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Image Fusion is one of the most important methods used in image processing, especially in networks with limited resources such as networks of wireless sensors supporting multimedia. It is classified into technologies operating in spatial domain and o thers in the frequency domain. In this research, Fusion techniques in frequency domain are manipulated to benefit from its advantages. Discrete Cosine Tansform is used because it fits the characteristics of this type of networking where it is simple, easy to implement and requires low memory. Three methods based on this transformation, DCTav, DCTma and DCTah, have been investigated and applied to three different sets of images. The evaluation of simulation results, with different parameters, showed that the DCTma was the most appropriate method to integrate the imagery taken from sensory nodes supporting multimedia.
The sound is an essential component of multimedia, and due to the needto be used in many life applications such as television broadcasting andcommunication programs, so it was necessary for the existence of audio signal processing techniquessuch as compressing, improving, and noisereduction. Data compression process aims to reduce the bit rate used, by doing encoding information using fewer bits than the original representation for transmitting and storing. By this process,the unnecessary information is determined and removed, that means it gives the compressed information for useable compression, which we need as a fundamental, not the minutest details. This research aims to study how to process sound and musical signal. It's a process that consists of a wide range of applications like coding and digital compression for the effective transport and storage on mobile phones and portable music players, modeling and reproduction of the sound of musical instruments and music halls and the harmonics of digital music, editing digital music, and classification of music content, and other things.

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