On Masons rigidity theorem

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 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Following an argument proposed by Mason, we prove that there are no algebraically special asymptotically simple vacuum space-times with a smooth, shear-free, geodesic congruence of principal null directions extending transversally to a cross-section of Scri. Our analysis leaves the door open for escaping this conclusion if the congruence is not smooth, or not transverse to Scri. One of the elements of the proof is a new rigidity theorem for the Trautman-Bondi mass.

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We extend Derricks theorem to the case of a generic irrotational curved spacetime adopting a strategy similar to the original proof. We show that a static relativistic star made of real scalar fields is never possible regardless of the geometrical properties of the (static) spacetimes. The generalised theorem offers a tool that can be used to check the stability of localised solutions of a number of types of scalar fields models as well as of compact objects of theories of gravity with a non-minimally coupled scalar degree of freedom.
Given a globally hyperbolic spacetime $M$, we show the existence of a {em smooth spacelike} Cauchy hypersurface $S$ and, thus, a global diffeomorphism between $M$ and $R times S$.
In this Letter we have shown that, from the standard thermodynamic functions, the mathematical form of an equipartition theorem may be related to the algebraic expression of a particular entropy initially chosen to describe the black hole thermodynamics. Namely, we have different equipartition expressions for distinct statistics. To this end, four different mathematical expressions for the entropy have been selected to demonstrate our objective. Furthermore, a possible phase transition is observed in the heat capacity behavior of the Tsallis and Cirto entropy model.
297 - Y.Ezawa , H.Iwasaki , Y.Ohkuwa 2009
We investigate whether the equivalence theorem in f(R)-type gravity is valid also in quantum theory. It is shown that, if the canonical quantization is assumed, equivalence does not hold in quantum theory.
We present a rigidity property of holomorphic generators on the open unit ball $mathbb{B}$ of a Hilbert space $H$. Namely, if $finHol (mathbb{B},H)$ is the generator of a one-parameter continuous semigroup ${F_t}_{tgeq 0}$ on $mathbb{B}$ such that for some boundary point $tauin partialmathbb{B}$, the admissible limit $K$-$limlimits_{ztotau}frac{f(x)}{|x-tau|^{3}}=0$, then $f$ vanishes identically on $mathbb{B}$.
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