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Dental caries is considered as one of the most common chronic diseases. The study of prevalence and severity of dental caries conducted in a specific geographic area contributes in constructing necessary plans for treatment and prevention. Aims of this study are to determine the prevalence and severity of early-childhood caries and to define risk factors associated with ECC among Lattakia/ Syrian preschool children. The sample comprised 909 children were divided into three age groups 3-4-5 years. A questionnaire was distributed and contained information on oral feeding habits, socio-economic status and educational Status of the mother. The results, and data analysis showed that the prevalence of ECC for pre-school children was 84.8%, the mean dmft and dmfs score in the group was in 3 years ( 4.09 (5.22=+6.22 & 2.85+=respectively. In 4 years3.43+=4.12) &7.29 += 8.25 ) .In 5 years (4.93 +=4.42 & (11.962+=10.157. The value of the significant caries index SIC was 9.02. We obtained on 492 questionnaire which was observed a significant relationship between ECC and age of children , socio-economic status of the family, the educational status of the mother, feeding habits ( quantity of sweet consumption per day- time of sweet consumed between meals, using baby bottle ). However, breastfeeding and gender didn't have significant effect

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