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We present a microscopic theory for the current through a tunnel Josephson junction coupled to a non-linear environment, which consists of an Andreev two-level system coupled to a harmonic oscillator. It models a recent experiment [Bretheau, Girit, Pothier, Esteve, and Urbina, Nature (London) 499, 312 (2013)] on photon spectroscopy of Andreev bound states in a superconducting atomic-size contact. We find the eigenenergies and eigenstates of the environment and derive the current through the junction due to inelastic Cooper pair tunneling. The current-voltage characteristic reveals the transitions between the Andreev bound states, the excitation of the harmonic mode that hybridizes with the Andreev bound states, as well as multi-photon processes. The calculated spectra are in fair agreement with the experimental data.
166 - M. D. Croitoru , M. Houzet , 2012
There are strong experimental evidences of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state formation in layered organic superconductors in parallel magnetic field. We study theoretically the interplay between the orbital effect and the FFLO modulation in this case and demonstrate that the in-plane critical field anisotropy drastically changes at the transition to the FFLO state. The very peculiar angular dependence of the superconducting onset temperature which is predicted may serve for unambiguous identification of the FFLO modulation. The obtained results permit us to suggest the modulated phase stabilization as the origin of the magnetic-field angle dependence of the onset of superconductivity experimentally observed in (TMTSF)$_{2}$ClO$_{4}$ organic conductors.
We present a formalism for calculating the non-symmetrized quantum current noise within the Born-Markov approximation for the master equation. The formalism is particularly well suited to obtaining the current noise for quantum transport in mesoscopic devices such as a superconducting single electron transistor (SSET). As an example of the method, we obtain explicit results for the double Josephson-quasiparticle (DJQP) resonance in a SSET. Our calculations reveal the asymmetries that develop in the current noise as well as clarifying the behavior at high frequencies. Our findings are consistent with recent measurements of the asymmetry in the current noise spectrum.
Magnetic impurities affect the spectrum of excitations of a superconductor and thus influence its impedance. We concentrate on the dissipative part of the surface impedance. We investigate its dependence on frequency, the density and strength of magnetic impurities, and the density and temperature of quasiparticles. Even a small concentration of weak magnetic impurities significantly modifies the excitation spectrum in the vicinity of the BCS gap. Therefore, we give special attention to the absorption threshold behavior at zero temperature and to the low-frequency absorption by quasiparticles. The discrete energy states introduced at low density of magnetic impurities may serve as traps for nonequilibrium quasiparticles, reducing the absorption in some range of low radiation frequencies.
Single dopants in semiconductor nanostructures have been studied in great details recently as they are good candidates for quantum bits, provided they are coupled to a detector. Here we report coupling of a single As donor atom to a single-electron transistor (SET) in a silicon nanowire field-effect transistor. Both capacitive and tunnel coupling are achieved, the latter resulting in a dramatic increase of the conductance through the SET, by up to one order of magnitude. The experimental results are well explained by the rate equations theory developed in parallel with the experiment.
126 - M. Houzet 2010
We introduce a variant of the replica trick within the nonlinear sigma model that allows calculating the distribution function of the persistent current. In the diffusive regime, a Gaussian distribution is derived. This result holds in the presence of local interactions as well. Breakdown of the Gaussian statistics is predicted for the tails of the distribution function at large deviations.
214 - M. Houzet , P. Samuelsson 2010
We investigate theoretically charge transport in hybrid multiterminal junctions with superconducting leads kept at different voltages. It is found that multiple Andreev reflections involving several superconducting leads give rise to rich subharmonic gap structures in the current-voltage characteristics. The structures are evidenced numerically in junctions in the incoherent regime.
237 - N. Pauget 2008
We consider a tunnel junction formed between a fixed electrode and an oscillating one. Accumulation of the charge on the junction capacitor induces a force on the nano-mechanical oscillator. The junction is voltage biased and connected in series with an impedance $Z(omega)$. We discuss how the picture of Coulomb blockade is modified by the presence of the oscillator. Quantum fluctuations of the mechanical oscillator modify the $I$-$V$ characteristics particularly in the strong Coulomb blockade limit. We show that the oscillator can be taken into account by a simple modification of the effective impedance of the circuit. We discuss in some details the case of a single inductance $Z(omega)=iLomega$ and of a constant resistance $Z(omega)=R$. With little modifications the theory applies also to incoherent transport in Josephson junctions in the tunneling limit.
237 - M. Houzet 2008
The Josephson current in a diffusive superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor junction with precessing magnetization is calculated within the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity. When the junction is phase-biased, a stationary current (without a.c. component) can flow through it despite the non-equilibrium condition. A large critical current is predicted due to a dynamically induced long range triplet proximity effect. Such effect could be observed in a conventional hybrid device close to the ferromagnetic resonance.
436 - M. Houzet , A. I. Buzdin 2007
We study the Josephson current through a ferromagnetic trilayer, both in the diffusive and clean limits. For colinear (parallel or antiparallel) magnetizations in the layers, the Josephson current is small due to short range proximity effect in superconductor/ferromagnet structures. For non colinear magnetizations, we determine the conditions for the Josephson current to be dominated by another contribution originating from long range triplet proximity effect.

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