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The aim of this study is to adopt Activi- ty Based Costing (ABC) system using a model of six steps in one of the largest private hospital in the Jordanian capital (Amman). The result of the study reveals that adoption of ABC in Endoscopy department p rovides more accurate information about the costs of medical services which leads to fair market price of all activities achieved in the department which is very useful for compe- tition purposes. Moreover, the result documents the ability of this system in avoiding useless ac- tivities and control costs. Additionally, the result exhibits the ability of ABC system in providing data base and useful information that helps in planning, control and evaluation performance. The study recommends that private hospitals use ABC system which could help them to work in a competitive environment. Also the study recom- mends the necessity of private hospitals to make changes in its accounting information system to t the use of ABC
This study aim to apply Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing (TDABC) in Syrian industrial environment to define the ability of (TDABC) in recognition ofidle resources and calculating the cost of it, because of the critical role of this recognition in r educing production cost and inducing entity’s competitive force. (TDABC) has been applied in one of the industrial entities in Damascus Rural. Applying (TDABC) in this entity led to the presence of unused production capacity in one of the entity's sections which representing 27% of the total costs of the resources division, in addition to determine the cost of this unused production capacity, while the adopted accounting cost system in the entity couldn't discover unused production capacity in any section of entity. This study revealed that (TDABC) succeeded in defining idle resources in the chosen entity, and showed the simplicity of applying this method.
يعد هذا البحث محاولةً من الباحث لتوضيح أثر المسؤولية الاجتماعية في تطبيق نظام التكلفـة على أساس النشاط ABC . فمن المعروف أن نظام التكاليف يعد من الأنظمة المفتوحـة التـي تتأثر بالبيئة المحيطة و تؤثر فيها، فهي في حالة حركة مستمرة، و لذلك لا بد من إعا دة النظـر بتلك الأنظمة و تطويرها بصورة مستمرة كلما دعت الحاجة لذلك و تغيرت الظروف المحيطة.

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