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130 - W. J. Zhang , H. Li , L. X. You 2015
We develop single-photon detectors comprising single-mode fiber-coupled superconducting nanowires, with high system detection efficiencies at a wavelength of 940 nm. The detector comprises a 6.5-nm-thick, 110-nm-wide NbN nanowire meander fabricated onto a Si substrate with a distributed Bragg reflector for enhancing the optical absorptance. We demonstrate that, via the design of a low filling factor (1/3) and active area ({Phi} = 10 {mu}m), the system reaches a detection efficiency of ~60% with a dark count rate of 10 Hz, a recovery time <12 ns, and a timing jitter of ~50 ps.
118 - Y. M. Dai , J. Bowlan , H. Li 2015
Ultrafast optical pump-probe spectroscopy is used to track carrier dynamics in the large magnetoresistance material WTe$_{2}$. Our experiments reveal a fast relaxation process occurring on a sub-picosecond time scale that is caused by electron-phonon thermalization, allowing us to extract the electron-phonon coupling constant. An additional slower relaxation process, occurring on a time scale of $sim$5-15 picoseconds, is attributed to phonon-assisted electron-hole recombination. As the temperature decreases from 300 K, the timescale governing this process increases due to the reduction of the phonon population. However, below $sim$50 K, an unusual decrease of the recombination time sets in, most likely due to a change in the electronic structure that has been linked to the large magnetoresistance observed in this material.
Simulations of decaying magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence are performed with a fluid and a kinetic code. The initial condition is an ensemble of long-wavelength, counter-propagating, shear-Alfv{e}n waves, which interact and rapidly generate strong MHD turbulence. The total energy is conserved and the rate of turbulent energy decay is very similar in both codes, although the fluid code has numerical dissipation whereas the kinetic code has kinetic dissipation. The inertial range power spectrum index is similar in both the codes. The fluid code shows a perpendicular wavenumber spectral slope of $k_{perp}^{-1.3}$. The kinetic code shows a spectral slope of $k_{perp}^{-1.5}$ for smaller simulation domain, and $k_{perp}^{-1.3}$ for larger domain. We estimate that collisionless damping mechanisms in the kinetic code can account for the dissipation of the observed nonlinear energy cascade. Current sheets are geometrically characterized. Their lengths and widths are in good agreement between the two codes. The length scales linearly with the driving scale of the turbulence. In the fluid code, their thickness is determined by the grid resolution as there is no explicit diffusivity. In the kinetic code, their thickness is very close to the skin-depth, irrespective of the grid resolution. This work shows that kinetic codes can reproduce the MHD inertial range dynamics at large scales, while at the same time capturing important kinetic physics at small scales.
412 - Z. D. Wu , B. Guo , Z. H. Li 2014
All the 16F levels are unbound by proton emission. To date the four low-lying 16F levels below 1 MeV have been experimentally identified with well established spin-parity values and excitation energies with an accuracy of 4 - 6 keV. However, there are still considerable discrepancies for their level widths. The present work aims to explore these level widths through an independent method. The angular distributions of the 15N(7Li, 6Li)16N reaction leading to the first four states in 16N were measured using a high-precision Q3D magnetic spectrograph. The neutron spectroscopic factors and the asymptotic normalization coefficients for these states in 16N were then derived based on distorted wave Born approximation analysis. The proton widths of the four low-lying resonant states in 16F were obtained according to charge symmetry of strong interaction.
326 - B. Guo , Z. H. Li , Y. J. Li 2013
Fluorine is a key element for nucleosynthetic studies since it is extremely sensitive to the physical conditions within stars. The astrophysical site to produce fluorine is suggested to be asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. In these stars the 15N(n, g)16N reaction could affect the abundance of fluorine by competing with 15N(a, g)19F. The 15N(n, g)16N reaction rate depends directly on the neutron spectroscopic factors of the low-lying states in 16N. The angular distributions of the 15N(7Li, 6Li)16N reaction populating the ground state and the first three excited states in 16N are measured using a Q3D magnetic spectrograph and are used to derive the spectroscopic factors of these states based on distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) analysis. The spectroscopic factors of these four states are extracted to be 0.96+-0.09, 0.69+-0.09, 0.84+-0.08 and 0.65+-0.08, respectively. Based on the new spectroscopic factors we derive the 15N(n,g)16N reaction rate. The accuracy and precision of the spectroscopic factors are enhanced due to the first application of high-precision magnetic spectrograph for resolving the closely-spaced 16N levels which can not be achieved in most recent measurement. The present result demonstrates that two levels corresponding to neutron transfers to the 2s1/2 orbit in 16N are not so good single-particle levels although 15N is a closed neutron-shell nucleus. This finding is contrary to the shell model expectation. The present work also provides an independent examination to shed some light on the existing discrepancies in the spectroscopic factors and the 15N(n, g)16N rate.
104 - G. Moody , I. A. Akimov , H. Li 2013
We present a collection of zero-, one- and two-quantum two-dimensional coherent spectra of excitons and trions in a CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te quantum well. The set of spectra provides a unique and comprehensive picture of the exciton and trion nonlinear optical response. Exciton-exciton and exciton-trion coherent coupling is manifest as distinct peaks in the spectra, whereas signatures of trion-trion interactions are absent. Excellent agreement using density matrix calculations is obtained, which highlights the essential role of many-body effects on coherent interactions in the quantum well.
