اخترنا في هذا المشروع العمل على تطوير نظام يقوم بتصنيف المستندات العربية حسب محتواها, يقوم هذه النظام بالتحليل اللفظي لكلمات المستند ثم إجراء عملية Stemming"رد الأفعال إلى أصلها" ثم تطبيق عملية إحصائية على المستند في مرحلة تدريب النظام ثم بالاعتماد
على خوارزميات في الذكاء الصنعي يتم تصنيف المستند حسب محتواه ضمن عناقيد
Subjects description in the faculty of informatics engineering from the first to the fifth year for the department of software and information systems engineering, in English language
التعرف على بنية برنامج مكتوب بلغة التجميع, تعليمات المعالج 8088\8086, مهمة الموجهات بالاضافة إلى مجموعة من التمارين.
The basics of sEO, create unique page titles, improve the website structure, improve the content, dealing with crawlers, improve SEO for mobile devices, using analytics and promotional operating
The Road Ahead is a book written by Bill Gates, co-founder and then-CEO of the Microsoft software company, together with Microsoft executive Nathan Myhrvold and journalist Peter Rinearson. Published in November 1995, then substantially revised about a year later, The Road Ahead summarized the implications of the personal computing revolution and described a future profoundly changed by the arrival of a global information superhighway.
Gates received a $2.5 million advance for his book and money from subsidiary rights sales; all his proceeds were donated to "encourage the use of technology in education administered through the National Foundation for the Improvement of Education," a foundation created by the National Education Association.
In this work, we compare three different modeling approaches for the scores of soccer matches with regard to their predictive performances based on all matches from the four previous FIFA World Cups 2002 – 2014: Poisson regression models, random
forests and ranking methods.
Statistical approaches to processing natural language text have become dominant in recent years. It provides broad but rigorous coverage of mathematical and linguistic foundations, as well as detailed discussion of statistical methods, allowing students and researchers to construct their own implementations.
Ubuntu Server Guide contains information on how to install and configure various server applications on your Ubuntu system to fit your needs.
Written by three experts in the field, Deep Learning is the only comprehensive book on the subject." -- Elon Musk, co-chair of OpenAI; cof-ounder and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX