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198 - Paolo Bertozzini 2014
We provide an algebraic formulation of C.Rovellis relational quantum theory that is based on suitable notions of non-commutative higher operator categories, originally developed in the study of categorical non-commutative geometry. As a way to implement C.Rovellis original intuition on the relational origin of space-time, in the context of our proposed algebraic approach to quantum gravity via Tomita-Takesaki modular theory, we tentatively suggest to use this categorical formalism in order to spectrally reconstruct non-commutative relational space-time geometries from categories of correlation bimodules between operator algebras of observables. Parts of this work are joint collaborations with: Dr.Roberto Conti (Sapienza Universita di Roma), Assoc.Prof.Wicharn Lewkeeratiyutkul (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok), Dr.Rachel Dawe Martins (Istituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa), Dr.Matti Raasakka (Paris 13 University), Dr.Noppakhun Suthichitranont.
We introduce a notion of Krein C*-module over a C*-algebra and more generally over a Krein C*-algebra. Some properties of Krein C*-modules and their categories are investigated.
Having in view the study of a version of Gelfand-Neumark duality adapted to the context of Alain Connes spectral triples, in this very preliminary review, we first present a description of the relevant categories of geometrical spaces, namely compact Hausdorff smooth finite-dimensional orientable Riemannian manifolds (or more generally Hermitian bundles of Clifford modules over them); we give some tentative definitions of the relevant categories of algebraic structures, namely propagators and spectral correspondences of commutative Riemannian spectral triples; and we provide a construction of functors that associate a naive morphism of spectral triples to every smooth (totally geodesic) map. The full construction of spectrum functors (reconstruction theorem for morphisms) and a proof of duality between the previous geometrical and algebraic categories are postponed to subsequent works, but we provide here some hints in this direction. We also show how the previous categories of propagators of commutative C*-algebras embed in the mildly non-commutative environments of categories of suitable Hilbert C*-bimodules, factorizable over commutative C*-algebras, with composition given by internal tensor product.
The purpose of this short note was to outline the current status, then in 2011, of some research programs aiming at a categorification of parts of A.Connes non-commutative geometry and to provide an outlook on some possible subsequent developments in categorical non-commutative geometry.
A Banach involutive algebra is called a Krein C*-algebra if there is a fundamental symmetry (an involutive automorphism of period 2) such that the C*-property is satisfied when the original involution is replaced with the new one obtained by composing the automorphism with the old involution. For a given fundamental symmetry, a Krein C*-algebra decomposes as a direct sum of an even part (a C*-algebra) and an odd part (a Hilbert C*-bimodule on the even part). Our goal here is to develop a spectral theory for commutative unital Krein C*-algebras when the odd part is a symmetric imprimitivity C*-bimodule over the even part and there exists an additional suitable exchange symmetry between the odd and even parts.
After an introduction to some basic issues in non-commutative geometry (Gelfand duality, spectral triples), we present a panoramic view of the status of our current research program on the use of categorical methods in the setting of A.Connes non-commutative geometry: morphisms/categories of spectral triples, categorification of Gelfand duality. We conclude with a summary of the expected applications of categorical non-commutative geometry to structural questions in relativistic quantum physics: (hyper)covariance, quantum space-time, (algebraic) quantum gravity.
We propose a definition of involutive categorical bundle (Fell bundle) enriched in an involutive monoidal category and we argue that such a structure is a possible suitable environment for the formalization of different equivale
C*-categories are essentially norm-closed *-categories of bounded linear operators between Hilbert spaces. The purpose of this work is to identify suitable axioms defining Krein C*-categories, i.e. those categories that play the role of C*-categories whenever Hilbert spaces are replaced by more general indefinite inner product Krein spaces, and provide some basic examples. Finally we provide a Gelfand-Naimark representation theorem for Krein C*-algebras and Krein C*-categories.
We present a duality between the category of compact Riemannian spin manifolds (equipped with a given spin bundle and charge conjugation) with isometries as morphisms and a suitable metric category of spectral triples over commutative pre-C*-algebras. We also construct an embedding of a quotient of the category of spectral triples introduced in arXiv:math/0502583v1 into the latter metric category. Finally we discuss a further related duality in the case of orientation and spin-preserving maps between manifolds of fixed dimension.
In the setting of C*-categories, we provide a definition of spectrum of a commutative full C*-category as a one-dimensional unital saturated Fell bundle over a suitable groupoid (equivalence relation) and prove a categorical Gelfand duality theorem generalizing the usual Gelfand duality between the categories of commutative unital C*-algebras and compact Hausdorff spaces. Although many of the individual ingredients that appear along the way are well-known, the somehow unconventional way we glue them together seems to shed some new light on the subject.

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