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280 - Sang Pyo Kim 2015
We propose a thermal interpretation of the Schwinger effect for charged scalars and spinors in an extremal and near-extremal Reissner-Nordstr{o}m (RN) black hole. The emission of charges has the distribution with an effective temperature determined by the Davies-Unruh temperature for accelerating charges by the electric field and the scalar curvature of AdS_2 from the near-horizon geometry AdS_2 X S^2. We find a charge bound for the extremal micro black hole to remain stable against the Schwinger emission in analogy with the Breitenlohlner-Freedman bound for the AdS space. In the in-out formalism we find the one-loop QED effective action consistent with the vacuum persistence and interpret the vacuum persistence as the leading Schwinger effect and the effect of a charged vacuum of the Coulomb field.
We formulate the second quantization of a charged scalar field in homogeneous, time-dependent electromagnetic fields, in which the Hamiltonian is an infinite system of decoupled, time-dependent oscillators for electric fields, but it is another infinite system of coupled, time-dependent oscillators for magnetic fields. We then employ the quantum invariant method to find various quantum states for the charged field. For time-dependent electric fields, a pair of quantum invariant operators for each oscillator with the given momentum plays the role of the time-dependent annihilation and the creation operators, constructs the exact quantum states, and gives the vacuum persistence amplitude as well as the pair-production rate. We also find the quantum invariants for the coupled oscillators for the charged field in time-dependent magnetic fields and advance a perturbation method when the magnetic fields change adiabatically. Finally, the quantum state and the pair production are discussed when a time-dependent electric field is present in parallel to the magnetic field.
260 - Sang Pyo Kim 2011
We study the time-dependent solitonic gauge fields in scalar QED, in which a charged particle has the energy of reflectionless P{o}sch-Teller potential with natural quantum numbers. Solving the quantum master equation for quadratic correlation functions, we find the exact pair-production rates as polynomials of inverse square of hyperbolic cosine, which exhibit solitonic characteristics of a finite total pair production per unit volume and a non-oscillatory behavior for the entire period, and an exponentially decaying factor in asymptotic regions. It is shown that the solitonic gauge fields are the simplest solutions of the quantum master equation and that the back-reaction of the produced pairs does not destabilize the solitonic gauge fields.
487 - Sang Pyo Kim 2010
We advance a novel method for the finite-temperature effective action for nonequilibrium quantum fields and find the QED effective action in time-dependent electric fields, where charged pairs evolve out of equilibrium. The imaginary part of the effective action consists of thermal loops of the Fermi-Dirac or Bose-Einstein distribution for the initial thermal ensemble weighted with factors for vacuum fluctuations. And the real part of the effective action is determined by the mean number of produced pairs, vacuum polarization, and thermal distribution. The mean number of produced pairs is equal to twice the imaginary part. We explicitly find the finite-temperature effective action in a constant electric field.
222 - Sang Pyo Kim 2009
We find the Bogoliubov coefficient from the tunneling boundary condition on a charged particle coupled to a static electric field $E_0 sech^2 (z/L)$ and, using the regularization scheme in Phys. Rev. D 78, 105013 (2008), obtain the exact one-loop effective action in scalar and spinor QED. It is shown that the effective action satisfies the general relation between the vacuum persistence and the mean number of produced pairs. We advance an approximation method for general electric fields and show the duality between the space-dependent and time-dependent electric fields of the same form at the leading order of the effective actions.
187 - Sang Pyo Kim 2009
We study Schwinger pair production in scalar QED from a uniform electric field in dS_2 with scalar curvature R_{dS} = 2 H^2 and in AdS_2 with R_{AdS} = - 2 K^2. With suitable boundary conditions, we find that the pair-production rate is the same analytic function of the scalar curvature in both cases.
102 - Sang Pyo Kim , Hyun Kyu Lee , 2009
We use the evolution operator method to find the Schwinger pair-production rate at finite temperature in scalar and spinor QED by counting the vacuum production, the induced production and the stimulated annihilation from the initial ensemble. It is shown that the pair-production rate for each state is factorized into the mean number at zero temperature and the initial thermal distribution for bosons and fermions.
387 - Sang Pyo Kim , Seoktae Koh 2008
We study the quantum remnant of a scalar field protected by the uncertainty principle. The quantum remnant that survived the later stage of evolution of the universe may provide dark energy and dark matter depending on the potential. Though the quantum remnant shares some useful property of complex scalar field (spintessence) dark energy model, % However although it avoids the formation of Q-ball, quantum fluctuations are still unstable to the linear perturbations for $V sim phi^q$ with $q<1$ as in the spintessence model.
142 - Sang Pyo Kim 2008
We use the evolution operator method to find the one-loop effective action of scalar and spinor QED in electric field backgrounds in terms of the Bogoliubov coefficient between the ingoing and the outgoing vacua. We obtain the exact one-loop effective action for a Sauter-type electric field, E_0 sech^2 (t/tau), and show that the imaginary part correctly yields the vacuum persistence. The renormalized effective action shows the general relation between the vacuum persistence and the total mean number of created pairs for the constant and the Sauter-type electric field.
We investigate geometrical properties of 5D cylindrical vacuum solutions with a transverse spherical symmetry. The metric is uniform along the fifth direction and characterized by tension and mass densities. The solutions are classified by the tension-to-mass ratio. One particular example is the well-known Schwarzschild black string which has a curvature singularity enclosed by a horizon. We focus mainly on geometry of other solutions which possess a naked singularity. The light signal emitted by an object approaching the singularity reaches a distant observer with finite time, but is infinitely red-shifted.

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