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Superfluidity, the ability of a liquid or gas to flow with zero viscosity, is one of the most remarkable implications of collective quantum coherence. In equilibrium systems like liquid 4He and ultracold atomic gases, superfluid behaviour conjugates diverse yet related phenomena, such as persistency of metastable flow in multiply connected geometries and the existence of a critical velocity for frictionless flow when hitting a static defect. The link between these different aspects of superfluid behaviour is far less clear in driven-dissipative systems displaying collective coherence, such as microcavity polaritons, which raises important questions about their concurrency. With a joint theoretical and experimental study, we show that the scenario is particularly rich for polaritons driven in a three-fluid collective coherent regime so-called optical parametric oscillator. On the one hand, the spontaneous macroscopic coherence following the phase locking of the signal and idler fluids has been shown to be responsible for their simultaneous quantized flow metastability. On the other hand, we show here that pump, signal and idler have distinct responses when hitting a static defect; while the signal displays hardly appreciable modulations, the ones appearing in pump and idler are determined by their mutual coupling due to nonlinear and parametric processes.
We propose theoretically and demonstrate experimentally a generation of light pulses whose polarization varies temporally to cover selected areas of the Poincare sphere with tunable swirling speed and total duration (1 ps and 10 ps respectively in our implementation). The effect relies on the Rabi oscillations of two polarized fields in the strong coupling regime, excited by two counter-polarized and delayed pulses. The interferences of the oscillating fields result in the precession of the Stokes vector of the emitted light while polariton lifetime imbalance results in its drift from a circle on the sphere of controllable radius to a single point at long times. The positioning of the initial and final states allows to engineer the type of polarization spanning, including a full sweeping of the Poincare sphere. The universality and simplicity of the scheme should allow for the deployment of time varying polarization fields at a technologically exploitable level.
130 - L. Dominici , D. Colas , S. Donati 2014
We report the experimental observation and control of space and time-resolved light-matter Rabi oscillations in a microcavity. Our setup precision and the system coherence are so high that coherent control can be implemented with amplification or switching off of the oscillations and even erasing of the polariton density by optical pulses. The data is reproduced by a fundamental quantum optical model with excellent accuracy, providing new insights on the key components that rule the polariton dynamics.
Spinorial or multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates may sustain fractional quanta of circulation, vorticant topological excitations with half integer windings of phase and polarization. Matter-light quantum fluids, such as microcavity polaritons, represent a unique test bed for realising strongly interacting and out-of-equilibrium condensates. The direct access to the phase of their wavefunction enables us to pursue the quest of whether half vortices ---rather than full integer vortices--- are the fundamental topological excitations of a spinor polariton fluid. Here, we are able to directly generate by resonant pulsed excitations, a polariton fluid carrying either the half or full vortex states as initial condition, and to follow their coherent evolution using ultrafast holography. Surprisingly we observe a rich phenomenology that shows a stable evolution of a phase singularity in a single component as well as in the full vortex state, spiraling, splitting and branching of the initial cores under different regimes and the proliferation of many vortex anti-vortex pairs in self generated circular ripples. This allows us to devise the interplay of nonlinearity and sample disorder in shaping the fluid and driving the phase singularities dynamics
Polaritons in microcavities are versatile quasi-2D bosonic particles with a high degree of coherence and strong nonlinearities, thanks to their hybrid light-matter character. In their condensed form, they display striking quantum hydrodynamic features analogous to atomic Bose-Einstein condensates, such as long-range order coherence, superfluidity and quantized vorticity. Their variegated dispersive and dissipative properties, however, set significant differences from their atomic counterpart. In this work, we report the unique phenomenology that is observed when a pulse of light impacts the polariton vacuum: the condensate that is instantaneously formed does not splash in real space but instead coheres into an enigmatic structure, featuring concentric rings and, most notably, a sharp and bright peak at the center. Using a state-of-the-art ultrafast imaging with 50 fs time steps, we are able to track the dynamics of the polariton mean-field wavefunction in both real and reciprocal space. The observation of the real-space collapse of the condensate into an extremely localized---resolution limited---peak is at odd with the repulsive interactions of polaritons and their positive effective mass. An unconventional mechanism is therefore at play to account for our observations. Our modeling suggests that self-trapping due to a local heating of the crystal lattice---that can be described as a collective polaron formed by a polariton condensate---could be involved. These observations hint at the fascinating fluid dynamics of polaritons in conditions of extreme intensities and ultrafast times.

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