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We compare the shapes and intrinsic alignments of galaxies in the MassiveBlack-II cosmological hydrodynamic simulation (MBII) to those in a dark matter-only (DMO) simulation performed with the same volume (100$h^{-1}$Mpc)$^{3}$, cosmological parameters, and initial conditions. Understanding the impact of baryonic physics on galaxy shapes and alignments and their relation to the dark matter distribution should prove useful to map the intrinsic alignments of galaxies from hydrodynamic to dark matter-only simulations. We find that dark matter subhalos are typically rounder in MBII, and the shapes of stellar matter in low mass galaxies are more misaligned with the shapes of the dark matter of the corresponding subhalos in the DMO simulation. At $z=0.06$, the fractional difference in the mean misalignment angle between MBII and DMO simulations varies from $sim 28 % - 12 %$ in the mass range $10^{10.8} - 6.0 times 10^{14} h^{-1}M_{odot}$. We study the dark matter halo shapes and alignments as a function of radius, and find that while galaxies in MBII are more aligned with the inner parts of their dark matter subhalos, there is no radial trend in their alignments with the corresponding subhalo in the DMO simulation. This result highlights the importance of baryonic physics in determining the alignment of the galaxy with respect to the inner parts of the halo. Finally, we compare the ellipticity-direction (ED) correlation for galaxies to that for dark matter halos, finding that it is suppressed on all scales by stellar-dark matter misalignment. In the projected shape-density correlation ($w_{delta+}$), which includes ellipticity weighting, this effect is partially canceled by the higher mean ellipticities of the stellar component, but differences of order $30-40%$ remain on scales $> 1$ Mpc over a range of subhalo masses, with scale-dependent effects below $1$ Mpc.
Whether among the myriad tiny proto-galaxies there exists a population with similarities to present day galaxies is an open question. We show, using BlueTides, the first hydrodynamic simulation large enough to resolve the relevant scales, that the first massive galaxies to form are %in fact predicted to have extensive rotationally-supported disks. Although their morphology resembles in some ways Milky-way types seen at much lower redshifts, these high-redshift galaxies are smaller, denser, and richer in gas than their low redshift counterparts. From a kinematic analysis of a statistical sample of 216 galaxies at redshift $z=8-10$ we have found that disk galaxies make up 70% of the population of galaxies with stellar mass $10^{10} M_odot$ or greater. Cold Dark Matter cosmology therefore makes specific predictions for the population of large galaxies 500 million years after the Big Bang. We argue that wide-field satellite telescopes (e.g. WFIRST) will in the near future discover these first massive disk galaxies. The simplicity of their structure and formation history should make possible new tests of cosmology.
We investigate the evolution of the galaxy stellar mass function at high-redshift ($zge 5$) using a pair of large cosmological hydrodynamical simulations: {em MassiveBlack} and {em MassiveBlack-II}. By combining these simulations we can study the properties of galaxies with stellar masses greater than $10^{8},{rm M_{odot}},h^{-1}$ and (co-moving) number densities of $log_{10}(phi, [{rm Mpc^{-3},dex^{-1}},h^{3}])>-8$. Observational determinations of the galaxy stellar mass function at very-high redshift typically assume a relation between the observed UV luminosity and stellar mass-to-light ratio which is applied to high-redshift samples in order to estimate stellar masses. This relation can also be measured from the simulations. We do this, finding two significant differences with the usual observational assumption: it evolves strongly with redshift and has a different shape. Using this relation to make a consistent comparison between galaxy stellar mass functions we find that at $z=6$ and above the simulation predictions are in good agreement with observed data over the whole mass range. Without using the correct UV luminosity and stellar mass-to-light ratio, the discrepancy would be up to two orders of magnitude for large galaxies $>10^{10},{rm M_{odot}},h^{-1}$. At $z=5$, however the stellar mass function for low mass $<10^{9},{rm M_{odot}},h^{-1}$ galaxies is overpredicted by factors of a few, consistent with the behaviour of the UV luminosity function, and perhaps a sign that feedback in the simulation is not efficient enough for these galaxies.
