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79 - Y. Zhang , C. Miller , T. Mckay 2015
Using the science verification data of the Dark Energy Survey (DES) for a new sample of 106 X-Ray selected clusters and groups, we study the stellar mass growth of Bright Central Galaxies (BCGs) since redshift 1.2. Compared with the expectation in a semi-analytical model applied to the Millennium Simulation, the observed BCGs become under-massive/under-luminous with decreasing redshift. We incorporate the uncertainties associated with cluster mass, redshift, and BCG stellar mass measurements into analysis of a redshift-dependent BCG-cluster mass relation, $m_{*}propto(frac{M_{200}}{1.5times 10^{14}M_{odot}})^{0.24pm 0.08}(1+z)^{-0.19pm0.34}$, and compare the observed relation to the model prediction. We estimate the average growth rate since $z = 1.0$ for BCGs hosted by clusters of $M_{200, z}=10^{13.8}M_{odot}$, at $z=1.0$: $m_{*, BCG}$ appears to have grown by $0.13pm0.11$ dex, in tension at $sim 2.5 sigma$ significance level with the $0.40$ dex growth rate expected from the semi-analytic model. We show that the buildup of extended intra-cluster light after $z=1.0$ may alleviate this tension in BCG growth rates.
198 - Y. Zhang , M. Yi , Z.-K. Liu 2015
Nematic state, where the system is translationally invariant but breaks the rotational symmetry, has drawn great attentions recently due to experimental observations of such a state in both cuprates and iron-based superconductors. The mechanism of nematicity that is likely tied to the pairing mechanism of high-Tc, however, still remains controversial. Here, we studied the electronic structure of multilayer FeSe film by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). We found that the FeSe film enters the nematic state around 125 K, while the electronic signature of long range magnetic order has not been observed down to 20K indicating the non-magnetic origin of the nematicity. The band reconstruction in the nematic state is characterized by the splitting of the dxz and dyz bands. More intriguingly, such energy splitting is strong momentum dependent with the largest band splitting of ~80meV at the zone corner. The simple on-site ferro-orbital ordering is insufficient to reproduce the nontrivial momentum dependence of the band reconstruction. Instead, our results suggest that the nearest-neighbor hopping of dxz and dyz is highly anisotropic in the nematic state, the origin of which holds the key in understanding the nematicity in iron-based superconductors.
A material exhibiting a negative Poissons ratio is always one of the leading topics in materials science, which is due to the potential applications in those special areas such as defence and medicine. In this letter, we demonstrate a new material, few-layer orthorhombic arsenic, also possesses the negative Poissons ratio. For monolayer arsenic, the negative Poissons ratio is predicted to be around -0.09, originated from the hinge-like structure within the single layer of arsenic. When the layer increases, the negative Poissons ratio becomes more negative and finally approaches the limit at four-layer, which is very close to the bulks value of -0.12. The underlying mechanism is proposed for this layer-dependent negative Poissons ratio, where the internal bond lengths as well as the normal Poissons ratio within layer play a key role. The study like ours sheds new light on the physics of negative Poissons ratio in those hinge-like nano-materials.
115 - S. Gerber , K. W. Kim , Y. Zhang 2014
Ultrafast light pulses can modify the electronic properties of quantum materials by perturbing the underlying, intertwined degrees of freedom. In particular, iron-based superconductors exhibit a strong coupling among electronic nematic fluctuations, spins, and the lattice, serving as a playground for ultrafast manipulation. Here we use time-resolved x-ray scattering to measure the lattice dynamics of photo-excited BaFe2As2. Upon optical excitation, no signature of an ultrafast change of the crystal symmetry is observed, but the lattice oscillates rapidly in time due to the coherent excitation of an A1g mode that modulates the Fe-As-Fe bond angle. We directly quantify the coherent lattice dynamics and show that even a small photo-induced lattice distortion can induce notable changes in the electronic and magnetic properties. Our analysis implies that transient structural modification can generally be an effective tool for manipulating the electronic properties of multi-orbital systems, where electronic instabilities are sensitive to the orbital character of bands near the Fermi level.
In this express, we demonstrate few-layer orthorhombic arsenene is an ideal semiconductor. Due to the layer stacking, multilayer arsenenes always behave as intrinsic direct bandgap semiconductors with gap values of around 1 eV. In addition, these bandgaps can be further tuned in its nanoribbons. Based on the so-called acoustic phonon limited approach, the carrier mobilities are predicted to approach as high as several thousand square centimeters per volt-second and simultaneously exhibit high directional anisotropy. All these make few-layer arsenene promising for device applications in semiconducting industry.
102 - Y. Zhang 2014
We first introduce the design parameters of the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider II (BEPCII) and the simulation study of beam-beam effects during the design process of the machine. The main advances since 2007 are briefly introduced and reviewed. The longitudinal feedback system was installed to suppress the coupled bunch instability in January 2010. The horizontal tune decreased from 6.53 to 6.508 during the course of data taken in December, 2010. The saturation of the beam-beam parameter was found in 2011, and the vacuum chambers and magnets near the north crossing point were moved 15 cm in order to mitigate the long range beam-beam interaction. At the beginning of 2013, the beam-beam parameter achieved 0.04 with the new lower $alpha_{p}$ lattice and the peak luminosity achieved 7 x 10$^{32}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$.
