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We examine the nonperturbative effect of maximum momentum on the relativistic wave equations. In momentum representation, we obtain the exact eigen-energies and wavefunctions of one-dimensional Klein-Gordon and Dirac equation with linear confining potentials, and the Dirac oscillator. Bound state solutions are only possible when the strength of scalar potential are stronger than vector potential. The energy spectrum of the systems studied are bounded from above, whereby classical characteristics are observed in the uncertainties of position and momentum operators. Also, there is a truncation in the maximum number of bound states that is allowed. Some of these quantum-gravitational features may have future applications.
We investigate potential quantum nonlinear corrections to Diracs equation through its sub-leading effect on neutrino oscillation probabilities. Working in the plane-wave approximation and in the $mu-tau$ sector, we explore various classes of nonlinearities, with or without an accompanying Lorentz violation. The parameters in our models are first delimited by current experimental data before they are used to estimate corrections to oscillation probabilities. We find that only a small subset of the considered nonlinearities have the potential to be relevant at higher energies and thus possibly detectable in future experiments. A falsifiable prediction of our models is an energy dependent effective mass-squared, generically involving fractional powers of the energy.
We obtain novel nonlinear Schr{o}dinger-Pauli equations through a formal non-relativistic limit of appropriately constructed nonlinear Dirac equations. This procedure automatically provides a physical regularisation of potential singularities brought forward by the nonlinear terms and suggests how to regularise previous equations studied in the literature. The enhancement of contributions coming from the regularised singularities suggests that the obtained equations might be useful for future precision tests of quantum nonlinearity.
Information measures for relativistic quantum spinors are constructed to satisfy various postulated properties such as normalisation invariance and positivity. Those measures are then used to motivate generalised Lagrangians meant to probe shorter distance physics within the maximum uncertainty framework. The modified evolution equations that follow are necessarily nonlinear and simultaneously violate Lorentz invariance, supporting previous heuristic arguments linking quantum nonlinearity with Lorentz violation. The nonlinear equations also break discrete symmetries. We discuss the implications of our results for physics in the neutrino sector and cosmology.
We construct nonlinear extensions of Diracs relativistic electron equation that preserve its other desirable properties such as locality, separability, conservation of probability and Poincare invariance. We determine the constraints that the nonlinear term must obey and classify the resultant non-polynomial nonlinearities in a double expansion in the degree of nonlinearity and number of derivatives. We give explicit examples of such nonlinear equations, studying their discrete symmetries and other properties. Motivated by some previously suggested applications we then consider nonlinear terms that simultaneously violate Lorentz covariance and again study various explicit examples. We contrast our equations and construction procedure with others in the literature and also show that our equations are not gauge equivalent to the linear Dirac equation. Finally we outline various physical applications for these equations.

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