443 - Rupert Croft 2011
We use a large dark matter simulation of a LambdaCDM model to investigate the clustering and environmental dependence of the number of substructures in a halo. Focusing on redshift z=1, we find that the halo occupation distribution is sensitive at the tens of percent level to the surrounding density and to a lesser extent to asymmetry of the surrounding density distribution. We compute the autocorrelation function of halos as a function of occupation, building on the finding of Wechsler et al. (2006) and Gao and White (2007) that halos (at fixed mass) with more substructure are more clustered. We compute the relative bias as a function of occupation number at fixed mass, finding a strong relationship. At fixed mass, halos in the top 5% of occupation can have an autocorrelation function ~ 1.5-2 times higher than the mean. We also compute the bias as a function of halo mass, for fixed halo occupation. We find that for group and cluster sized halos, when the number of subhalos is held fixed, there is a strong anticorrelation between bias and halo mass. Such a relationship represents an additional challenge to the halo model.
The increasing size of cosmological simulations has led to the need for new visualization techniques. We focus on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamical (SPH) simulations run with the GADGET code and describe methods for visually accessing the entire simulation at full resolution. The simulation snapshots are rastered and processed on supercomputers into images that are ready to be accessed through a web interface (GigaPan). This allows any scientist with a web-browser to interactively explore simulation datasets in both in spatial and temporal dimensions, datasets which in their native format can be hundreds of terabytes in size or more. We present two examples, the first a static terapixel image of the MassiveBlack simulation, a P-GADGET SPH simulation with 65 billion particles, and the second an interactively zoomable animation of a different simulation with more than one thousand frames, each a gigapixel in size. Both are available for public access through the GigaPan web interface. We also make our imaging software publicly available.
We use a large N-body simulation to examine the detectability of HI in emission at redshift z ~ 1, and the constraints imposed by current observations on the neutral hydrogen mass function of galaxies at this epoch. We consider three different models for populating dark matter halos with HI, designed to encompass uncertainties at this redshift. These models are consistent with recent observations of the detection of HI in emission at z ~ 0.8. Whilst detection of 21 cm emission from individual halos requires extremely long integrations with existing radio interferometers, such as the Giant Meter Radio Telescope (GMRT), we show that the stacked 21 cm signal from a large number of halos can be easily detected. However, the stacking procedure requires accurate redshifts of galaxies. We show that radio observations of the field of the DEEP2 spectroscopic galaxy redshift survey should allow detection of the HI mass function at the 5-12 sigma level in the mass range 10^(11.4) M_sun/h < M_halo < 10^(12.5)M_sun/h, with a moderate amount of observation time. Assuming a larger noise level that corresponds to an upper bound for the expected noise for the GMRT, the detection significance for the HI mass function is still at the 1.7-3 sigma level. We find that optically undetected satellite galaxies enhance the HI emission profile of the parent halo, leading to broader wings as well as a higher peak signal in the stacked profile of a large number of halos. We show that it is in principle possible to discern the contribution of undetected satellites to the total HI signal, even though cosmic variance limitation make this challenging for some of our models.
We calculate the distribution of HI within 750 proper kpc/h of a quasar, Lbol = 1.62e13 Lsun, powered by an SMBH, Mbh = 4.47e8 Msun, at z = 3. Our numerical model includes a cosmological hydrodynamic simulation that tracks the self consistent growth and thermal feedback of black holes calculated using GADGET-3 as well as a detailed post-processing ray tracing treatment of the non-uniform ionizing radiation field calculated using SPHRAY, which naturally accounts for the self shielding of optically thick systems. We show that the correct treatment of self shielding introduces a flattening feature into the neutral column density distribution around Log NHI = 20 and that regions with the lowest neutral fractions are not those with the highest density gas. For comparison, we solve a Ricatti equation which determines the equilibrium Hydrogen ionization fractions in the presence of a radiation field that falls off as 1/r^2 with regions above a given gas density threshold completely shielded from ionizing radiation. We demonstrate that these semi analytic models cannot reproduce the HI field calculated using SPHRAY. We conclude by comparing our models of this single proximity zone to observations by Hennawi and Prochaska of the absorption spectra of background quasars which are coincident on the sky with foreground quasars in their Quasars Probing Quasars (QPQ) series of papers. Compared to the QPQ sample, we find a factor of 3 fewer optically thick (Log NHI > 17.2) systems around our quasar, however the dark matter halo that hosts our simulated quasar, Mhalo = 5.25e12 Msun, is less massive than the typical QPQ host halo by a factor of four. Allowing for a linear scaling between halo mass, baryonic overdensity and number of absorbers, we estimate the typical host halo mass in the QPQ sample as 1.92e13 Msun.
