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We consider the existence, stability and dynamics of the nodeless state and fundamental nonlinear excitations, such as vortices, for a quasi-two-dimensional polariton condensate in the presence of pumping and nonlinear damping. We find a series of interesting features that can be directly contrastedto the case of the typically energy-conserving ultracold alkali-atom Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). For sizeable parameter ranges, in line with earlier findings, the nodeless state becomes unstable towards the formation of {em stable} nonlinear single or multi-vortex excitations. The potential instability of the single vortex is also examined and is found to possess similar characteristics to those of the nodeless cloud. We also report that, contrary to what is known, e.g., for the atomic BEC case, {it stable} stationary gray rings (that can be thought of as radial forms of a Nozaki-Bekki hole) can be found for polariton condensates in suitable parametric regimes. In other regimes, however, these may also suffer symmetry breaking instabilities. The dynamical, pattern-forming implications of the above instabilities are explored through direct numerical simulations and, in turn, give rise to waveforms with triangular or quadrupolar symmetry.
We consider the manipulation of Bose-Einstein condensate vortices by optical potentials generated by focused laser beams. It is shown that for appropriate choices of the laser strength and width it is possible to successfully transport vortices to various positions inside the trap confining the condensate atoms. Furthermore, the full bifurcation structure of possible stationary single-charge vortex solutions in a harmonic potential with this type of impurity is elucidated. The case when a moving vortex is captured by a stationary laser beam is also studied, as well as the possibility of dragging the vortex by means of periodic optical lattices.
We study the azimuthal modulational instability of vortices with different topological charges, in the focusing two-dimensional nonlinear Schr{o}dinger (NLS) equation. The method of studying the stability relies on freezing the radial direction in the Lagrangian functional of the NLS in order to form a quasi-one-dimensional azimuthal equation of motion, and then applying a stability analysis in Fourier space of the azimuthal modes. We formulate predictions of growth rates of individual modes and find that vortices are unstable below a critical azimuthal wave number. Steady state vortex solutions are found by first using a variational approach to obtain an asymptotic analytical ansatz, and then using it as an initial condition to a numerical optimization routine. The stability analysis predictions are corroborated by direct numerical simulations of the NLS. We briefly show how to extend the method to encompass nonlocal nonlinearities that tend to stabilize solutions.
In this paper we analyze the existence, stability, dynamical formation and mobility properties of localized solutions in a one-dimensional system described by the discrete nonlinear Schr{o}dinger equation with a linear point defect. We consider both attractive and repulsive defects in a focusing lattice. Among our main findings are: a) the destabilization of the on--site mode centered at the defect in the repulsive case; b) the disappearance of localized modes in the vicinity of the defect due to saddle-node bifurcations for sufficiently strong defects of either type; c) the decrease of the amplitude formation threshold for attractive and its increase for repulsive defects; and d) the detailed elucidation as a function of initial speed and defect strength of the different regimes (trapping, trapping and reflection, pure reflection and pure transmission) of interaction of a moving localized mode with the defect.
We study the formation of vortices in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) that has been prepared by allowing isolated and independent condensed fragments to merge together. We focus on the experimental setup of Scherer {it et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 98}, 110402 (2007)], where three BECs are created in a magnetic trap that is segmented into three regions by a repulsive optical potential; the BECs merge together as the optical potential is removed. First, we study the two-dimensional case, in particular we examine the effects of the relative phases of the different fragments and the removal rate of the optical potential on the vortex formation. We find that many vortices are created by instant removal of the optical potential regardless of relative phases, and that fewer vortices are created if the intensity of the optical potential is gradually ramped down and the condensed fragments gradually merge. In all cases, self-annihilation of vortices of opposite charge is observed. We also find that for sufficiently long barrier ramp times, the initial relative phases between the fragments leave a clear imprint on the resulting topological configuration. Finally, we study the three-dimensional system and the formation of vortex lines and vortex rings due to the merger of the BEC fragments; our results illustrate how the relevant vorticity is manifested for appropriate phase differences, as well as how it may be masked by the planar projections observed experimentally.

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