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Quantum nonlocality is arguably among the most counter-intuitive phenomena predicted by quantum theory. In recent years, the development of an abstract theory of nonlocality has brought a much deeper understanding of the subject. In parallel, experimental progress allowed for the demonstration of quantum nonlocality in a wide range of physical systems, and brings us close to a final loophole-free Bell test. Here we combine these theoretical and experimental developments in order to explore the limits of quantum nonlocality. This approach represents a thorough test of quantum theory, and could provide evidence of new physics beyond the quantum model. Using a versatile and high-fidelity source of pairs of polarization entangled photons, we explore the boundary of quantum correlations, present the most nonlocal correlations ever reported, demonstrate the phenomenon of more nonlocality with less entanglement, and show that non-planar (and hence complex) qubit measurements can be necessary to reproduce the strong qubit correlations that we observed. Our results are in remarkable agreement with quantum predictions.
We discuss a simple quantum thermal machine for the generation of steady-state entanglement between two interacting qubits. The machine is autonomous in the sense that it uses only incoherent interactions with thermal baths, but no source of coherence or external control. By weakly coupling the qubits to thermal baths at different temperatures, inducing a heat current through the system, steady-state entanglement is generated far from thermal equilibrium. Finally, we discuss two possible implementations, using superconducting flux qubits or a semiconductor double quantum dot. Experimental prospects for steady-state entanglement are promising in both systems.
Quantum steering, loosely speaking the distribution of entanglement from an untrusted party, is a form of quantum nonlocality which is intermediate between entanglement and Bell nonlocality. Determining which states can be steered is important from a conceptual point of view, but also for applications, e.g. in quantum cryptography. Here we show that bound entanglement, although it represents the weakest form of entanglement, can nevertheless lead to quantum steering. This is done by noticing that steering inequalities can be derived from entropic uncertainty relations. Our result has implications on the connection between entanglement distillability and nonlocality, and shows that bound entangled states can be useful for information-theoretic tasks featuring an untrusted party.
Understanding the relation between the different forms of inseparability in quantum mechanics is a longstanding problem in the foundations of quantum theory and has implications for quantum information processing. Here we make progress in this direction by establishing a direct link between quantum teleportation and Bell nonlocality. In particular, we show that all entangled states which are useful for teleportation are nonlocal resources, i.e. lead to deterministic violation of Bells inequality. Our result exploits the phenomenon of super-activation of quantum nonlocality, recently proved by Palazuelos, and suggests that the latter might in fact be generic.
When separated measurements on entangled quantum systems are performed, the theory predicts correlations that cannot be explained by any classical mechanism: communication is excluded because the signal should travel faster than light; pre-established agreement is excluded because Bell inequalities are violated. All optical demonstrations of such violations have involved discrete degrees of freedom and are plagued by the detection-efficiency loophole. A promising alternative is to use continuous variables combined with highly efficient homodyne measurements. However, all the schemes proposed so far use states or measurements that are extremely difficult to achieve, or produce very weak violations. We present a simple method to generate large violations for feasible states using both photon counting and homodyne detections. The present scheme can also be used to obtain nonlocality from easy-to-prepare Gaussian states (e.g. two-mode squeezed state).
The structure of Bell-type inequalities detecting genuine multipartite non-locality, and hence detecting genuine multipartite entanglement, is investigated. We first present a simple and intuitive approach to Svetlichnys original inequality, which provides a clear understanding of its structure and of its violation in quantum mechanics. Based on this approach, we then derive a family of Bell-type inequalities for detecting genuine multipartite non-locality in scenarios involving an arbitrary number of parties and systems of arbitrary dimension. Finally we discuss the thightness and quantum mechanical violations of these inequalities.
We show that the detection efficiencies required for closing the detection loophole in Bell tests can be significantly lowered using quantum systems of dimension larger than two. We introduce a series of asymmetric Bell tests for which an efficiency arbitrarily close to 1/N can be tolerated using N-dimensional systems, and a symmetric Bell test for which the efficiency can be lowered down to 61.8% using four-dimensional systems. Experimental perspectives for our schemes look promising considering recent progress in atom-photon entanglement and in photon hyperentanglement.
With the goal of gaining a deeper understanding of quantum non-locality, we decompose quantum correlations into more elementary non-local correlations. We show that the correlations of all pure entangled states of two qubits can be simulated without communication, hence using only non-signaling resources. Our simulation model works in two steps. First, we decompose the quantum correlations into a local and a non-local part. Second, we present a model for simulating the nonlocal part using only non-signaling resources. In our model partially entangled states require more nonlocal resources than maximally entangled states, but the less the state is entangled, the less frequently must the nonlocal resources be used.
Given a set of correlations originating from measurements on a quantum state of unknown Hilbert space dimension, what is the minimal dimension d necessary to describes such correlations? We introduce the concept of dimension witness to put lower bounds on d. This work represents a first step in a broader research program aiming to characterize Hilbert space dimension in various contexts related to fundamental questions and Quantum Information applications.

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