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We discuss the application of a variant of the method of simplest equation for obtaining exact traveling wave solutions of a class of nonlinear partial differential equations containing polynomial nonlinearities. As simplest equation we use differential equation for a special function that contains as particular cases trigonometric and hyperbolic functions as well as the elliptic function of Weierstrass and Jacobi. We show that for this case the studied class of nonlinear partial differential equations can be reduced to a system of two equations containing polynomials of the unknown functions. This system may be further reduced to a system of nonlinear algebraic equations for the parameters of the solved equation and parameters of the solution. Any nontrivial solution of the last system leads to a traveling wave solution of the solved nonlinear partial differential equation. The methodology is illustrated by obtaining solitary wave solutions for the generalized Korteweg-deVries equation and by obtaining solutions of the higher order Korteweg-deVries equation.
We use the methodology of singular spectrum analysis (SSA), principal component analysis (PCA), and multi-fractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MFDFA), for investigating characteristics of vibration time series data from a friction brake. SSA and PCA are used to study the long time-scale characteristics of the time series. MFDFA is applied for investigating all time scales up to the smallest recorded one. It turns out that the majority of the long time-scale dynamics, that is presumably dominated by the structural dynamics of the brake system, is dominated by very few active dimensions only and can well be understood in terms of low dimensional chaotic attractors. The multi-fractal analysis shows that the fast dynamical processes originating in the friction interface are in turn truly multi-scale in nature.
We apply the method of simplest equation for obtaining exact solitary traveling-wave solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations that contain monomials of odd and even grade with respect to participating derivatives. We consider first the general case of presence of monomials of the both (odd and even) grades and then turn to the two particular cases of nonlinear equations that contain only monomials of odd grade or only monomials of even grade. The methodology is illustrated by numerous examples.
We discuss several models of the dynamics of interacting populations. The models are constructed by nonlinear differential equations and have two sets of parameters: growth rates and coefficients of interaction between populations. We assume that the parameters depend on the densities of the populations. In addition the parameters can be influenced by different factors of the environment. This influence is modelled by noise terms in the equations for the growth rates and interaction coefficients. Thus the model differential equations become stochastic. In some particular cases these equations can be reduced to a Foker-Plancnk equation for the probability density function of the densities of the interacting populations.
Let the population of e.g. a country where some opinion struggle occurs be varying in time, according to Verhulst equation. Consider next some competition between opinions such as the dynamics be described by Lotka and Volterra equations. Two kinds of influences can be used, in such a model, for describing the dynamics of an agent opinion conversion: this can occur (i) either by means of mass communication tools, under some external field influence, or (ii) by means of direct interactions between agents. It results, among other features, that change(s) in environmental conditions can prevent the extinction of populations of followers of some ideology due to different kinds of resurrection effects. The tension arising in the country population is proposed to be measured by an appropriately defined scale index.

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