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The research aimed to study the possibility of using sweet sorghum juice as a substrate to produce Baker’s yeast and optimizing the temperature and agitation rate to obtain the highest biomass yield by batch method in beaker flasks then in laborat ory fermenter.
This study was carried out during 2013 – 2015 and aimed to assess the effects of applying dry sewage sludge on dry biomass production and wood volume of Eucalyptus camaldulensis plantation established on sandy soil in Fedio plantation-Lattakia at A pril - 2013. Four experimental treatments were compared at age 22 months: SS1 (sewage sludge 3 kg/tree), SS2 (sewage sludge 6 kg/tree), MF (mineral fertilizer), and C (no fertilizer applications). Aboveground dry biomass production and wood volume in the SS1 treatment were about 107.60 t/ ha and 121.13 m3/harespectively, MF treatment (87.52 t/ha, 96.98 m3/ha) and SS2 treatment (91.12 t/ha, 103.42 m3/ha)and higher than in the control treatment (43.89 t/ha, 51.32 m3/ha ).
Generally, sewage sludge is dumped into sanitary landfills, even though its use in forest stands as a fertilizer and soil conditioner might be an interesting option. However, sewage sludge must be applied with care to avoid soil and water pollutio n. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of applying dry sewage sludge on wet biomass production and wood volume of short rotation Eucalyptus camaldulensis plantation established on sandy soil in Fedio plantation.
This research is a study of distribution of Patella caerulea in four locations of the Latakia shore different from each other by Substrate nature and their exposure to pollution sources. They are as follow : Afamia (A),Ibn Hani (B) ,harbor fishing of Tower Islam (C), and the sandy beach of Tower Islam (D). This study was achieved between January 2012 and January 2013 ,The samples were collected manually from the Supralittoral , Littoral and Sublittoral region(depth of two meters).The results of this study showed the following: 1 – The area A is the most suitable for the growth and reproduction of the Patella caerulea, which recorded the highest value of biomass reaching ( 3990.2 gr / m²), and the number of individuals (2128 ind /m²) . 2 - The area C recorded the lowest value of biomass (2872.47 gr/ m²) and the number of individuals (1632 ind / m²). 3 - Patella caerulea is consederied a Eurybiont as it was found in all the study areas . 4 - Patella caerulea is comercially important species .

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