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Non-Markovian processes are widespread in natural and human-made systems, yet explicit model- ling and analysis of such systems is underdeveloped. We consider a non-Markovian dynamic network with random link activation and deletion (RLAD) and heavy tailed Mittag-Leffler distribution for the inter-event times. We derive an analytically and computationally tractable system of Kolmogorov- like forward equations utilising the Caputo derivative for the probability of having a given number of active links in the network and solve them. Simulations for the RLAD are also studied for power-law inter-event times and we show excellent agreement with the Mittag-Leffler model. This agreement holds even when the RLAD network dynamics is coupled with the susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) spreading dynamics. Thus, the analytically solvable Mittag-Leffler model provides an excel- lent approximation to the case when the network dynamics is characterised by power-law distributed inter-event times. We further discuss possible generalizations of our result.
We find formulas for the macroscopic Minkowski and Hausdorff dimensions of the range of an arbitrary transient walk in Z^d. This endeavor solves a problem of Barlow and Taylor (1991).
We study the directed last-passage percolation model on the planar integer lattice with nearest-neighbor steps and general i.i.d. weights on the vertices, outside the class of exactly solvable models. Stationary cocycles are constructed for this percolation model from queueing fixed points. These cocycles serve as boundary conditions for stationary last-passage percolation, define solutions to variational formulas that characterize limit shapes, and yield new results for Busemann functions, geodesics and the competition interface.
We discuss variational formulas for the limits of certain models of motion in a random medium: namely, the limiting time constant for last-passage percolation and the limiting free energy for directed polymers. The results are valid for models in arbitrary dimension, steps of the admissible paths can be general, the environment process is ergodic under shifts, and the potential accumulated along a path can depend on the environment and the next step of the path. The variational formulas come in two types: one minimizes over gradient-like cocycles, and another one maximizes over invariant measures on the space of environments and paths. Minimizing cocycles can be obtained from Busemann functions when these can be proved to exist. The results are illustrated through 1+1 dimensional exactly solvable examples, periodic examples, and polymers in weak disorder.
Consider an infinite system [partial_tu_t(x)=(mathscr{L}u_t)(x)+ sigmabigl(u_t(x)bigr)partial_tB_t(x)] of interacting It^{o} diffusions, started at a nonnegative deterministic bounded initial profile. We study local and global features of the solution under standard regularity assumptions on the nonlinearity $sigma$. We will show that, locally in time, the solution behaves as a collection of independent diffusions. We prove also that the $k$th moment Lyapunov exponent is frequently of sharp order $k^2$, in contrast to the continuous-space stochastic heat equation whose $k$th moment Lyapunov exponent can be of sharp order $k^3$. When the underlying walk is transient and the noise level is sufficiently low, we prove also that the solution is a.s. uniformly dissipative provided that the initial profile is in $ell^1(mathbf {Z}^d)$.
We introduce a random walk in random environment associated to an underlying directed polymer model in $1+1$ dimensions. This walk is the positive temperature counterpart of the competition interface of percolation and arises as the limit of quenched polymer measures. We prove this limit for the exactly solvable log-gamma polymer, as a consequence of almost sure limits of ratios of partition functions. These limits of ratios give the Busemann functions of the log-gamma polymer, and furnish centered cocycles that solve a variational formula for the limiting free energy. Limits of ratios of point-to-point and point-to-line partition functions manifest a duality between tilt and velocity that comes from quenched large deviations under polymer measures. In the log-gamma case, we identify a family of ergodic invariant distributions for the random walk in random environment.
76 - Nicos Georgiou 2012
We present results about large deviations and laws of large numbers for various polymer related quantities. In a completely general setting and strictly positive temperature, we present results about large deviations for directed polymers in random environment. We prove quenched large deviations (and compute the rate functions explicitly) for the exit point of the polymer chain and the polymer chain itself. We also prove existence of the upper tail large deviation rate function for the logarithm of the partition function. In the case where the environment weights have certain log-gamma distributions the computations are tractable and allow us to compute the rate function explicitly. At zero temperature, the polymer model is now called a last passage model. With a particular choice of random weights, the last passage model has an equivalent representation as a particle system called Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (TASEP). We prove a hydrodynamic limit for the macroscopic particle density and current for TASEP with spatially inhomogeneous jump rates given by a speed function that may admit discontinuities. The limiting density profiles are described with a variational formula. This formula enables us to compute explicit density profiles even though we have no information about the invariant distributions of the process. In the case of a two-phase flux for which a suitable p.d.e. theory has been developed we also observe that the limit profiles are entropy solutions of the corresponding scalar conservation law with a discontinuous speed function.

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