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Existing techniques for mitigating dataset bias often leverage a biased model to identify biased instances. The role of these biased instances is then reduced during the training of the main model to enhance its robustness to out-of-distribution data . A common core assumption of these techniques is that the main model handles biased instances similarly to the biased model, in that it will resort to biases whenever available. In this paper, we show that this assumption does not hold in general. We carry out a critical investigation on two well-known datasets in the domain, MNLI and FEVER, along with two biased instance detection methods, partial-input and limited-capacity models. Our experiments show that in around a third to a half of instances, the biased model is unable to predict the main model's behavior, highlighted by the significantly different parts of the input on which they base their decisions. Based on a manual validation, we also show that this estimate is highly in line with human interpretation. Our findings suggest that down-weighting of instances detected by bias detection methods, which is a widely-practiced procedure, is an unnecessary waste of training data. We release our code to facilitate reproducibility and future research.
Fine-tuned language models have been shown to exhibit biases against protected groups in a host of modeling tasks such as text classification and coreference resolution. Previous works focus on detecting these biases, reducing bias in data representa tions, and using auxiliary training objectives to mitigate bias during fine-tuning. Although these techniques achieve bias reduction for the task and domain at hand, the effects of bias mitigation may not directly transfer to new tasks, requiring additional data collection and customized annotation of sensitive attributes, and re-evaluation of appropriate fairness metrics. We explore the feasibility and benefits of upstream bias mitigation (UBM) for reducing bias on downstream tasks, by first applying bias mitigation to an upstream model through fine-tuning and subsequently using it for downstream fine-tuning. We find, in extensive experiments across hate speech detection, toxicity detection and coreference resolution tasks over various bias factors, that the effects of UBM are indeed transferable to new downstream tasks or domains via fine-tuning, creating less biased downstream models than directly fine-tuning on the downstream task or transferring from a vanilla upstream model. Though challenges remain, we show that UBM promises more efficient and accessible bias mitigation in LM fine-tuning.
Highlights this search light on the study of sound in the book Sibawayh according curricula modern linguistics , turned out to us that Sibawayh realized the importance of the audio system , and was fully aware that the study sounds introduction is a must to study the language , and also shows that he has dealt with the description ( sound operative ) , Between numbering , and select audio and accompanying movements of the members of the pronunciation. The department Sibawayh Arab voices depending on the pronunciation control outside air from the mouth to the voices of ( silent ) and sounds ( tide and soft ) . Then we studied the symmetry voice in the book Sibawayh ( symmetry between the consonants : symmetry next , and substitution ) , and ( symmetry full - slurring - diphthong doubled , diphthong Close together ) , and ( symmetry next , symmetry mastermind ) , and ( symmetry voice and tilt ) , and ( symmetry voice and followers).And studied voice offset in the book Sibawayh : ( offset voice and semantics ) , and ( offset voice and deletions ) , and ( offset voice and mitigation)

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