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132 - Hui Li , Hongtao He , Hai-Zhou Lu 2015
A large negative magnetoresistance is anticipated in topological semimetals in the parallel magnetic and electric field configuration as a consequence of the nontrivial topological properties. The negative magnetoresistance is believed to demonstrate the chiral anomaly, a long-sought high-energy physics effect, in solid-state systems. Recent experiments reveal that Cd3As2, a Dirac topological semimetal, has the record-high mobility and exhibits positive linear magnetoresistance in the orthogonal magnetic and electric field configuration. However, the negative magnetoresistance in the parallel magnetic and electric field configuration remains unveiled. Here, we report the observation of the negative magnetoresistance in Cd3As2 microribbons in the parallel magnetic and electric field configuration as large as 66% at 50 K and even visible at room temperatures. The observed negative magnetoresistance is sensitive to the angle between magnetic and electrical field, robust against temperature, and dependent on the carrier density. We have found that carrier densities of our Cd3As2 samples obey an Arrheniuss law, decreasing from 3.0x10^17 cm^-3 at 300 K to 2.2x10^16 cm^-3 below 50 K. The low carrier densities result in the large values of the negative magnetoresistance. We therefore attribute the observed negative magnetoresistance to the chiral anomaly. Furthermore, in the perpendicular magnetic and electric field configuration a positive non-saturating linear magnetoresistance up to 1670% at 14 T and 2 K is also observed. This work demonstrates potential applications of topological semimetals in magnetic devices.
In this paper we study the properties of cold bosons in a two-dimensional optical lattice system where Bose-condensation occurs at a momentum point k with non-zero k-space Berry curvature. By combining results from both analytic and numerical approaches, we show that the boson system carries non-universal, temperature dependent equilibrium angular momentum and edge current at low temperatures.
We present the optical spectroscopic observations of X Per from 1999 to 2013 with the 2.16m telescope at Xinglong Station and the 2.4m telescope at Lijiang station, National Astronomical Observatories of China. Combining with the public optical photometric data, we find certain epochs of anti-correlations between the optical brightness and the intensity of the H{alpha} and HeI 6678 lines, which may be attributed to the mass ejections from the Be star. Alternative explanations are however also possible. The variability of FeII 6317 line in the spectra of X Per might be also caused by the shocked waves formed after the mass ejections from the Be star. The X-ray activities of the system might also be connected with the mass ejection events from the Be star. When the ejected materials were transported from the surface of the Be star to the orbit of neutron star, an X-ray flare could be observed in its X-ray light curves. We use the neutron star as a probe to constrain the motion of the ejected material in the circumstellar disk. With the diffusion time of the ejected material from the surface of Be star to the orbit of neutron star, the viscosity parameter {alpha} of the circumstellar disk is estimated to be 0.39 and 0.28 for the different time, indicating that the disk around Be star may be truncated by the neutron star at the 2:1 resonance radius and Type I X-ray outburst is unlikely to be observed in X Per.
155 - Fang Yan , Zhi-Hui Li , Cai Meng 2013
The China ADS (C-ADS) project is proposed to build a 1000 MW Accelerator Driven sub-critical System around 2032. The accelerator will work in CW mode with 10 mA in beam current and 1.5 GeV in final beam energy. The linac is composed of two major sections: the injector section and the main linac section. There are two different schemes for the injector section. The Injector-I scheme is based on a 325-MHz RFQ and superconducting spoke cavities of same RF frequency and the Injector-II scheme is based on a 162.5-MHz RFQ and superconducting HWR cavities of same frequency. The main linac design will be different for different injector choice. The two different designs for the main linac have been studied according to the beam characteristics from the different injector schemes.
122 - Handong Li , Lei Gao , Hui Li 2012
The van der Waals epitaxy of single crystalline Bi2Se3 film was achieved on hydrogen passivated Si(111) (H:Si) substrate by physical vapor deposition. Valence band structures of Bi2Se3/H:Si heterojunction were investigated by X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy and Ultraviolet Photoemission Spectroscopy. The measured Schottky barrier height at the Bi2Se3-H:Si interface was 0.31 eV. The findings pave the way for economically preparing heterojunctions and multilayers of layered compound families of topological insulators.