270 - B. Guo , Z. H. Li , M. Lugaro 2012
We present a new measurement of the $alpha$-spectroscopic factor ($S_alpha$) and the asymptotic normalization coefficient (ANC) for the 6.356 MeV 1/2$^+$ subthreshold state of $^{17}$O through the $^{13}$C($^{11}$B, $^{7}$Li)$^{17}$O transfer reaction and we determine the $alpha$-width of this state. This is believed to have a strong effect on the rate of the $^{13}$C($alpha$, $n$)$^{16}$O reaction, the main neutron source for {it slow} neutron captures (the $s$-process) in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. Based on the new width we derive the astrophysical S-factor and the stellar rate of the $^{13}$C($alpha$, $n$)$^{16}$O reaction. At a temperature of 100 MK our rate is roughly two times larger than that by citet{cau88} and two times smaller than that recommended by the NACRE compilation. We use the new rate and different rates available in the literature as input in simulations of AGB stars to study their influence on the abundances of selected $s$-process elements and isotopic ratios. There are no changes in the final results using the different rates for the $^{13}$C($alpha$, $n$)$^{16}$O reaction when the $^{13}$C burns completely in radiative conditions. When the $^{13}$C burns in convective conditions, as in stars of initial mass lower than $sim$2 $M_sun$ and in post-AGB stars, some changes are to be expected, e.g., of up to 25% for Pb in our models. These variations will have to be carefully analyzed when more accurate stellar mixing models and more precise observational constraints are available.
159 - J. H. Li 2012
Previous studies of the modulation instability (MI) of continuous waves (CWs) in a two-core fiber (TCF) did not consider effects caused by co-propagation of the two polarized modes in a TCF that possesses birefringence, such as cross-phase modulation (XPM), polarization-mode dispersion (PMD), and polarization-dependent coupling (PDC) between the cores. This paper reports an analysis of these effects on the MI by considering a linear-birefringence TCF and a circular-birefringence TCF, which feature different XPM coefficients. The analysis focuses on the MI of the asymmetric CW states in the TCFs, which have no counterparts in single-core fibers. We find that, the asymmetric CW state exists when its total power exceeds a threshold (minimum) value, which is sensitive to the value of the XPM coefficient. We consider, in particular, a class of asymmetric CW states that admit analytical solutions. In the anomalous dispersion regime, without taking the PMD and PDC into account, the MI gain spectra of the birefringent TCF, if scaled by the threshold power, are almost identical to those of the zero-birefringence TCF. However, in the normal dispersion regime, the power-scaled MI gain spectra of the birefringent TCFs are distinctly different from their zero-birefringence counterparts, and the difference is particularly significant for the circular-birefringence TCF, which takes a larger XPM coefficient. On the other hand, the PMD and PDC only exert weak effects on the MI gain spectra. We also simulate the nonlinear evolution of the MI of the CW inputs in the TCFs and obtain a good agreement with the analytical solutions.
We study the evolution of galaxy populations around the spectroscopic WiggleZ sample of starforming galaxies at 0.25 < z < 0.75 using the photometric catalog from the Second Red-Sequence Cluster Survey (RCS2). We probe the optical photometric properties of the net excess neighbor galaxies. The key concept is that the marker galaxies and their neighbors are located at the same redshift, providing a sample of galaxies representing a complete census of galaxies in the neighborhood of star-forming galaxies. The results are compared with those using the RCS WiggleZ Spare-Fibre (RCS-WSF) sample as markers, representing galaxies in cluster environments at 0.25 < z < 0.45. By analyzing the stacked color-color properties of the WiggleZ neighbor galaxies, we find that their optical colors are not a strong function of indicators of star-forming activities such as EW([OII]) or GALEX NUV luminoisty of the markers. The galaxies around the WiggleZ markers exhibit a bimodal distribution on the color-magnitude diagram, with most of them located in the blue cloud. The optical galaxy luminosity functions (GLF) of the blue neighbor galaxies have a faint-end slope alpha of sim -1.3, similar to that for galaxies in cluster environments drawn from the RCS-WSF sample. The faint-end slope of the GLF for the red neighbors, however, is sim -0.4, significantly shallower than the sim -0.7 found for those in cluster environments. This suggests that the build-up of the faint-end of the red sequence in cluster environments is in a significantly more advanced stage than that in the star-forming and lower galaxy density WiggleZ neighborhoods. We find that the red galaxy fraction (fred) around the star-forming WiggleZ galaxies has similar values from z sim 0.3 to z sim 0.6 with fred sim 0.28, but drops to fred sim 0.20 at z > sim0.7. This change of fred with redshift suggests that (and more...)
132 - W. J. Zhang , S. K. He , B. H. Li 2011
Abnormal magnetoresistance behavior is found in superconducting Nb films perforated with rectangular arrays of antidots (holes). Generally magnetoresistance were always found to increase with increasing magnetic field. Here we observed a reversal of this behavior for particular in low temperature or current density. This phenomenon is due to a strong caging effect which interstitial vortices are strongly trapped among pinned multivortices.

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