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Dialogue Act (DA) classification is the task of classifying utterances with respect to the function they serve in a dialogue. Existing approaches to DA classification model utterances without incorporating the turn changes among speakers throughout t he dialogue, therefore treating it no different than non-interactive written text. In this paper, we propose to integrate the turn changes in conversations among speakers when modeling DAs. Specifically, we learn conversation-invariant speaker turn embeddings to represent the speaker turns in a conversation; the learned speaker turn embeddings are then merged with the utterance embeddings for the downstream task of DA classification. With this simple yet effective mechanism, our model is able to capture the semantics from the dialogue content while accounting for different speaker turns in a conversation. Validation on three benchmark public datasets demonstrates superior performance of our model.
This study proposes an utterance position-aware approach for a neural network-based dialogue act recognition (DAR) model, which incorporates positional encoding for utterance's absolute or relative position. The proposed approach is inspired by the o bservation that some dialogue acts have tendencies of occurrence positions. The evaluations on the Switchboard corpus show that the proposed positional encoding of utterances statistically significantly improves the performance of DAR.
Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is associated with many characteristic changes, not only in an individual's language but also in the interactive patterns observed in dialogue. The most indicative changes of this latter kind tend to be associated with relati vely rare dialogue acts (DAs), such as those involved in clarification exchanges and responses to particular kinds of questions. However, most existing work in DA tagging focuses on improving average performance, effectively prioritizing more frequent classes; it thus gives a poor performance on these rarer classes and is not suited for application to AD analysis. In this paper, we investigate tagging specifically for rare class DAs, using a hierarchical BiLSTM model with various ways of incorporating information from previous utterances and DA tags in context. We show that this can give good performance for rare DA classes on both the general Switchboard corpus (SwDA) and an AD-specific conversational dataset, the Carolinas Conversation Collection (CCC); and that the tagger outputs then contribute useful information for distinguishing patients with and without AD
We use dialogue act recognition (DAR) to investigate how well BERT represents utterances in dialogue, and how fine-tuning and large-scale pre-training contribute to its performance. We find that while both the standard BERT pre-training and pretraini ng on dialogue-like data are useful, task-specific fine-tuning is essential for good performance.

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