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534 - Y. L. Shi , Y. C. Huang , J. X. Wu 2015
We examine a Kerr phase gate in a semiconductor quantum well structure based on the tunnelling interference effect. We show that there exist a specific signal field detuning, at which the absorption/amplification of the probe field will be eliminated with the increase of the tunnelling interference. Simultaneously, the probe field will acquire a -pi phase shift at the exit of the medium. We demonstrate with numerical simulations that a complete 180^circ phase rotation for the probe field at the exit of the medium is achieved, which may result in many applications in information science and telecommunication.
We present a horizontal gravity gradiometer atom interferometer for precision gravitational tests. The horizontal configuration is superior for maximizing the inertial signal in the atom interferometer from a nearby proof mass. In our device, we have suppressed spurious noise associated with the horizonal configuration to achieve a differential acceleration sensitivity of 4.2$times10^{-9}g/sqrt{Hz}$ over a 70 cm baseline or 3.0$times10^{-9}g/sqrt{Hz}$ inferred per accelerometer. Using the performance of this instrument, we characterize the results of possible future gravitational tests. We complete a proof-of-concept measurement of the gravitational constant with a precision of 3$times10^{-4}$ that is competitive with the present limit of 1.2$times10^{-4}$ using other techniques. From this measurement, we provide a statistical constraint on a Yukawa-type fifth force at 8$times$10$^{-3}$ near the poorly known length scale of 10 cm. Limits approaching 10$^{-5}$ appear feasible. We discuss improvements that can enable uncertainties falling well below 10$^{-5}$ for both experiments.
121 - S. Chervenkov , X. Wu , J. Bayerl 2013
Producing large samples of slow molecules from thermal-velocity ensembles is a formidable challenge. Here we employ a centrifugal force to produce a continuous molecular beam with a high flux at near-zero velocities. We demonstrate deceleration of three electrically guided molecular species, CH$_3$F, CF$_3$H, and CF$_3$CCH, with input velocities of up to $200,rm{m,s^{-1}}$ to obtain beams with velocities below $15,rm{m,s^{-1}}$ and intensities of several $10^9,rm{mm^{-2},s^{-1}}$. The centrifuge decelerator is easy to operate and can, in principle, slow down any guidable particle. It has the potential to become a standard technique for continuous deceleration of molecules.
93 - K. Jin , B. X. Wu , B. Y. Zhu 2011
The transport properties of La$_{1.89}$Ce$_{0.11}$CuO$_{4}$(LCCO) and La$_{1.89}$Ce$_{0.11}$(Cu$_{0.99}$Co$_{0.01}$)O$_{4}$ (LCCO:Co) superconducting thin films are investigated. When the external field $bf H$ is applied along the crystallographic c-axis, a double sign reversal of the Hall voltage in the mixed state of LCCO:Co thin films is observed whereas a single sign reversal is detected in LCCO. A double sign reversal of the Hall signal in LCCO can be recovered if the magnetic field is tilted away from the plane of the film. We find that the transition from one to two of the Hall sign reversal coincides with the change in the pinning from strong to weak. This temperature/field induced transition is caused either by the magnetic impurities in LCCO:Co or by the coupling between the pancake vortices and the in-plane Josephson vortices in LCCO. These results are in agreement with early theoretical and numerical predictions.
104 - B. X. Wu , K. Jin , J. Yuan 2009
A series of electron-doped cuprate La(2-x)CexCuO4 thin films with different thicknesses have been fabricated and their annealing time are adjusted carefully to ensure the highest superconducting transition temperature. The transport measurements indicate that, with the increase of the film thickness (<100 nm), the residual resistivity increases and the Hall coefficient shifts in the negative direction. Further more, the X-ray diffraction data reveal that the c-axis lattice constant c0 increases with the decrease of film thickness. These abnormal phenomena can be attributed to the insufficient oxygen reduction in the thin films. Considering the lattice mismatching in the ab-plane between the SrTiO3 substrates and the films, the compressive stress from the substrates may be responsible for the more difficult reduction of the oxygen in the thin films.
93 - B. X. Wu , K. Jin , J. Yuan 2009
A series of c-axis oriented electron-doped high-Tc superconducting La(2-x)CexCuO4 thin films, from heavily underdoped x=0.06 to heavily overdoped x=0.19, have been synthesized by dc magnetron sputtering technique on (100) SrTiO3 substrates. The influence of various fabrication conditions, such as the deposition temperature and the deposition rate, etc., on the quality of the thin films has been scrutinized. We find that the quality of the films is less sensitive to the deposition temperature in the overdoped region than that in the underdoped region. In the phase diagram of Tc(x), the superconducting dome indicates that the optimally doping level is at the point x=0.105 with the transition temperature Tc0 = 26.5 K. Further more, both the disappearance of the upturn in the $rho_{xx}$(T) curve at low temperature under H=10 T and the positive differential Hall coefficient, $R_H=d rho_{xy}/dH$, are observed around x = 0.15, implying a possible rearrangement of Fermi surface at this doping level.
259 - O. Bienayme , B. Famaey , X. Wu 2009
We look for observational signatures that could discriminate between Newtonian and modified Newtonian (MOND) dynamics in the Milky Way, in view of the advent of large astrometric and spectroscopic surveys. Indeed, a typical signature of MOND is an apparent disk of phantom dark matter, which is uniquely correlated with the visible disk-density distribution. Due to this phantom dark disk, Newtonian models with a spherical halo have different signatures from MOND models close to the Galactic plane. The models can thus be differentiated by measuring dynamically (within Newtonian dynamics) the disk surface density at the solar radius, the radial mass gradient within the disk, or the velocity ellipsoid tilt angle above the Galactic plane. Using the most realistic possible baryonic mass model for the Milky Way, we predict that, if MOND applies, the local surface density measured by a Newtonist will be approximately 78 Msun/pc2 within 1.1 kpc of the Galactic plane, the dynamically measured disk scale-length will be enhanced by a factor of 1.25 with respect to the visible disk scale-length, and the local vertical tilt of the velocity ellipsoid at 1 kpc above the plane will be approximately 6 degrees. None of these tests can be conclusive for the present-day accuracy of Milky Way data, but they will be of prime interest with the advent of large surveys such as GAIA.

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