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The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is a system for systematically recording patients' diagnoses. Clinicians or professional coders assign ICD codes to patients' medical records to facilitate funding, research, and administration. In m ost health facilities, clinical coding is a manual, time-demanding task that is prone to errors. A tool that automatically assigns ICD codes to free-text clinical notes could save time and reduce erroneous coding. While many previous studies have focused on ICD coding, research on Swedish patient records is scarce. This study explored different approaches to pairing Swedish clinical notes with ICD codes. KB-BERT, a BERT model pre-trained on Swedish text, was compared to the traditional supervised learning models Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees, and K-nearest Neighbours used as the baseline. When considering ICD codes grouped into ten blocks, the KB-BERT was superior to the baseline models, obtaining an F1-micro of 0.80 and an F1-macro of 0.58. When considering the 263 full ICD codes, the KB-BERT was outperformed by all baseline models at an F1-micro and F1-macro of zero. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests showed that the performance differences between the KB-BERT and the baseline models were statistically significant.
We introduce the SweWinogender test set, a diagnostic dataset to measure gender bias in coreference resolution. It is modelled after the English Winogender benchmark, and is released with reference statistics on the distribution of men and women betw een occupations and the association between gender and occupation in modern corpus material. The paper discusses the design and creation of the dataset, and presents a small investigation of the supplementary statistics.
To be able to share the valuable information in electronic patient records (EPR) they first need to be de-identified in order to protect the privacy of their subjects. Named entity recognition and classification (NERC) is an important part of this pr ocess. In recent years, general-purpose language models pre-trained on large amounts of data, in particular BERT, have achieved state of the art results in NERC, among other NLP tasks. So far, however, no attempts have been made at applying BERT for NERC on Swedish EPR data. This study attempts to fine-tune one Swedish BERT-model and one multilingual BERT-model for NERC on a Swedish EPR corpus. The aim is to assess the applicability of BERT-models for this task as well as to compare the two models in a domain-specific Swedish language task. With the Swedish model, recall of 0.9220 and precision of 0.9226 is achieved. This is an improvement to previous results on the same corpus since the high recall does not sacrifice precision. As the models also perform relatively well when fine-tuned with pseudonymised data, it is concluded that there is good potential in using this method in a shareable de-identification system for Swedish clinical text.
Language models are notoriously difficult to evaluate. We release SuperSim, a large-scale similarity and relatedness test set for Swedish built with expert human judgements. The test set is composed of 1,360 word-pairs independently judged for both r elatedness and similarity by five annotators. We evaluate three different models (Word2Vec, fastText, and GloVe) trained on two separate Swedish datasets, namely the Swedish Gigaword corpus and a Swedish Wikipedia dump, to provide a baseline for future comparison. We will release the fully annotated test set, code, models, and data.
The current recipe for better model performance within NLP is to increase model size and training data. While it gives us models with increasingly impressive results, it also makes it more difficult to train and deploy state-of-the-art models for NLP due to increasing computational costs. Model compression is a field of research that aims to alleviate this problem. The field encompasses different methods that aim to preserve the performance of a model while decreasing the size of it. One such method is knowledge distillation. In this article, we investigate the effect of knowledge distillation for named entity recognition models in Swedish. We show that while some sequence tagging models benefit from knowledge distillation, not all models do. This prompts us to ask questions about in which situations and for which models knowledge distillation is beneficial. We also reason about the effect of knowledge distillation on computational costs.
The paper introduces a new resource, CoDeRooMor, for studying the morphology of modern Swedish word formation. The approximately 16.000 lexical items in the resource have been manually segmented into word-formation morphemes, and labeled for their ca tegories, such as prefixes, suffixes, roots, etc. Word-formation mechanisms, such as derivation and compounding have been associated with each item on the list. The article describes the selection of items for manual annotation and the principles of annotation, reports on the reliability of the manual annotation, and presents tools, resources and some first statistics. Given the''gold'' nature of the resource, it is possible to use it for empirical studies as well as to develop linguistically-aware algorithms for morpheme segmentation and labeling (cf statistical subword approach). The resource will be made freely available.
We present on-going work of evaluating the, to our knowledge, first large generative language model trained to converse in Swedish, using data from the online discussion forum Flashback. We conduct a human evaluation pilot study that indicates the mo del is often able to respond to conversations in both a human-like and informative manner, on a diverse set of topics. While data from online forums can be useful to build conversational systems, we reflect on the negative consequences that incautious application might have, and the need for taking active measures to safeguard against them.
We train and test five open-source taggers, which use different methods, on three Swedish corpora, which are of comparable size but use different tagsets. The KB-Bert tagger achieves the highest accuracy for part-of-speech and morphological tagging, while being fast enough for practical use. We also compare the performance across tagsets and across different genres in one of the corpora. We perform manual error analysis and perform a statistical analysis of factors which affect how difficult specific tags are. Finally, we test ensemble methods, showing that a small (but not significant) improvement over the best-performing tagger can be achieved.

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