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236 - Jason Schweinsberg 2015
We consider a model of a population of fixed size $N$ undergoing selection. Each individual acquires beneficial mutations at rate $mu_N$, and each beneficial mutation increases the individuals fitness by $s_N$. Each individual dies at rate one, and when a death occurs, an individual is chosen with probability proportional to the individuals fitness to give birth. Under certain conditions on the parameters $mu_N$ and $s_N$, we show that the genealogy of the population can be described by the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent. This result confirms predictions of Desai, Walczak, and Fisher (2013), and Neher and Hallatschek (2013).
149 - Jason Schweinsberg 2015
We consider a model of a population of fixed size $N$ undergoing selection. Each individual acquires beneficial mutations at rate $mu_N$, and each beneficial mutation increases the individuals fitness by $s_N$. Each individual dies at rate one, and when a death occurs, an individual is chosen with probability proportional to the individuals fitness to give birth. Under certain conditions on the parameters $mu_N$ and $s_N$, we obtain rigorous results for the rate at which mutations accumulate in the population and the distribution of the fitnesses of individuals in the population at a given time. Our results confirm predictions of Desai and Fisher (2007).
123 - Jason Schweinsberg 2011
Consider a population of fixed size that evolves over time. At each time, the genealogical structure of the population can be described by a coalescent tree whose branches are traced back to the most recent common ancestor of the population. As time goes forward, the genealogy of the population evolves, leading to what is known as an evolving coalescent. We will study the evolving coalescent for populations whose genealogy can be described by the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent. We obtain the limiting behavior of the evolution of the time back to the most recent common ancestor and the total length of the branches in the tree. By similar methods, we also obtain a new result concerning the number of blocks in the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent.
The Axelrod model is a spatial stochastic model for the dynamics of cultures which, similarly to the voter model, includes social influence, but differs from the latter by also accounting for another social factor called homophily, the tendency to interact more frequently with individuals who are more similar. Each individual is characterized by its opinions about a finite number of cultural features, each of which can assume the same finite number of states. Pairs of adjacent individuals interact at a rate equal to the fraction of features they have in common, thus modeling homophily, which results in the interacting pair having one more cultural feature in common, thus modeling social influence. It has been conjectured based on numerical simulations that the one-dimensional Axelrod model clusters when the number of features exceeds the number of states per feature. In this article, we prove this conjecture for the two-state model with an arbitrary number of features.
390 - Jason Schweinsberg 2009
Suppose $Pi$ is an exchangeable random partition of the positive integers and $Pi_n$ is its restriction to ${1, ..., n}$. Let $K_n$ denote the number of blocks of $Pi_n$, and let $K_{n,r}$ denote the number of blocks of $Pi_n$ containing $r$ integers. We show that if $0 < alpha < 1$ and $K_n/(n^{alpha} ell(n))$ converges in probability to $Gamma(1-alpha)$, where $ell$ is a slowly varying function, then $K_{n,r}/(n^{alpha} ell(n))$ converges in probability to $alpha Gamma(r - alpha)/r!$. This result was previously known when the convergence of $K_n/(n^{alpha} ell(n))$ holds almost surely, but the result under the hypothesis of convergence in probability has significant implications for coalescent theory. We also show that a related conjecture for the case when $K_n$ grows only slightly slower than $n$ fails to be true.
We consider the population genetics problem: how long does it take before some member of the population has $m$ specified mutations? The case $m=2$ is relevant to onset of cancer due to the inactivation of both copies of a tumor suppressor gene. Models for larger $m$ are needed for colon cancer and other diseases where a sequence of mutations leads to cells with uncontrolled growth.
92 - Jason Schweinsberg 2008
We consider a model of a population of fixed size N in which each individual gets replaced at rate one and each individual experiences a mutation at rate mu. We calculate the asymptotic distribution of the time that it takes before there is an individual in the population with m mutations. Several different behaviors are possible, depending on how mu changes with N. These results have applications to the problem of determining the waiting time for regulatory sequences to appear and to models of cancer development.

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