121 - Lan Chen , Hui Li , Baojie Feng 2012
The (r3xr3)R30{deg} honeycomb of silicene monolayer on Ag(111) was found to undergo a phase transition to two types of mirror-symmetric boundary-separated rhombic phases at temperatures below 40 K by scanning tunneling microscopy. The first-principles calculations reveal that weak interactions between silicene and Ag(111) drive the spontaneous ultra buckling in the monolayer silicene, forming two energy-degenerate and mirror-symmetric (r3xr3)R30{deg} rhombic phases, in which the linear band dispersion near Dirac point (DP) and a significant gap opening (150 meV) at DP were induced. The low transition barrier between these two phases enables them interchangeable through dynamic flip-flop motion, resulting in the (r3xr3)R30{deg} honeycomb structure observed at high temperature.
The atom-to-molecule conversion by the technique of optical Feshbach resonance in a magnetic lattice is studied in the mean-field approximation. For the case of shallow lattice, we give the dependence of the atom-to-molecule conversion efficiency on the tunnelling strength and the atomic interaction by taking a double-well as an example. We find that one can obtain a high atom-to-molecule conversion by tuning the tunnelling and interaction strengths of the system. For the case of deep lattice, we show that the existence of lattice can improve the atom-to-molecule conversion for certain initial states.
266 - Xiao Zhang 2012
Hadronic gamma-ray emission from supernova remnants (SNRs) is an important tool to test shock acceleration of cosmic ray protons. Tycho is one of nearly a dozen Galactic SNRs which are suggested to emit hadronic gamma-ray emission. Among them, however, it is the only one in which the hadronic emission is proposed to arise from the interaction with low-density (~0.3 cm^{-3}) ambient medium. Here we present an alternative hadronic explanation with a modest conversion efficiency (of order 1%) for this young remnant. With such an efficiency, a normal electron-proton ratio (of order 10^{-2}) is derived from the radio and X-ray synchrotron spectra and an average ambient density that is at least one-order-of-magnitude higher is derived from the hadronic gamma-ray flux. This result is consistent with the multi-band evidence of the presence of dense medium from the north to the east of the Tycho SNR. The SNR-cloud association, in combination with the HI absorption data, helps to constrain the so-far controversial distance to Tycho and leads to an estimate of 2.5 kpc.
111 - Jingzhi Yan , Hui Li , 2011
We present the long-term optical spectroscopic observations on the Be/X-ray binary A0535+26 from 1992 to 2010. Combining with the public V-band photometric data, we find that each giant X-ray outburst occurred in a fading phase of the optical brightness. The anti-correlation between the optical brightness and the H$alpha$ intensity during our 2009 observations indicates a mass ejection event had taken place before the 2009 giant X-ray outburst, which might cause the formation of a low-density region in the inner part of the disk. The similar anti-correlation observed around 1996 September indicates the occurrence of the mass ejection, which might trigger the subsequent disk loss event in A0535+26.
HESS J1858+020 is a TeV gamma-ray source that was reported not to have any clear cataloged counterpart at any wavelength. However, it has been recently proposed that this source is indirectly associated with the radio source, re-identified as a supernova remnant (SNR), G35.6-0.4. The latter is found to be middle-aged ($sim 30$ kyr) and to have nearby molecular clouds (MCs). HESS J1858+020 was proposed to be the result of the interaction of protons accelerated in the SNR shell with target ions residing in the clouds. The Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) First Source Catalog does not list any source coincident with the position of HESS J1858+020, but some lie close. Here, we analyse more than 2 years of data obtained with the Fermi-LAT for the region of interest, and consider whether it is indeed possible that the closest LAT source, 1FGL J1857.1+0212c, is related to HESS J1858+020. We conclude it is not, and we impose upper limits on the GeV emission originating from HESS J1858+020. Using a simplified 3D model for the cosmic-ray propagation out from the shell of the SNR, we consider whether the interaction between SNR G35.6-0.4 and the MCs nearby could give rise to the TeV emission of HESS J1858+020 without producing a GeV counterpart. If so, the pair of SNR/TeV source with no GeV detection would be reminiscent of other similarly-aged SNRs, such as some of the TeV hotspots near W28, for which cosmic-ray diffusion may be used to explain their multi-frequency phenomenology. However, for HESS J1858+020, we found that although the phase space in principle allows for such GeV--TeV non-correlation to appear, usual and/or observationally constrained values of the parameters (e.g., diffusion coefficients and cloud-SNR likely distances) would disfavor it.

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