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90 - Y. Lu , E. Benckiser , B. Keimer 2015
We show that the experimental evidence presented in this paper is insufficient to support its conclusions.
103 - B.H. Sun , Y. Lu , J.P. Peng 2014
We show that the charge radii of neighboring atomic nuclei, independent of atomic number and charge, follow remarkably very simple relations, despite the fact that atomic nuclei are complex finite many-body systems governed by the laws of quantum mechanics. These relations can be understood within the picture of independent-particle motion and by assuming neighboring nuclei having similar pattern in the charge density distribution. A root-mean-square (rms) deviation of 0.0078 fm is obtained between the predictions in these relations and the experimental values, i.e., a comparable precision as modern experimental techniques. Such high accuracy relations are very useful to check the consistence of nuclear charge radius surface and moreover to predict unknown nuclear charge radii, while large deviations from experimental data is seen to reveal the appearance of nuclear shape transition or coexsitence.
The colors of suspended metallic colloidal particles are determined by their size-dependent plasma resonance, while those of semiconducting colloidal particles are determined by their size-dependent band gap. Here, we present a novel case for armchair carbon nanotubes, suspended in aqueous medium, for which the color depends on their size-dependent excitonic resonance, even though the individual particles are metallic. We observe distinct colors of a series of armchair-enriched nanotube suspensions, highlighting the unique coloration mechanism of these one-dimensional metals.
153 - R. Prevedel , Y. Lu , W. Matthews 2010
We present and experimentally demonstrate a communication protocol that employs shared entanglement to reduce errors when sending a bit over a particular noisy classical channel. Specifically, it is shown that, given a single use of this channel, one can transmit a bit with higher success probability when sender and receiver share entanglement compared to the best possible strategy when they do not. The experiment is realized using polarization-entangled photon pairs, whose quantum correlations play a critical role in both the encoding and decoding of the classical message. Experimentally, we find that a bit can be successfully transmitted with probability 0.891 pm 0.002, which is close to the theoretical maximum of (2 + 2^-1/2)/3 simeq 0.902 and is significantly above the optimal classical strategy, which yields 5/6 simeq 0.833.
233 - J. L. Qu 2009
We present a study of the centroid frequencies and phase lags of the quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) as functions of photon energy for GRS 1915+105. It is found that the centroid frequencies of the 0.5-10 Hz QPOs and their phase lags are both energy dependent, and there exists an anti-correlation between the QPO frequency and phase lag. These new results challenge the popular QPO models, because none of them can fully explain the observed properties. We suggest that the observed QPO phase lags are partially due to the variation of the QPO frequency with energy, especially for those with frequency higher than 3.5 Hz.
We have used resonant Raman scattering spectroscopy to fully analyze the relative abundances of different (n,m) species in single-walled carbon nanotube samples that are metallically enriched by density gradient ultracentrifugation. Strikingly, the data clearly show that our density gradient ultracentrifugation process enriches the metallic fractions in armchair and near-armchair species. We observe that armchair carbon nanotubes constitute more than 50% of each (2n + m) family.
We temporally resolve the resonance fluorescence from an electron spin confined to a single self-assembled quantum dot to measure directly the spins optical initialization and natural relaxation timescales. Our measurements demonstrate that spin initialization occurs on the order of microseconds in the Faraday configuration when a laser resonantly drives the quantum dot transition. We show that the mechanism mediating the optically induced spin-flip changes from electron-nuclei interaction to hole-mixing interaction at 0.6 Tesla external magnetic field. Spin relaxation measurements result in times on the order of milliseconds and suggest that a $B^{-5}$ magnetic field dependence, due to spin-orbit coupling, is sustained all the way down to 2.2 Tesla.
99 - D. Hou , Q. M. Zhang , Z. Y. Lu 2009
From first-principles density functional theory calculations combined with varying temperature Raman experiments, we show that AFe$_2$As$_2$ (A=Ba, Sr), the parent compound of the FeAs based superconductors of the new structural family, undergoes a spin-Peierls-like phase transition at low temperature. The coupling between the phonons and frustrated spins is proved to be the main cause of the structural transition from the tetragonal to orthorhombic phase. These results well explain the magnetic and structural phase transitions in AFe$_2$As$_2$(A=Ba, Sr) recently observed by neutron scattering.
75 - Y. Lu , Y.F. Huang , 2008
The combination of a long duration and the absence of any accompanying supernova clearly shows that GRB 060614 can not be grouped into the two conventional classes of gamma-ray bursts, i.e. the long/soft bursts deemed to be collapsars and the short/hard bursts deemed to be merging binary compact stars. A new progenitor model is required for this anomalous gamma-ray burst. We propose that GRB 060614 might be produced through the tidal disruption of a star by an intermediate mass black hole. In this scenario, the long duration and the lack of any associated supernova are naturally expected. The theoretical energy output is also consistent with observations. The observed 9-s periodicity in the $gamma$-ray light curve of GRB 060614 can also be satisfactorily explained.

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