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108 - Yuan Lin , Zhongzhi Zhang 2014
We perform an in-depth study for mean first-passage time (MFPT)---a primary quantity for random walks with numerous applications---of maximal-entropy random walks (MERW) performed in complex networks. For MERW in a general network, we derive an explicit expression of MFPT in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix associated with the network. For MERW in uncorrelated networks, we also provide a theoretical formula of MFPT at the mean-field level, based on which we further evaluate the dominant scalings of MFPT to different targets for MERW in uncorrelated scale-free networks, and compare the results with those corresponding to traditional unbiased random walks (TURW). We show that the MFPT to a hub node is much lower for MERW than for TURW. However, when the destination is a node with the least degree or a uniformly chosen node, the MFPT is higher for MERW than for TURW. Since MFPT to a uniformly chosen node measures real efficiency of search in networks, our work provides insight into general searching process in complex networks.
375 - Xin Peng , Zhongzhi Zhang 2014
We use maximal entropy random walk (MERW) to study the trapping problem in dendrimers modeled by Cayley trees with a deep trap fixed at the central node. We derive an explicit expression for the mean first passage time from any node to the trap, as well as an exact formula for the average trapping time (ATT), which is the average of the source-to-trap mean first passage time over all non-trap starting nodes. Based on the obtained closed-form solution for ATT, we further deduce an upper bound for the leading behavior of ATT, which is the fourth power of $ln N$, where $N$ is the system size. This upper bound is much smaller than the ATT of trapping depicted by unbiased random walk in Cayley trees, the leading scaling of which is a linear function of $N$. These results show that MERW can substantially enhance the efficiency of trapping performed in dendrimers.
Designing optimal structure favorable to diffusion and effectively controlling the trapping process are crucial in the study of trapping problem---random walks with a single trap. In this paper, we study the trapping problem occurring on unweighted and weighted networks, respectively. The networks under consideration display the striking scale-free, small-world, and modular properties, as observed in diverse real-world systems. For binary networks, we concentrate on three cases of trapping problems with the trap located at a peripheral node, a neighbor of the root with the least connectivity, and a farthest node, respectively. For weighted networks with edge weights controlled by a parameter, we also study three trapping problems, in which the trap is placed separately at the root, a neighbor of the root with the least degree, and a farthest node. For all the trapping problems, we obtain the analytical formulas for the average trapping time (ATT) measuring the efficiency of the trapping process, as well as the leading scaling of ATT. We show that for all the trapping problems in the binary networks with a trap located at different nodes, the dominating scalings of ATT reach the possible minimum scalings, implying that the networks have optimal structure that is advantageous to efficient trapping. Furthermore, we show that for trapping in the weighted networks, the ATT is controlled by the weight parameter, through modifying which, the ATT can behave superlinealy, linearly, sublinearly, or logarithmically with the system size. This work could help improving the design of systems with efficient trapping process and offers new insight into control of trapping in complex systems.
135 - Yuan Lin , Zhongzhi Zhang 2013
In this paper, we propose a general framework for the trapping problem on a weighted network with a perfect trap fixed at an arbitrary node. By utilizing the spectral graph theory, we provide an exact formula for mean first-passage time (MFPT) from one node to another, based on which we deduce an explicit expression for average trapping time (ATT) in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix associated with the weighted graph, where ATT is the average of MFPTs to the trap over all source nodes. We then further derive a sharp lower bound for the ATT in terms of only the local information of the trap node, which can be obtained in some graphs. Moreover, we deduce the ATT when the trap is distributed uniformly in the whole network. Our results show that network weights play a significant role in the trapping process. To apply our framework, we use the obtained formulas to study random walks on two specific networks: trapping in weighted uncorrelated networks with a deep trap, the weights of which are characterized by a parameter, and Levy random walks in a connected binary network with a trap distributed uniformly, which can be looked on as random walks on a weighted network. For weighted uncorrelated networks we show that the ATT to any target node depends on the weight parameter, that is, the ATT to any node can change drastically by modifying the parameter, a phenomenon that is in contrast to that for trapping in binary networks. For Levy random walks in any connected network, by using their equivalence to random walks on a weighted complete network, we obtain the optimal exponent characterizing Levy random walks, which have the minimal average of ATTs taken over all target nodes.
