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Transformer has achieved great success in the NLP field by composing various advanced models like BERT and GPT. However, Transformer and its existing variants may not be optimal in capturing token distances because the position or distance embeddings used by these methods usually cannot keep the precise information of real distances, which may not be beneficial for modeling the orders and relations of contexts. In this paper, we propose DA-Transformer, which is a distance-aware Transformer that can exploit the real distance. We propose to incorporate the real distances between tokens to re-scale the raw self-attention weights, which are computed by the relevance between attention query and key. Concretely, in different self-attention heads the relative distance between each pair of tokens is weighted by different learnable parameters, which control the different preferences on long- or short-term information of these heads. Since the raw weighted real distances may not be optimal for adjusting self-attention weights, we propose a learnable sigmoid function to map them into re-scaled coefficients that have proper ranges. We first clip the raw self-attention weights via the ReLU function to keep non-negativity and introduce sparsity, and then multiply them with the re-scaled coefficients to encode real distance information into self-attention. Extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets show that DA-Transformer can effectively improve the performance of many tasks and outperform the vanilla Transformer and its several variants.
Sentiment analysis has attracted increasing attention in e-commerce. The sentiment polarities underlying user reviews are of great value for business intelligence. Aspect category sentiment analysis (ACSA) and review rating prediction (RP) are two es sential tasks to detect the fine-to-coarse sentiment polarities. ACSA and RP are highly correlated and usually employed jointly in real-world e-commerce scenarios. While most public datasets are constructed for ACSA and RP separately, which may limit the further exploitation of both tasks. To address the problem and advance related researches, we present a large-scale Chinese restaurant review dataset ASAP including 46, 730 genuine reviews from a leading online-to-offline (O2O) e-commerce platform in China. Besides a 5-star scale rating, each review is manually annotated according to its sentiment polarities towards 18 pre-defined aspect categories. We hope the release of the dataset could shed some light on the field of sentiment analysis. Moreover, we propose an intuitive yet effective joint model for ACSA and RP. Experimental results demonstrate that the joint model outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on both tasks.

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