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We study the coupling between backward- and forward-propagating wave modes, with the same group velocity, in a composite right/left-handed nonlinear transmission line. Using an asymptotic multiscale expansion technique, we derive a system of two coupled nonlinear Schr{o}dinger equations governing the evolution of the envelopes of these modes. We show that this system supports a variety of backward- and forward propagating vector solitons, of the bright-bright, bright-dark and dark-bright type. Performing systematic numerical simulations in the framework of the original lattice that models the transmission line, we study the propagation properties of the derived vector soliton solutions. We show that all types of the predicted solitons exist, but differ on their robustness: only bright-bright solitons propagate undistorted for long times, while the other types are less robust, featuring shorter lifetimes. In all cases, our analytical predictions are in a very good agreement with the results of the simulations, at least up to times of the order of the solitons lifetimes.
We study the existence and stability of multibreathers in Klein-Gordon chains with interactions that are not restricted to nearest neighbors. We provide a general framework where such long range effects can be taken into consideration for arbitrarily varying (as a function of the node distance) linear couplings between arbitrary sets of neighbors in the chain. By examining special case examples such as three-site breathers with next-nearest-neighbors, we find {it crucial} modifications to the nearest-neighbor picture of one-dimensional oscillators being excited either in- or anti-phase. Configurations with nontrivial phase profiles, arise, as well as spontaneous symmetry breaking (pitchfork) bifurcations, when these states emerge from (or collide with) the ones with standard (0 or $pi$) phase difference profiles. Similar bifurcations, both of the supercritical and of the subcritical type emerge when examining four-site breathers with either next-nearest-neighbor or even interactions with the three-nearest one-dimensional neighbors. The latter setting can be thought of as a prototype for the two-dimensional building block, namely a square of lattice nodes, which is also examined. Our analytical predictions are found to be in very good agreement with numerical results.
We study the propagation of quasi-discrete microwave solitons in a nonlinear left-handed coplanar waveguide coupled with split ring resonators. By considering the relevant transmission line analogue, we derive a nonlinear lattice model which is studied analytically by means of a quasi-discrete approximation. We derive a nonlinear Schr{o}dinger equation, and find that the system supports bright envelope soliton solutions in a relatively wide subinterval of the left-handed frequency band. We perform systematic numerical simulations, in the framework of the nonlinear lattice model, to study the propagation properties of the quasi-discrete microwave solitons. Our numerical findings are in good agreement with the analytical predictions, and suggest that the predicted structures are quite robust and may be observed in experiments.
111 - H. Susanto , J. Cuevas , P. Kruger 2010
We study the dynamics of matter waves in an effectively one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate in a double well potential. We consider in particular the case when one of the double wells confines excited states. Similarly to the known ground state oscillations, the states can tunnel between the wells experiencing the physics known for electrons in a Josephson junction, or be self-trapped. As the existence of dark solitons in a harmonic trap are continuations of such non-ground state excitations, one can view the Josephson-like oscillations as tunnelings of dark solitons. Numerical existence and stability analysis based on the full equation is performed, where it is shown that such tunneling can be stable. Through a numerical path following method, unstable tunneling is also obtained in different parameter regions. A coupled-mode system is derived and compared to the numerical observations. Regions of (in)stability of Josephson tunneling are discussed and highlighted. Finally, we outline an experimental scheme designed to explore such dark soliton dynamics in the laboratory.
In this work, we revisit the question of stability of multibreather configurations, i.e., discrete breathers with multiple excited sites at the anti-continuum limit of uncoupled oscillators. We present two methods that yield quantitative predictions about the Floquet multipliers of the linear stability analysis around such exponentially localized in space, time-periodic orbits, based on the Aubry band method and the MacKay effective Hamiltonian method and prove that their conclusions are equivalent. Subsequently, we showcase the usefulness of the methods by a series of case examples including one-dimensional multi-breathers, and two-dimensional vortex breathers in the case of a lattice of linearly coupled oscillators with the Morse potential and in that of the discrete $phi^4$ model.
In this paper, interstitial migration generated by scattering with a mobile breather is investigated numerically in a Frenkel-Kontorova one-dimensional lattice. Consistent with experimental results it is shown that interstitial diffusion is more likely and faster than vacancy diffusion. Our simulations support the hypothesis that a long-range energy transport mechanism involving moving nonlinear vibrational excitations may significantly enhance the mobility of point defects in a crystal lattice.
In this paper, we consider the dynamical evolution of dark vortex states in the two-dimensional defocusing discrete nonlinear Schroedinger model, a model of interest both to atomic physics and to nonlinear optics. We find that in a way reminiscent of their 1d analogs, i.e., of discrete dark solitons, the discrete defocusing vortices become unstable past a critical coupling strength and, in the infinite lattice, they apparently remain unstable up to the continuum limit where they are restabilized. In any infinite lattice, stabilization windows of the structures may be observed. Systematic tools are offered for the continuation of the states both from the continuum and, especially, from the anti-continuum limit. Although the results are mainly geared towards the uniform case, we also consider the effect of harmonic trapping potentials.
In this paper we analyze the existence, stability, dynamical formation and mobility properties of localized solutions in a one-dimensional system described by the discrete nonlinear Schr{o}dinger equation with a linear point defect. We consider both attractive and repulsive defects in a focusing lattice. Among our main findings are: a) the destabilization of the on--site mode centered at the defect in the repulsive case; b) the disappearance of localized modes in the vicinity of the defect due to saddle-node bifurcations for sufficiently strong defects of either type; c) the decrease of the amplitude formation threshold for attractive and its increase for repulsive defects; and d) the detailed elucidation as a function of initial speed and defect strength of the different regimes (trapping, trapping and reflection, pure reflection and pure transmission) of interaction of a moving localized mode with the defect.

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