418 - B. Ning , S. Y. Zhang , D. Hou 2014
High-precision optical pulse trains distribution via fibre links has made huge impacts in many fields. In most published works, the accuracies are still fundamentally limited by some unavoidable noises, such as thermal and shot noise from conventional photodiodes, thermal noise from mixers. Here, we demonstrate a new high-precision timing distribution system by using highly-precision phase detector to overcome the limitations. Instead of using photodiodes and microwave mixers, we use several fibre Sagnac-loop-based optical-microwave phase detectors to realize optical-electrical conversion and phase measurements, for suppressing the noises and achieving ultra-high accuracy. A 10-km fibre link distribution experiment shows our system provides a residual instability at the level of 4.6*10-15@1-s and 6.1*10-18@10000-s, with an integrated timing jitter as low as 3.8 fs in a bandwidth of 1 Hz to 100 KHz. This low instability and timing jitter makes it possible that our system can be used in the optical clock distribution or the applications for the facilities which require extremely accuracy frequency time synchronization.
Photoluminescence spectra of YVO$_{4}$:Eu$^{3+}$ nanoparticles are presented,with and without the attachment of of organic linker molecules that are proposed for linking to biomolecules. YVO$_{4}$:Eu$^{3+}$ nanoparticles with 5% dopant concentration were synthesized by wet chemical synthesis. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy show the expected wakefieldite structure of tetragonal particles with an average size of 17 nm. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy determines that metal-carboxylate coordination is successful in replacing the native metal-hydroxyl bonds with three organic linkers, namely benzoic acid, 3-nitro 4-chloro-benzoic acid and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, in separate treatments. UV-excitation photoluminescence spectra show that the position and intensity of dominant $^{5}D_{0}-^{7}F_{2}$ electric-dipole transition at 619 nm is unaffected by the benzoic acid and 3-nitro 4-chloro-benzoic acid treatments. Attachment of the 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid produces an order-of-magnitude quenching of the photoluminescence, due to the presence of high-frequency modes in the linker. Ratios of the dominant electric- and magnetic-dipole transitions confirm infrared measurements, which indicate that the bulk crystal of the nanoparticle is unchanged by all three treatments.
127 - Y. Zhang , X. Qian , K. Allada 2013
An experiment to measure single-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive production of charged pions in deep-inelastic scattering on a transversely polarized $^3$He target was performed at Jefferson Lab in the kinematic region of $0.16<x<0.35$ and $1.4<Q^2<2.7$ ${rm GeV^2}$. The pretzelosity asymmetries on $^3$He, which can be expressed as the convolution of the $h^perp_{1T}$ transverse momentum dependent distribution functions and the Collins fragmentation functions in the leading order, were measured for the first time. Using the effective polarization approximation, we extracted the corresponding neutron asymmetries from the measured $^3$He asymmetries and cross-section ratios between the proton and $^3$He. Our results show that for both $pi^{pm}$ on $^3$He and on the neutron the pretzelosity asymmetries are consistent with zero within experimental uncertainties.
The Multi-Scale Continuum and Line Exploration of W49 (MUSCLE W49) is a comprehensive gas and dust survey of the giant molecular cloud (GMC) of W49A, the most luminous star-formation region in the Milky Way. It covers the entire GMC at different scales and angular resolutions. In this paper we present: 1) an all-configuration SMA mosaic in the 230-GHz band covering the central 3 arcmin (10 pc, known as W49N), with most of the embedded massive stars; and 2) PMO 14m telescope observations in the 90-GHz band, covering the entire GMC with maps up to 35 arcmin in size, or 113 pc. We also make use of archival data from the VLA, JCMT-SCUBA, IRAM 30m, and the CSO BOLOCAM GPS. Our main findings are: 1) The W49 GMC is one of the most massive in the Galaxy, with a total mass ~1.1x10^6 Msun within a radius of 60 pc. Within a radius of 6 pc, the total gas mass is ~2x10^5 Msun. At these scales only 1% of the material is photoionized. The mass reservoir is sufficient to form several young massive clusters (YMCs) as massive as a globular cluster. 2) The mass of the GMC is distributed in a hierarchical network of filaments. At scales <10 pc, a triple, centrally condensed structure peaks toward the ring of HC HII regions in W49N. This structure extends to scales from ~10 to 100 pc. The W49A starburst most likely formed from global gravitational contraction with localized collapse in a hub-filament geometry. 3) Currently, feedback from the central YMCs (with a present mass Mcl > 5x10^4 Msun) is still not enough to entirely disrupt the GMC, but further stellar mass growth could be enough to allow radiation pressure to clear the cloud and halt star formation. 4) The resulting stellar content will probably remain as a gravitationally bound massive star cluster, or a small system of bound clusters. (ABRIDGED)

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