85 - Bin Wu , Zhongzhi Zhang 2013
Efficiently controlling the trapping process, especially the trapping efficiency, is central in the study of trap problem in complex systems, since it is a fundamental mechanism for diverse other dynamic processes. Thus, it is of theoretical and practical significance to study the control technique for trapping problem. In this paper, we study the trapping problem in a family of proposed directed fractals with a deep trap at a central node. The directed fractals are a generalization of previous undirected fractals by introducing the directed edge weights dominated by a parameter. We characterize all the eigenvalues and their degeneracies for an associated matrix governing the trapping process. The eigenvalues are provided through an exact recursive relation deduced from the self-similar structure of the fractals. We also obtain the expressions for the smallest eigenvalue and the mean first-passage time (MFPT) as a measure of trapping efficiency, which is the expected time for the walker to first visit the trap. The MFPT is evaluated according to the proved fact that it is approximately equal to reciprocal of the smallest eigenvalue. We show that the MFPT is controlled by the weight parameter, by modifying which, the MFPT can scale superlinealy, linearly, or sublinearly with the system size. Thus, this work paves a way to delicately controlling the trapping process in the fractals.
The studies based on $A+A rightarrow emptyset$ and $A+Brightarrow emptyset$ diffusion-annihilation processes have so far been studied on weighted uncorrelated scale-free networks and fractal scale-free networks. In the previous reports, it is widely accepted that the segregation of particles in the processes is introduced by the fractal structure. In this paper, we study these processes on a family of weighted scale-free networks with identical degree sequence. We find that the depletion zone and segregation are essentially caused by the disassortative mixing, namely, high-degree nodes tend to connect with low-degree nodes. Their influence on the processes is governed by the correlation between the weight and degree. Our finding suggests both the weight and degree distribution dont suffice to characterize the diffusion-annihilation processes on weighted scale-free networks.
458 - Zhongzhi Zhang , Shuyang Gao , 2010
Previous work shows that the mean first-passage time (MFPT) for random walks to a given hub node (node with maximum degree) in uncorrelated random scale-free networks is closely related to the exponent $gamma$ of power-law degree distribution $P(k)sim k^{-gamma}$, which describes the extent of heterogeneity of scale-free network structure. However, extensive empirical research indicates that real networked systems also display ubiquitous degree correlations. In this paper, we address the trapping issue on the Koch networks, which is a special random walk with one trap fixed at a hub node. The Koch networks are power-law with the characteristic exponent $gamma$ in the range between 2 and 3, they are either assortative or disassortative. We calculate exactly the MFPT that is the average of first-passage time from all other nodes to the trap. The obtained explicit solution shows that in large networks the MFPT varies lineally with node number $N$, which is obviously independent of $gamma$ and is sharp contrast to the scaling behavior of MFPT observed for uncorrelated random scale-free networks, where $gamma$ influences qualitatively the MFPT of trapping problem.
The class of Koch fractals is one of the most interesting families of fractals, and the study of complex networks is a central issue in the scientific community. In this paper, inspired by the famous Koch fractals, we propose a mapping technique converting Koch fractals into a family of deterministic networks, called Koch networks. This novel class of networks incorporates some key properties characterizing a majority of real-life networked systems---a power-law distribution with exponent in the range between 2 and 3, a high clustering coefficient, small diameter and average path length, and degree correlations. Besides, we enumerate the exact numbers of spanning trees, spanning forests, and connected spanning subgraphs in the networks. All these features are obtained exactly according to the proposed generation algorithm of the networks considered. The network representation approach could be used to investigate the complexity of some real-world systems from the perspective of complex networks.
A vast variety of real-life networks display the ubiquitous presence of scale-free phenomenon and small-world effect, both of which play a significant role in the dynamical processes running on networks. Although various dynamical processes have been investigated in scale-free small-world networks, analytical research about random walks on such networks is much less. In this paper, we will study analytically the scaling of the mean first-passage time (MFPT) for random walks on scale-free small-world networks. To this end, we first map the classical Koch fractal to a network, called Koch network. According to this proposed mapping, we present an iterative algorithm for generating the Koch network, based on which we derive closed-form expressions for the relevant topological features, such as degree distribution, clustering coefficient, average path length, and degree correlations. The obtained solutions show that the Koch network exhibits scale-free behavior and small-world effect. Then, we investigate the standard random walks and trapping issue on the Koch network. Through the recurrence relations derived from the structure of the Koch network, we obtain the exact scaling for the MFPT. We show that in the infinite network order limit, the MFPT grows linearly with the number of all nodes in the network. The obtained analytical results are corroborated by direct extensive numerical calculations. In addition, we also determine the scaling efficiency exponents characterizing random walks on the Koch network.
The closed-form solution for the average distance of a deterministic network--Sierpinski network--is found. This important quantity is calculated exactly with the help of recursion relations, which are based on the self-similar network structure and enable one to derive the precise formula analytically. The obtained rigorous solution confirms our previous numerical result, which shows that the average distance grows logarithmically with the number of network nodes. The result is at variance with that derived from random networks.

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