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In the current paper we obtain discrepancy estimates in exponential Orlicz and BMO spaces in arbitrary dimension $d ge 3$. In particular, we use dyadic harmonic analysis to prove that for the so-called digital nets of order $2$ the BMO${}^d$ and $exp big( L^{2/(d-1)} big)$ norms of the discrepancy function are bounded above by $(log N)^{frac{d-1}{2}}$. The latter bound has been recently conjectured in several papers and is consistent with the best known low-discrepancy constructions. Such estimates play an important role as an intermediate step between the well-understood $L_p$ bounds and the notorious open problem of finding the precise $L_infty$ asymptotics of the discrepancy function in higher dimensions, which is still elusive.
We prove that in all dimensions n at least 3, for every integer N there exists a distribution of points of cardinality $ N$, for which the associated discrepancy function D_N satisfies the estimate an estimate, of sharp growth rate in N, in the exponential Orlicz class exp)L^{2/(n+1)}. This has recently been proved by M.~Skriganov, using random digit shifts of binary digital nets, building upon the remarkable examples of W.L.~Chen and M.~Skriganov. Our approach, developed independently, complements that of Skriganov.
It is a well-known conjecture in the theory of irregularities of distribution that the L1 norm of the discrepancy function of an N-point set satisfies the same asymptotic lower bounds as its L^2 norm. In dimension d=2 this fact has been established by Halasz, while in higher dimensions the problem is wide open. In this note, we establish a series of dichotomy-type results which state that if the L^1 norm of the discrepancy function is too small (smaller than the conjectural bound), then the discrepancy function has to be large in some other function space.
A great challenge in the analysis of the discrepancy function D_N is to obtain universal lower bounds on the L-infty norm of D_N in dimensions d geq 3. It follows from the average case bound of Klaus Roth that the L-infty norm of D_N is at least (log N) ^{(d-1)/2}. It is conjectured that the L-infty bound is significantly larger, but the only definitive result is that of Wolfgang Schmidt in dimension d=2. Partial improvements of the Roth exponent (d-1)/2 in higher dimensions have been established by the authors and Armen Vagharshakyan. We survey these results, the underlying methods, and some of their connections to other subjects in probability, approximation theory, and analysis.
In the present paper, we study the geometric discrepancy with respect to families of rotated rectangles. The well-known extremal cases are the axis-parallel rectangles (logarithmic discrepancy) and rectangles rotated in all possible directions (polynomial discrepancy). We study several intermediate situations: lacunary sequences of directions, lacunary sets of finite order, and sets with small Minkowski dimension. In each of these cases, extensions of a lemma due to Davenport allow us to construct appropriate rotations of the integer lattice which yield small discrepancy.
The Small Ball Inequality is a conjectural lower bound on sums the L-infinity norm of sums of Haar functions supported on dyadic rectangles of a fixed volume in the unit cube. The conjecture is fundamental to questions in discrepancy theory, approximation theory and probability theory. In this article, we concentrate on a special case of the conjecture, and give the best known lower bound in dimension 3, using a conditional expectation argument.
Let A_N be an N-point distribution in the unit square in the Euclidean plane. We consider the Discrepancy function D_N(x) in two dimensions with respect to rectangles with lower left corner anchored at the origin and upper right corner at the point x. This is the difference between the actual number of points of A_N in such a rectangle and the expected number of points - N x_1x_2 - in the rectangle. We prove sharp estimates for the BMO norm and the exponential squared Orlicz norm of D_N(x). For example we show that necessarily ||D_N||_(expL^2) >c(logN)^(1/2) for some aboslute constant c>0. On the other hand we use a digit scrambled version of the van der Corput set to show that this bound is tight in the case N=2^n, for some positive integer n. These results unify the corresponding classical results of Roth and Schmidt in a sharp fashion.
200 - Dmitriy Bilyk 2008
In [13], K. Roth showed that the expected value of the $L^2$ discrepancy of the cyclic shifts of the $N$ point van der Corput set is bounded by a constant multiple of $sqrt{log N}$, thus guaranteeing the existence of a shift with asymptotically minimal $L^2$ discrepancy, [11]. In the present paper, we construct a specific example of such a shift.
When is the composition of paraproducts bounded? This is an important, and difficult question, related to to a question of Sarason on composition of Hankel matrices, and the two-weight problem for the Hilbert transform. We consider randomized variants of this question, finding non-classical characterizations, for dyadic paraproducts.
This paper is a companion to our prior paper arXiv:0705.4619 on the `Small Ball Inequality in All Dimensions. In it, we address a more restrictive inequality, and obtain a non-trivial, explicit bound, using a single essential estimate from our prior paper. The prior bound was not explicit and much more involved.

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