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The West has achieved its civilization project within the homework of a second relationship between thought and reality. It has achieved an epistemological process with theological and metaphysical thought replacing it with secular thought and a ment al empirical approach based on observation and experiment. It is from their point that the West started building its renaissance where influence targeted the external world after its experience was so successful at the local level. Our societies and social levels have been influenced by the European modernization process in various ways. The variety of influence varied in accordance with the contradictions there societies are experiencing. The economic level which is the most self-expressing and which outliner its relations with its environment and external environments as well as with levels of failure and success has been influenced by the Western modernization process. However, it has not gone beyond the point of influenced to the point of being influencing or to the point of action, efficiency and independence or even to the point of developing a social and economic system that could imitate the estrangement with everything that may obstruct the establishment of a new kind of social contract that would move their societies from a deteriorating situation to a situation of recovery and achieve a civilization project.
تتعرض هذه الدراسة إلى ظاهرة النظام الاجتماعي و أهميتها، و طبيعة هذا النظام و إدراك خصائصه، و عوامل ثبوته أو تبديله و تغيره من خلال فهم النظريات الاجتماعية المعاصرة و خاصة البنائية الوظيفية باعتبارها من أهم المدارس التي أولت ظاهرة النظام أهمية خاصة ، ثم نتعرف في النهاية ما قدمه النقد السوسيولوجي المعاصر لمشكلة النظام باتجاهاته المختلفة.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا