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We report on an X-ray observation of the Be X-ray Binary Pulsar RX J0059.2-7138, performed by XMM-Newton in March 2014. The 19 ks long observation was carried out about three months after the discovery of the latest outburst from this Small Magellanic Cloud transient, when the source luminosity was Lx ~ 10$^{38}$ erg/s. A spin period of P=2.762383(5) s was derived, corresponding to an average spin-up of $dot{P}_{mathrm{spin}} = -(1.27pm0.01)times10^{-12}$ s $s^{-1}$ from the only previous period measurement, obtained more than 20 years earlier. The time-averaged continuum spectrum (0.2-12 keV) consisted of a hard power-law (photon index ~0.44) with an exponential cut-off at a phase-dependent energy (20-50 keV) plus a significant soft excess below about 0.5 keV. In addition, several features were observed in the spectrum: an emission line at 6.6 keV from highly ionized iron, a broad feature at 0.9-1 keV likely due to a blend of Fe L-shell lines, and narrow emission and absorption lines consistent with transitions in highly ionized oxygen, nitrogen and iron visible in the high resolution RGS data (0.4-2.1 keV). Given the different ionization stages of the narrow line components, indicative of photoionization from the luminous X-ray pulsar, we argue that the soft excess in RX J0059.2-7138 is produced by reprocessing of the pulsar emission in the inner regions of the accretion disc.
101 - V. Sguera , L. Sidoli , A.J. Bird 2015
We report on a broad-band X-ray study (0.5-250 keV) of the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient IGR J18483-0311 using archival INTEGRAL data and a new targeted XMM-Newton observation. Our INTEGRAL investigation discovered for the first time an unusually long X-ray activity (3-60 keV) which continuously lasted for at least 11 days, i.e. a significant fraction (about 60%) of the entire orbital period, and spanned orbital phases corresponding to both periastron and apastron passages. This prolongated X-ray activity is at odds with the much shorter durations marking outbursts from classical SFXTs especially above 20 keV, as such it represents a departure from their nominal behavior and it adds a further extreme characteristic to the already extreme SFXT IGR J18483-0311. Our IBIS/ISGRI high energy investigation (100-250 keV) of archival outbursts activity from the source showed that the recently reported hint of a possible hard X-ray tail is not real and it is likely due to noisy background. The new XMM-Newton targeted observation did not detect any sign of strong X-ray outburst activity from the source despite being performed close to its periastron passage, on the contrary IGR J18483-0311 was caught during the common intermediate X-ray state with a low luminosity value of 3x10^33 erg s^-1 (0.5-10 keV). We discuss all the reported results in the framework of both spherically symmetric clumpy wind scenario and quasi-spherical settling accretion model.
The source IGR J17200-3116 was discovered in the hard X-ray band by INTEGRAL. A periodic X-ray modulation at ~326 s was detected in its Swift light curves by our group (and subsequently confirmed by a Swift campaign). In this paper, we report on the analysis of all the Swift observations, which were collected between 2005 and 2011, and of a ~20 ks XMM-Newton pointing that was carried out in 2013 September. During the years covered by the Swift and XMM-Newton observations, the 1-10 keV fluxes range from ~1.5 to 4E-11 erg/cm^2/s. IGR J17200-3116 displays spectral variability as a function of the pulse phase and its light curves show at least one short (a few hundreds of seconds) dip, during which the flux dropped at 20-30% of the average level. Overall, the timing and spectral characteristics of IGR J17200-3116 point to an accreting neutron star in a high-mass system but, while the pulse-phase spectral variability can be accounted for by assuming a variable local absorbing column density, the origin of the dip is unclear. We discuss different possible explanations for this feature, favouring a transition to an ineffective accretion regime, instead of an enhanced absorption along the line of sight.
We report on the discovery with Chandra of a strong modulation (~90% pulsed fraction) at ~6.4 h from the source CXOU J123030.3+413853 in the star-forming, low-metallicity spiral galaxy NGC 4490, which is interacting with the irregular companion NGC 4485. This modulation, confirmed also by XMM-Newton observations, is interpreted as the orbital period of a binary system. The spectra from the Chandra and XMM-Newton observations can be described by a power-law model with photon index ~1.5. During these observations, which span from 2000 November to 2008 May, the source showed a long-term luminosity variability by a factor of ~5, between ~2E+38 and 1.1E+39 erg/s (for a distance of 8 Mpc). The maximum X-ray luminosity, exceeding by far the Eddington limit of a neutron star, indicates that the accretor is a black hole. Given the high X-ray luminosity, the short orbital period and the morphology of the orbital light curve, we favour an interpretation of CXOU J123030.3+413853 as a rare high-mass X-ray binary system with a Wolf-Rayet star as a donor, similar to Cyg X-3. This would be the fourth system of this kind known in the local Universe. CXOU J123030.3+413853 can also be considered as a transitional object between high mass X-ray binaries and ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs), the study of which may reveal how the properties of persistent black-hole binaries evolve entering the ULX regime.
213 - N. La Palombara 2013
We report on the main results obtained thanks to an observation campaign with XMM-Newton of four persistent, low-luminosity (Lx ~ 10^34 erg/s) and long-period (P > 200 s) Be accreting pulsars. We found that all sources considered here are characterized by a spectral excess that can be described with a blackbody component of high temperature (kTbb > 1 keV) and small area (Rbb < 0.5 km). We show that: 1) this feature is a common property of several low-luminosity X-ray binaries; 2) for most sources the blackbody parameters (radius and temperature) are within a narrow range of values; 3) it can be interpreted as emission from the NS polar caps.
We report on the discovery of pulsations at a period of ~47 s in the persistent X-ray source 1RXS J225352.8+624354 (1RXS J2253) using five Chandra observations performed in 2009. The signal was also detected in Swift and ROSAT data, allowing us to infer over a 16-yr baseline an average, long-term period increasing rate of ~17 ms per year and therefore to confirm the signal as the spin period of an accreting, spinning-down neutron star. The pulse profile of 1RXS J2253 (~50-60% pulsed fraction) is complex and energy independent (within the statistical uncertainties). The 1-10 keV Chandra spectra are well fit by an absorbed power-law model with photon index ~1.4 and observed flux of (2-5)e-12 erg cm^-2 s^-1. The source was also detected by INTEGRAL in the 17-60 keV band at a persistent flux of ~6e-12 erg cm^-2 s^-1, implying a spectral cut off around 15 keV. We also carried out optical spectroscopic follow-up observations of the 2MASS counterpart at the Nordic Optical Telescope. This made it possible to first classify the companion of 1RXS J2253 as a B0-1III-Ve (most likely a B1Ve) star at a distance of about 4-5 kpc (favouring an association with the Perseus arm of the Galaxy). The latter finding implies an X-ray luminosity of ~3e34 erg s^-1, suggesting that 1RXS J2253 is a new member of the sub-class of low-luminosity long-orbital-period persistent Be/X-ray pulsars in a wide and circular orbit (such as X Persei).
71 - N. La Palombara 2013
We report on the main results obtained thanks to an observation campaign, performed with XMM-Newton, of four persistent, low-luminosity (Lx ~ 10^34 erg/s) and long-period (P > 200 s) Be accreting pulsars. We found that all sources considered here are characterized by a spectral excess that can be described with a blackbody component of high temperature (kT > 1 keV) and small area (R < 0.5 km). We show that: 1) this feature is a common property of several low-luminosity X-ray binaries; 2) for most sources the blackbody parameters (radius and temperature) are within a narrow range of values; 3) it can be interpreted as emission from the NS polar caps.
