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The surrounding urban environment doesn't only affect the human behavior, but also affect his character, behavior and his physical and psychological status, and thus his feelings of comfort, happiness, relaxation and satisfaction, or his sense of f eeling uncomfortable, exhaustion and fatigue; the most important thing that the human pursues is to meet his vital, physiological and psychological requirements through Architecture and Urbanism, and in as much as he gets his basic requirements, he would be capable of being effective to promote urban development. Generally, most of the urban planning and design processes rely in their solutions for the urban spaces issues on the development of the built (physical) environment, neglecting the moral aspect, which is presented in the humanistic behavior of users. As a result, this negatively affects the efficiency of the urban space in performing its social, environmental, cultural and economic functions, in addition to the direct impact on the functions and aesthetics of the built environment. This research discusses the interaction between the residents and the urban environment in which they live. It aims at ensuring and analyzing the role of the urban planner in organizing the urban-human interaction on the mental contact level for this interaction. The research consists of three main parts; the first part deals with the analysis of the main components of the interaction between human and environment, and the various results of this interaction, the second part discusses the concept of kinetic clarity, as one of those determinant factors, based on clear mental impression and oriented actual movement in the surrounding environment. The third part, however, ends with analyzing the planning factors that affect the kinetic clarity, based on the spatial organization of urban environment, and on the environmental communication. The research comes up with selecting the suitable designing determinants to set a clear kinetic system for the urban fabric, either on the city level, or its various spaces level, through a group of recommendations, related to the mythologies of the interlink between the physical environment and the humanistic behavior in both urban designing and planning processes, to improving the residents psychological status.

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