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Quantum steering with bound entanglement

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 Added by Daniel Cavalcanti
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Quantum steering, loosely speaking the distribution of entanglement from an untrusted party, is a form of quantum nonlocality which is intermediate between entanglement and Bell nonlocality. Determining which states can be steered is important from a conceptual point of view, but also for applications, e.g. in quantum cryptography. Here we show that bound entanglement, although it represents the weakest form of entanglement, can nevertheless lead to quantum steering. This is done by noticing that steering inequalities can be derived from entropic uncertainty relations. Our result has implications on the connection between entanglement distillability and nonlocality, and shows that bound entangled states can be useful for information-theoretic tasks featuring an untrusted party.

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The future of quantum communication relies on quantum networks composed by observers sharing multipartite quantum states. The certification of multipartite entanglement will be crucial to the usefulness of these networks. In many real situations it is natural to assume that some observers are more trusted than others in the sense that they have more knowledge of their measurement apparatuses. Here we propose a general method to certify all kinds of multipartite entanglement in this asymmetric scenario and experimentally demonstrate it in an optical experiment. Our results, which can be seen as a definition of genuine multipartite quantum steering, give a method to detect entanglement in a scenario in between the standard entanglement and fully device-independent scenarios, and provide a basis for semi-device-independent cryptographic applications in quantum networks.
Among the possibly most intriguing aspects of quantum entanglement is that it comes in free and bound instances. Bound entangled states require entangled states in preparation but, once realized, no free entanglement and therefore no pure maximally entangled pairs can be regained. Their existence hence certifies an intrinsic irreversibility of entanglement in nature and suggests a connection with thermodynamics. In this work, we present a first experimental unconditional preparation and detection of a bound entangled state of light. We consider continuous-variable entanglement, use convex optimization to identify regimes rendering its bound character well certifiable, and realize an experiment that continuously produced a distributed bound entangled state with an extraordinary and unprecedented significance of more than ten standard deviations away from both separability and distillability. Our results show that the approach chosen allows for the efficient and precise preparation of multimode entangled states of light with various applications in quantum information, quantum state engineering and high precision metrology.
We propose a scheme to realize entanglement swapping via superradiance, entangling two distant cavities without a direct interaction. The successful Bell-state-measurement outcomes are performed naturally by the electromagnetic reservoir, and we show how, using a quantum trajectory method, the non-local properties of the state obtained after the swapping procedure can be verified by the steering inequality. Furthermore, we discuss how the unsuccessful measurement outcomes can be used in an experiment of delayed-choice entanglement swapping. An extension of testing the quantum steering inequality with the observers at three different times is also considered
The development of large-scale quantum networks promises to bring a multitude of technological applications as well as shed light on foundational topics, such as quantum nonlocality. It is particularly interesting to consider scenarios where sources within the network are statistically independent, which leads to so-called network nonlocality, even when parties perform fixed measurements. Here we promote certain parties to be trusted and introduce the notion of network steering and network local hidden state (NLHS) models within this paradigm of independent sources. In one direction, we show how results from Bell nonlocality and quantum steering can be used to demonstrate network steering. We further show that it is a genuinely novel effect, by exhibiting unsteerable states that nevertheless demonstrate network steering, based upon entanglement swapping, yielding a form of activation. On the other hand, we provide no-go results for network steering in a large class of scenarios, by explicitly constructing NLHS models.
We demonstrate a complete, probabilistic quantum dynamical simulation of the standard nonlinear Hamiltonian of optomechanics, including decoherence at finite temperatures. Robust entanglement of an optical pulse with the oscillator is predicted, as well as strong quantum steering between the optical and mechanical systems. Importantly, our probabilistic quantum simulation method uses the positive-P technique, which is scalable to large Hilbert spaces.
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