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A non-Hermitian complex symmetric 2x2 matrix toy model is used to study projective Hilbert space structures in the vicinity of exceptional points (EPs). The bi-orthogonal eigenvectors of a diagonalizable matrix are Puiseux-expanded in terms of the root vectors at the EP. It is shown that the apparent contradiction between the two incompatible normalization conditions with finite and singular behavior in the EP-limit can be resolved by projectively extending the original Hilbert space. The complementary normalization conditions correspond then to two different affine charts of this enlarged projective Hilbert space. Geometric phase and phase jump behavior are analyzed and the usefulness of the phase rigidity as measure for the distance to EP configurations is demonstrated. Finally, EP-related aspects of PT-symmetrically extended Quantum Mechanics are discussed and a conjecture concerning the quantum brachistochrone problem is formulated.
We consider different properties of small open quantum systems coupled to an environment and described by a non-Hermitian Hamilton operator. Of special interest is the non-analytical behavior of the eigenvalues in the vicinity of singular points, the so-called exceptional points (EPs), at which the eigenvalues of two states coalesce and the corresponding eigenfunctions are linearly dependent from one another. The phases of the eigenfunctions are not rigid in approaching an EP and providing therewith the possibility to put information from the environment into the system. All characteristic properties of non-Hermitian quantum systems hold true not only for natural open quantum systems that suffer loss due to their embedding into the continuum of scattering wavefunctions. They appear also in systems coupled to different layers some of which provide gain to the system. Thereby gain and loss, respectively, may be fixed inside every layer, i.e. characteristic of it.
In part I, the formalism for the description of open quantum systems (that are embedded into a common well-defined environment) by means of a non-Hermitian Hamilton operator $ch$ is sketched. Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are parametrically controlled. Using a 2$times$2 model, we study the eigenfunctions of $ch$ at and near to the singular exceptional points (EPs) at which two eigenvalues coalesce and the corresponding eigenfunctions differ from one another by only a phase. In part II, we provide the results of an analytical study for the eigenvalues of three crossing states. These crossing points are of measure zero. Then we show numerical results for the influence of a nearby (third) state onto an EP. Since the wavefunctions of the two crossing states are mixed in a finite parameter range around an EP, three states of a physical system will never cross in one point. Instead, the wavefunctions of all three states are mixed in a finite parameter range in which the ranges of the influence of different EPs overlap. We may relate these results to dynamical phase transitions observed recently in different experimental studies. The states on both sides of the phase transition are non-analytically connected.
The projection-operator formalism of Feshbach is applied to resonance scattering in a single-channel case. The method is based on the division of the full function space into two segments, internal (localized) and external (infinitely extended). The spectroscopic information on the resonances is obtained from the non-Hermitian effective Hamilton operator $H_{rm eff}$ appearing in the internal part due to the coupling to the external part. As well known, additional so-called cut-off poles of the $S$-matrix appear, generally, due to the truncation of the potential. We study the question of spurious $S$ matrix poles in the framework of the Feshbach formalism. The numerical analysis is performed for exactly solvable potentials with a finite number of resonance states. These potentials represent a generalization of Bargmann-type potentials to accept resonance states. Our calculations demonstrate that the poles of the $S$ matrix obtained by using the Feshbach projection-operator formalism coincide with both the complex energies of the physical resonances and the cut-off poles of the $S$-matrix.
179 - Ingrid Rotter 2007
In the Feshbach projection operator (FPO) formalism the whole function space is divided into two subspaces. One of them contains the wave functions localized in a certain finite region while the continuum of extended scattering wave functions is involved in the other subspace. The Hamilton operator of the whole system is Hermitian, that of the localized part is, however, non-Hermitian. This non-Hermitian Hamilton operator $H_{rm eff}$ represents the core of the FPO method in present-day studies. It gives a unified description of discrete and resonance states. Furthermore, it contains the time operator. The eigenvalues $z_lambda$ and eigenfunctions $phi_lambda$ of $H_{rm eff}$ are an important ingredient of the $S$ matrix. They are energy dependent. The phases of the $phi_lambda$ are, generally, nonrigid. Most interesting physical effects are caused by the branch points in the complex plane. On the one hand, they cause the avoided level crossings that appear as level repulsion or widths bifurcation in approaching the branch points under different conditions. On the other hand, observable values are usually enhanced and accelerated in the vicinity of the branch points. In most cases, the theory is time asymmetric. An exception are the ${cal PT}$ symmetric bound states in the continuum appearing in space symmetric systems due to the avoided level crossing phenomenon in the complex plane. In the paper, the peculiarities of the FPO method are considered and three typical phenomena are sketched: (i) the unified description of decay and scattering processes, (ii) the appearance of bound states in the continuum and (iii) the spectroscopic reordering processes characteristic of the regime with overlapping resonances.
73 - Ingrid Rotter 2007
In the Feshbach projection operator formalism, resonance as well as decay phenomena are described by means of the complex eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the non-Hermitian Hamilton operator $H_{rm eff}$ that appears in an intermediate stage of the formalism. The formalism can be applied for the description of isolated resonances as well as for resonances in the overlapping regime. Time asymmetry is related to the time operator which is a part of $H_{rm eff}$. An expression for the decay rates of resonance states is derived. For isolated resonance states $lambda$, this expression gives the fundamental relation $tau_lambda = hbar / Gamma_lambda$ between life time and width of a resonance state. A similar relation holds for the average values obtained for narrow resonances superposed by a smooth background term. In the cross over between these two cases (regime of overlapping resonances), the decay rate decreases monotonously as a function of increasing time.
121 - Ingrid Rotter 2007
Recently, the quantum brachistochrone problem is discussed in the literature by using non-Hermitian Hamilton operators of different type. Here, it is demonstrated that the passage time is tunable in realistic open quantum systems due to the biorthogonality of the eigenfunctions of the non-Hermitian Hamilton operator. As an example, the numerical results obtained by Bulgakov et al. for the transmission through microwave cavities of different shape are analyzed from the point of view of the brachistochrone problem. The passage time is shortened in the crossover from the weak-coupling to the strong-coupling regime where the resonance states overlap and many branch points (exceptional points) in the complex plane exist. The effect can {it not} be described in the framework of standard quantum mechanics with Hermitian Hamilton operator and consideration of $S$ matrix poles.

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