We make use of the first high--resolution hydrodynamic simulations of structure formation which self-consistently follows the build up of supermassive black holes introduced in Di Matteo et al. (2007) to investigate the relation between black holes (BH), host halo and large--scale environment. There are well--defined relations between halo and black hole masses and between the activities of galactic nuclei and halo masses at low redshifts. A large fraction of black holes forms anti--hierarchically, with a higher ratio of black hole to halo mass at high than at low redshifts. At $z=1$, we predict group environments (regions of enhanced local density) to contain the highest mass and most active (albeit with a large scatter) BHs while the rest of the BH population to be spread over all densities from groups to filaments and voids. Density dependencies are more pronounced at high rather than low redshift. These results are consistent with the idea that gas rich mergers are likely the main regulator of quasar activity. We find star formation to be a somewhat stronger and tighter function of local density than BH activity, indicating some difference in the triggering of the latter versus the former. There exists a large number of low--mass black holes, growing slowly predominantly through accretion, which extends all the way into the most underdense regions, i.e. in voids.
We explore galaxy properties and their link with environment and clustering using a population of ~1000 galaxies formed in a high resolution hydrodynamic simulation of the Lambda CDM cosmology. At the redshift we concentrate on, z=1, the spatial resolution is 1.4 proper kpc/h and Milky-way sized disk galaxies contain ~10^5 particles within their virial radii. We include supermassive black hole accretion and feedback as well as a multiphase model for star formation. We find that a number of familiar qualitative relationships hold approximately between galaxy properties, for example, galaxies lie between two broad extremes of type, where ``late types tend to be smaller in size, have lower circular velocities, younger stars, higher star formation rates, larger disk to bulge ratios and lower Sersic indices than ``early types. As in previous studies the stellar component of disk galaxies is not as rotationally supported as in observations. Bulges contain too much of the stellar mass, although disks do have scale lengths compatible with observations. The addition of black hole physics to the simulations does not appear to have an impact on the angular momentum results, nor do we find that it is affected in an identical simulation with significantly lower mass resolution. Despite this, we can profitably use the rank order of either disk to total ratio, Sersic index, or galaxy age to separate galaxies into morphological classes and examine the density-morphology relation and morphology dependence of clustering. We find that while at redshift z=0, the well known preponderance of early types in dense environments is seen, at z=1 the density-morphology relation becomes flatter and late type galaxies are even seen to have a higher clustering amplitude than early types (abridged).
145 - Debora Sijacki 2007
We discuss a numerical model for black hole growth and its associated feedback processes that for the first time allows cosmological simulations of structure formation to self-consistently follow the build up of the cosmic population of galaxies and active galactic nuclei. Our model assumes that seed black holes are present at early cosmic epochs at the centres of forming halos. We then track their growth from gas accretion and mergers with other black holes in the course of cosmic time. For black holes that are active, we distinguish between two distinct modes of feedback, depending on the black hole accretion rate itself. Black holes that accrete at high rates are assumed to be in a `quasar regime, where we model their feedback by thermally coupling a small fraction of their bolometric luminosity to the surrounding gas. For black holes with low accretion rates, we conjecture that most of their feedback occurs in mechanical form, where AGN-driven bubbles are injected into a gaseous environment. Using our new model, we carry out TreeSPH cosmological simulations on the scales of individual galaxies to those of massive galaxy clusters, both for isolated systems and for cosmological boxes. We demonstrate that our model produces results for the black hole and stellar mass densities in broad agreement with observational constraints. We find that the black holes significantly influence the evolution of their host galaxies, changing their star formation history, their amount of cold gas, and their colours. Also, the properties of intracluster gas are affected strongly by the presence of massive black holes in the cores of galaxy clusters, leading to shallower metallicity and entropy profiles, and to a suppression of strong cooling flows. [Abridged]

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