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The research area is located in the Syrian coast between the Sin and Rous river. This research aims at studying the hydrogeological characteristics of the unconfined aquifer in the research area and evaluating the conditions of its placed. The rese arch was based on a monitoring network consisting of 36 wells that penetrate the unconfined aquifer, and measurements continued during the period (October 2016 until September 2017). The unconfined groundwater depths in the research area range between 0.5-11.5 m, and sometimes during the drought period reach to 13.5 m, while it is close to the surface in the winter and up to 0.1m in some wells. The electrical conductivity ranges between 550-3700 μs/cm, increasing as we go west and reaching 9,000 μs/cm and more in the wells near the sea during the dry period. Groundwater levels Lower in the dry period to below sea level in near-shore wells, achieves the hydrodynamic conditions of the seawater intrusion.
The research includes an analytical study of long term pumping test with observation wells to get the optimum determination of the most important hydrogeological parameters of confined aquifer in Banyas, by pumping from a well with average pumping rate 10104m3/day for 36 hours and only 5 hours of complete recovery groundwater level. This test is accompanied by measuring the variations of the groundwater levels in the monitoring wells. Analytical methods of steady- unsteady of groundwater flow are used to evaluate the long term pumping test, and then to determine the optimum evaluation. The Transmissivity of the confined aquifer is about 5000 m2/day (very high potential), and the storage coefficient is 1,8.10-4. Then they used to predict the groundwater drawdown during one day. So, we can get 20000 m3/day from the aquifer and the drawdown not more than 1,75 m as quasi-steady drawdown at distance 500 m from the pumping well.
This research discuss the method followed to specify water transmissivity; using the water balance data related to the natural model of aquifer; in order to pinpoint this transmissivity values on vast areas and; therefore; drawing of the regional water transmissivity This method is based on the steady relation between water transmissivity and the amount of natural charging is case of constant motion that is reflected on the piezometeric surface of the artesian water and the depth of water level with regard to free aquatic. Undoubtfuly, pinpointing transmissivity values and then drawing charts of regional water transmissivity depending on this method have a great significance practically, especially when complicated hydrogeological conditions are modeled. All the places of hidden tectonic dislocations can be clarified and scrutinized, bicides, there is then an ability to specify all charging and discharging areas, and explain the transformation of rock characters. Over, and above, all the results attained correspond with the geological, structural, and lythological characteristics of studied area.

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