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On the Hadronic Gamma-ray Emission from Tychos Supernova Remnant

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 Added by Xiao Zhang
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Xiao Zhang

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Hadronic gamma-ray emission from supernova remnants (SNRs) is an important tool to test shock acceleration of cosmic ray protons. Tycho is one of nearly a dozen Galactic SNRs which are suggested to emit hadronic gamma-ray emission. Among them, however, it is the only one in which the hadronic emission is proposed to arise from the interaction with low-density (~0.3 cm^{-3}) ambient medium. Here we present an alternative hadronic explanation with a modest conversion efficiency (of order 1%) for this young remnant. With such an efficiency, a normal electron-proton ratio (of order 10^{-2}) is derived from the radio and X-ray synchrotron spectra and an average ambient density that is at least one-order-of-magnitude higher is derived from the hadronic gamma-ray flux. This result is consistent with the multi-band evidence of the presence of dense medium from the north to the east of the Tycho SNR. The SNR-cloud association, in combination with the HI absorption data, helps to constrain the so-far controversial distance to Tycho and leads to an estimate of 2.5 kpc.

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162 - V. A. Acciari , E. Aliu , T. Arlen 2011
We report the discovery of TeV gamma-ray emission from the Type Ia supernova remnant (SNR) G120.1+1.4, known as Tychos supernova remnant. Observations performed in the period 2008-2010 with the VERITAS ground-based gamma-ray observatory reveal weak emission coming from the direction of the remnant, compatible with a point source located at $00^{rm h} 25^{rm m} 27.0^{rm s}, +64^{circ} 10^{prime} 50^{primeprime}$ (J2000). The TeV photon spectrum measured by VERITAS can be described with a power-law $dN/dE = C(E/3.42;textrm{TeV})^{-Gamma}$ with $Gamma = 1.95 pm 0.51_{stat} pm 0.30_{sys}$ and $C = (1.55 pm 0.43_{stat} pm 0.47_{sys}) times 10^{-14}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$TeV$^{-1}$. The integral flux above 1 TeV corresponds to $sim 0.9%$ percent of the steady Crab Nebula emission above the same energy, making it one of the weakest sources yet detected in TeV gamma rays. We present both leptonic and hadronic models which can describe the data. The lowest magnetic field allowed in these models is $sim 80 mu$G, which may be interpreted as evidence for magnetic field amplification.
174 - Satoru Katsuda 2010
We present X-ray proper-motion measurements of the forward shock and reverse-shocked ejecta in Tychos supernova remnant, based on three sets of archival Chandra data taken in 2000, 2003, and 2007. We find that the proper motion of the edge of the remnant (i.e., the forward shock and protruding ejecta knots) varies from 0.20 yr^{-1} (expansion index m=0.33, where R = t^m) to 0.40 yr^{-1} (m=0.65) with azimuthal angle in 2000-2007 measurements, and 0.14 yr^{-1} (m=0.26) to 0.40 yr^{-1} (m=0.65) in 2003-2007 measurements. The azimuthal variation of the proper motion and the average expansion index of ~0.5 are consistent with those derived from radio observations. We also find proper motion and expansion index of the reverse-shocked ejecta to be 0.21-0.31 yr^{-1} and 0.43-0.64, respectively. From a comparison of the measured m-value with Type Ia supernova evolutionary models, we find a pre-shock ambient density around the remnant of <~0.2 cm^{-3}.
We present the first three-dimensional measurements of the velocity of various ejecta knots in Tychos supernova remnant, known to result from a Type Ia explosion. Chandra X-ray observations over a 12-year baseline from 2003 to 2015 allow us to measure the proper motion of nearly 60 tufts of Si-rich ejecta, giving us the velocity in the plane of the sky. For the line of sight velocity, we use two different methods: a non-equilibrium ionization model fit to the strong Si and S lines in the 1.2-2.8 keV regime, and a fit consisting of a series of Gaussian lines. These methods give consistent results, allowing us to determine the red or blue shift of each of the knots. Assuming a distance of 3.5 kpc, we find total velocities that range from 2400 to 6600 km s$^{-1}$, with a mean of 4430 km s$^{-1}$. We find several regions where the ejecta knots have overtaken the forward shock. These regions have proper motions in excess of 6000 km s$^{-1}$. Some Type Ia supernova explosion models predict a velocity asymmetry in the ejecta. We find no such velocity asymmetries in Tycho, and discuss our findings in light of various explosion models, favoring those delayed detonation models with relatively vigorous and symmetrical deflagrations. Finally, we compare measurements with models of the remnants evolution that include both smooth and clumpy ejecta profiles, finding that both ejecta profiles can be accommodated by the observations.
Supernovae remnants (SNRs) represent a major feedback source from stars on the interstellar medium of galaxies. During the latest stage of supernovae explosions, shock waves produced by the initial blast modify the chemistry of gas and dust, inject kinetic energy in the surroundings, and may alter star formation characteristics. Simultaneously, gamma-ray emission is generated by the interaction between the ambiant medium and the cosmic rays. We study the stellar and interstellar contents of IC443, an evolved shell type SNR at a distance of 1.9 kpc, with an estimated age of 30 kyr. We aim to measure the mass of the gas within the extended G region, which corresponds to the peak of gamma-ray emission detected by VERITAS and Fermi. We performed 10x10 mapped observations of 12CO and 13CO J=1-0, J=2-1 and J=3-2 pure rotational lines, as well as C18O J=1-0 and J=2-1 obtained with the IRAM-30m and APEX telescopes. We first compared our data with local thermodynamic equilbrium (LTE) models. We estimated the optical depth of each line from the emission of the isotopologues 13CO and C18O. We used the population diagram and large velocity gradient (LVG) assumption to measure the column density, mass, and kinetic temperature of the gas using 12CO and 13CO lines. We used complementary data (stars, gas, and dust at multiple wavelengths) and infrared point source catalogues to search for protostar candidates. Our results emphasize how the mass associated with the ring-like structure and the cloudlet cannot be overlooked when quantifying the interaction of cosmic rays with the dense local medium. Additionally, the presence of numerous possible protostars in the region might represent a fresh source of CR, which must also be taken into account in the interpretation of gamma-ray observations in this region.
We show that the expansion of ejecta in Tychos supernova remnant (SNR) is consistent with a spherically symmetric shell, based on Suzaku measurements of the Doppler broadened X-ray emission lines. All the strong K_alpha line emission show broader widths at the center than at the rim, while the centroid energies are constant across the remnant (except for Ca). This is the pattern expected for Doppler broadening due to expansion of the SNR ejecta in a spherical shell. To determine the expansion velocities of the ejecta, we applied a model for each emission line feature having two Gaussian components separately representing red- and blue-shifted gas, and inferred the Doppler velocity difference between these two components directly from the fitted centroid energy difference. Taking into account the effect of projecting a three-dimensional shell to the plane of the detector, we derived average spherical expansion velocities independently for the K_alpha emission of Si, S, Ar, and Fe, and K_beta of Si. We found that the expansion velocities of Si, S, and Ar ejecta of 4700+/-100 km/s are distinctly higher than that obtained from Fe K_alpha emission, 4000+/-300 km/s, which is consistent with segregation of the Fe in the inner ejecta. Combining the observed ejecta velocities with the ejecta proper-motion measurements by Chandra, we derived a distance to the Tychos SNR of 4+/-1 kpc.
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