104 - M. Diaz Trigo 2012
We analysed data from five XMM-Newton observations of GX 13+1 to investigate the variability of the photo-ionised absorber present in this source. We fitted EPIC and RGS spectra obtained from the least-variable intervals with a model consisting of disc-blackbody and blackbody components together with a Gaussian emission feature at ~6.55-6.7 keV modified by absorption due to cold and photo-ionised material. We found a significant correlation between the hard, ~6-10 keV, flux, the ionisation and column density of the absorber and the equivalent width of the broad iron line. We interpret the correlation in a scenario in which a disc wind is thermally driven at large, ~10^{10} cm, radii and the broad line results from reprocessed emission in the wind and/or hot atmosphere. The breadth of the emission line is naturally explained by a combination of scattering, recombination and fluorescence processes. We attribute the variations in the absorption and emission along the orbital period to the view of different parts of the wind, possibly located at slightly different inclination angles. We constrain the inclination of GX 13+1 to be between 60 and 80 degrees from the presence of strong absorption in the line of sight, that obscures up to 80% of the total emission in one observation, and the absence of eclipses. We conclude that the presence of a disc wind and/or a hot atmosphere can explain the current observations of narrow absorption and broad iron emission features in neutron star low mass X-ray binaries as a class.
100 - N. La Palombara 2011
Many X-ray accreting pulsars have a soft excess below 10 keV. This feature has been detected also in faint sources and at low luminosity levels, suggesting that it is an ubiquitous phenomenon. In the case of the high luminosity pulsars (Lx > 10^36 erg/s), the fit of this component with thermal emission models usually provides low temperatures (kT < 0.5 keV) and large emission regions (R > a few hundred km); for this reason, it is referred to as a `soft excess. On the other hand, we recently found that in persistent, low-luminosity (Lx ~ 10^34 erg/s) and long-period (P > 100 s) Be accreting pulsars the observed excess can be modeled with a rather hot (kT > 1 keV) blackbody component of small area (R < 0.5 km), which can be interpreted as emission from the NS polar caps. In this paper we present the results of a recent XMM-Newton observation of the Galactic Be pulsar RX J0440.9+4431, which is a poorly studied member of this class of sources. We have found a best-fit period P = 204.96(+/-0.02) s, which implies an average pulsar spin-down during the last 13 years, with dP/dt ~ 6x10^(-9) s/s. The estimated source luminosity is Lx ~ 8x10^(34) erg/s: this value is higher by a factor < 10 compared to those obtained in the first source observations, but almost two orders of magnitude lower than those measured during a few outbursts detected in the latest years. The source spectrum can be described with a power law plus blackbody model, with kTbb = 1.34(+/-0.04) keV and Rbb = 273(+/-16) m, suggesting a polar-cap origin of this component. Our results support the classification of RX J0440.9+4431 as a persistent Be/NS pulsar, and confirm that the hot blackbody spectral component is a common property of this class of sources.
470 - L. Sidoli 2011
We report the first broad-band (0.5-150 keV) simultaneous X-ray observations of the very faint X-ray transient IGRJ17285-2922/XTEJ1728-295 performed with XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL satellites during its last outburst, started on 2010, August 28. XMM-Newton observed the source on 2010 September 9-10, for 22ks. INTEGRAL observations were part of the publicly available Galactic Bulge program, and overlapped with the times covered by XMM-Newton. The broad-band spectroscopy resulted in a best-fit with an absorbed power law displaying a photon index of 1.61+/-0.01, an absorbing column density of (5.10+/-0.05)E21 cm-2, and a flux of 2.4E-10 erg/cm2/s (1-100 keV), corrected for the absorption. The data did not require either a spectral cut-off (E>50 keV) or an additional soft component. The slopes of the XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL separate spectra were compatible, within the uncertainties. The timing analysis does not show evidence either for X-ray pulsations or for type I X-ray bursts. The broad band X-ray spectrum as well as the power density spectrum are indicative of a low hard state in a low mass X-ray binary, although nothing conclusive can be said about the nature of the compact object (neutron star or black hole). The results we are reporting here allow us to conclude that IGRJ17285-2922 is a low mass X-ray binary, located at a distance greater than 4 kpc.

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